Man for Man

Volatile Emotions



I'd been at the airport for a whole thirty minutes now. I looked at my watch and saw that my best friend's airplane was about to arrive. Sure enough, the plane arrived on time. I heard it land, and waited for people to come out from the gates. Families came, pairs came, some with only one bag in their arms, others loaded down. A boy walked out of past me on his phone already.


"If they didn't have such fucking attitudes towards black people!" he said bluntly as he walked past. "Maybe LA wouldn't be such a bad place to be."

Damn right. He was completely right. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I watched as a tall black dark haired teen came walking off the plane. I got up, and waved at him. He looked so thin, and tired. He looked like he really needed to sleep. Or die, for that matter. Clay Jean stood at a good five ten. He had dark skin, and short dark hair. His facial features automatically gave him away to being Haitian. He took one look at me, and ran straight for me. As much as I hated myself for doing it, I walked up to him, and hugged him.

"Ethan!" he moaned as we hugged.

When I pulled away, I saw tears in his eyes. I pulled him back to me again and held him for a bit.

"You okay, Clay?" I asked softly.

"Been better." he said trying to pull himself together. "You know?"

"Yeah." I said sighing. "Let's get your luggage and head home."

Fifteen minutes later, we drove off towards home. I lived in a little flat not too far from Disney Land, actually. It was not too bad.

"God damn. From one fucking ghetto to another." he said bitterly. "It'll probably be the same damn thing as always." he said sighing.

"Yeah. Sadly we can't do better for ourselves because of money, race, and location." I said as I drove on. "But hey, you complain, and you're the one begging me to take you in." I said laughing a little.

"Don't get me wrong, Ethan." he said sighing. "It's just, I've had it rough, you know." he said sighing. "And mom and dad gone, and all."

"Yeah. Sorry about that." I said sadly. "What's gonna happen now?" I asked sadly.

"Who knows." he said sighing. "We lost all our property over there, man. I mean, I lost everything. And I wasn't even there when it happened."

"I hate to be selfish, bro, but I'm kind of glad you weren't over there." I said softly. "I would've lost you, too. You and me are best friends, and if anything happened to you..." I said letting my thought trail off.

"Thanks again, Ethan. I really appreciate it." Clay said sighing. "Really. You don't know how much."

"Hey. I'll teach you Swahili, you teach me French, or Creole." I said smiling.

We got home soon after. I helped him move his stuff into my place, and we found ourselves headed for a pizza afterward. It was sad, because all over the radio, TV, and pretty much everywhere, we saw or heard about the earthquake. My friend was devastated, and there was nothing I could do. Nothing at all. Unfortunately, all I could do and say was that he'd get through it. We always did. That was something you had to do when you were black. You either, pushed on, or gave into the stereotypes and insults that came with being black. Worst of all for me, was that being black wasn't the only thing I had to deal with. As if being a negro wasn't enough. Now, I had to be gay, too.

Slowly, the months went by. Clay went to school at UCLA and I moved closer to campus for his benefits. I wasn't wealthy, but I was better off than he had been, and was able to help him out. It was all I could do considering he was my best friend.

"Ethan!" I heard the scream coming from the living room. It sort of shook me.

I tossed my shirt on the floor, and ran out. I spotted Clay sitting on the couch with his laptop on. I gasped.

"What?" I asked angrily. "You made me think you were dying."

He put his laptop down and stood up. That's when I saw his face. It was slightly red, and a shocked expression on it. I stared at him.

"What?" I asked.

"PTK!" he whispered. "Tell me if it's real?" he said handing me his computer.

I sat down, and saw that he was checking his emails. I looked at the message he was on, and started to read. My face felt warm, and I felt a strange feeling in my gut. Oh my gosh. My boy was smart.

"Clay!" I gasped. "Congratulations, man!" I yelled throwing his laptop on to the couch beside me and hugging him. "Clay!" I moaned. "It's real, Prince!" I gasped.

"I never thought I'd make it through this, man!" he moaned as he stood in front of me, his face red, shocked, and tears in his eyes.


"Phi Theta Kappa." I said smiling. "How awesome!" I said as I held him tightly. "Did you already complete your forms and everything?" I asked.

"Yes." he said softly. "I'm in for sure."

"Phi Theta Kappa!" I said smiling. "That's so cool, bro. You really deserve it." I said smiling.

"I'll be able to keep going to college, man!" he said smiling. "That's so fucking awesome!" he said smiling at me. "Why the hell is your shirt off?" he asked.

"I was getting dressed when you called me." I said looking down at my bear chest. "You didn't give me a chance to zip up, either."

We both laughed. He gave me a hug, and smiled. "You're really hot." he said bluntly. "Did you take a shower in boiling water?" he asked.

"No." I said as my cock twitched. "It was hot, though. Anyway, I better go put on my shirt. Dude, you wanna go get something to eat?" I asked smiling. "As a fucking celebration, man. You need to get out more, I've got a good place for us to go, and you just made it to the top, bro." I said smiling.

We had enjoyed ourselves at a party at a friend of mine's place. She invited me, and I brought my roommate along. We actually did have a good time. Clay was shy at first, but he got into it. We got out of the party still sober, which is much more than we could say for the rest of the people there.

"Dude, the fucking cops are right behind us!" Clay gasped as I drove on.

"I'm going at the speed limit." I said seriously. "They can't pull me over. I--"

"He wants you to pull over." Clay said softly. "Fuck."

I quickly parked the car as I was told. He came around to my side, and I opened my window.

"How are you?" he asked. "I want you to keep both hands where I can see them."

"You had anything to drink?" he asked.

"No." I said truthfully.

"Are you sure? If I give you a breathalyzer test, and you're lying--"

"He hasn't had anything to drink." Clay said bitterly. "He's a Muslim."

"Shut up, Clay." I whispered.

"Step out of the car, please, sir." said the man. "I'm gonna need to see some registration and your license."

"I'm going to have to reach into the glove compartment, sir." I said softly. "Is that okay?"

"Slowly." the man said as I reached for the latch.

I was told I still had to step out of the car. He led me to the sidewalk.

"Stand on your right foot, and touch your left index finger to your nose." he ordered. "Brandon, go scan these." he said handing my papers to the other officer on his other side.

"Why are you doing this?" Clay asked walking over to me. "He's a fucking Muslim, for god's sake! What do you gain by pulling over people who didn't even do anything?"

"Please wait in the car, sir." the officer said bitterly.

I tried as hard as I could to memorize his name and badge number. Thankfully, it was easy.

"You can't do this to him." Clay explained. "He didn't provoke you in any way."

"Do you have any guns on you, you two?" he asked.

"No." I said softly.

"We're both wearing jeans and a T shirt!" Clay spat. "Does it _look like we have guns?"

"You'd be surprised where you can find a gun." the man said as he grabbed Clay by the collar.

"Hey! Get your fucking hands off of me!" Clay yelled as he flailed back.

"Oh, this one's get a mouth, and an attitude." the man said bitterly. "Shut your mouth, or go down town with me. You're already in trouble enough."

"Fuck you!" shouted Clay. "Let go of me!" he yelled.

The police man began to pat him down. I saw a red creep up his face, and he began to tremble. I saw beads of sweat start on his forehead.

"Do something, Ethan!" he yelled as the man turned him around and started patting him again.

"Shut up, man." I said in a whisper.

"You better listen to your partner, guy. Keep your filthy mouth shut." he said as he forced him to the ground. "Stay there."

"Why the hell didn't you say anything?" Clay yelled as he lay beside me. "Fuck you, Ethan!"

"He's a cop!" I said softly. "Keep your voice down, man! He's a cop. I don't wanna go to jail." I said softly. "We cannot go to jail, we haven't done anything bad."

"But you didn't even flinch when he started molesting me?" Clay asked bitterly. "You fucking son of a bitch."


"Look, Clay, he's a cop! He's got a gun! He can blow our brains out, you idiot." I whispered as my throat clogged.

"Get up, nigger." the man said pulling Clay up by the collar. "I'll teach you to fuck with me."

"Stop!" Clay yelled trying to get out of the man's reach. "Stop! Fucking get your hands off me, you honky!" he yelled.

"You know, I can put you both in jail for--"

"For what? Blinking too fast? Just for being black?" Clay asked angrily.

"Shut up, man." I moaned. "Please!"

"I'll let you two off were a warning." he said smiling at me. "If your little bitch here will shut her mouth, I'll let you two off with a warning. What do you say, black liquor ice?" he asked as he slammed Clay against my car.

"Look, officer," I said softly. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what we did, but I promise, we won't do it again." I said stupidly.

"You're damn right." he said grabbing me by the collar and starting to pat me down. The difference between Clay's pat down and my pat down, was that his was _Very thorough. The dude only touched my arms and back. "If I find a gun." he said bitterly.

I tried to will my cock to shrink into my stomach. To retract it, so nothing would happen. He let go of me, and he gave me back my license. "Get the hell out of here, you filthy niggers." he said bitterly. "Come on, go!"

A couple minutes later, Clay and I were riding to the apartment again. Clay was sitting in the passenger seat looking so horribly angry, I didn't want to talk to him. He wouldn't even look at me as we got out of the car, and went home. I opened the door and let him in first. I closed the door and turned around to find him standing with his back turned to me. He was shaking, and I could tell he was really mad.

"Clay--" I started.

"Fuck you, Ethan! Don't you dare say a word to me!" he yelled.


"No! You stand there, looking like you don't care about anything! Mr. I'm the owner of a big corporations doesn't care. You can go to jail and be bailed out and everything. Fuck you!" he yelled as tears fell from his eyes.

"Clay, that's why I didn't wanna go to jail!" I yelled. "Because I own such a big company! Dude, I can't even be the boss right now, comfortably because I'm black! If I went to jail, dude, you know how much hell would be raised?" I asked.

"I guess you'd rather the cop took me to jail then? Because if I went to jail you can bail me out, and look like a mother Theresa!" he yelled. "While you're over here trying to bail me out, I'm in a jail cell getting fucked by the same damn officer who pulled me over! Maybe that's why you didn't say anything, Ethan Steele! You just don't give a fuck! You'd rather save your own ass, while the cop finger fucks mine!" he yelled as he turned to leave.

"Look, Clay! I've worked damn hard to get to where I am! Just like you, buddy!" I shouted. "And I don't need your mouth! Okay? I don't need you to fuckin' tell me off already!" I yelled. "I've had it just as rough as you, and maybe a little bit rougher!"

"Maybe, if you knew what it was like to be _black!" he yelled. "With no fuckin' wealthy company to back you up!"

"Fuck you, Clay!" I shouted. "You'll be working for me one day, you bastard!"

With that, I left. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Not that I didn't agree with him. I hated what that cop did to him. I hated it. I wanted to kill that cop. But what could I do? If I reported him, he'd get me for sure, and even more shit would be raised about it. What the hell was I supposed to do? Not only was I a fucking black guy, but I was gay! Gay bashing is extremely popular where we lived. God, why me? I slept in the car that night. I didn't wanna be near Clay. Although, maybe this was when he really needed me the most. To make sure he didn't blow his own brains out. There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes, and my car was full of sun. I saw Clay standing out there staring at me.

"I'm gonna need to get to campus." he said bitterly. "I need to turn a paper in. Either drive me, or get the hell out so I can go."


"Clay, are you still in that mood?" I asked groaning. "Man, I just woke up. I don't really need to deal with it."

"Then leave." he said glaring. "Because I need to go."

I walked into the kitchen, and ate some breakfast. I quickly went and took a shower. What the hell was I supposed to do? I sighed as I walked into my room, and tried to find a nice outfit to wear. I heard the door open, and Clay came in.

"You in here?" he yelled from that living room.

"Yeah! Getting dressed!" I yelled as my cock twitched. I told myself it was because I just got out of the shower. The water had given me a hardon. Hopefully.

I made sure to cover myself up as I put my shirt on, and I walked out completely dressed. Clay was sitting there staring out the window. He looked so terrible. I just wanted to hug him so badly. To reassure him.

"Ethan?" he asked sadly.

"What?" I asked sighing.

"Ethan, we've always been best friends." he said softly.

"I know." I said looking down. "Why?"

"Ethan, if you really love me." he whispered. "At the risk of sounding gay, which I am." he commented as he sat there. "If you really love me, man. Why the hell don't you report the cop?" he asked softly. "Please, man. You know damn good and well that what he did was terrible."

"Not this again, man." I moaned.

"Fuck you!" he yelled standing up. "Not this again? Ethan! He touched us!" shouted Clay. "He fucking molested me, violated our privacy, pulled us over for no reason, would you like me to keep going?" he shouted.

"I can't report him!" I yelled. "He let us go, man! If he would've caused more harm, then, we could. But we can't because he let us go."

"How can you say he didn't cause harm, Ethan?" Clay sobbed. "Man, he fucked with us!" shouted the boy. "Can you sit there, and let that happen without saying or doing anything? He fucked with us pretty badly!" shouted Clay. "Maybe you really don't give a damn about me." Clay said softly. "Fuck you, you know what? I can do this without you." he said getting up.


"No." he spat. "Fuck you! I'm leaving. Fuck you, Ethan. If I'm gonna be finger fucked at random there might as well not be anyone there to help." he said as he walked out of the house.

Why did it have to be me? The one with the problems? Damn!

"Officer Brandon McClain has filed the same report." the lady said sighing. "I'm very sorry you had to go through this, young man." she said sighing. "I was unaware that I still had this going on under my precinct."

"You're the head?" I asked sighing.

"Shocking, isn't it?" she asked smiling. "A female head of a top notch crime stopping police unit." she said smiling. "Sorry about that."

"No! It's fine. I just--"

I told her why I was glad she was the head. I told her how afraid I was of coming to them to report it. I hated this so much.

"Your friend finally got to you?" she asked.

"Well, I love him very much." I whispered. "Take it any way you'd like, ma'am. I love him. He's my best friend, and he was angry with the way we were treated. I didn't know what to do." I said softly.

"You can be sure that we'll look into this, and he will be fired." she said sighing. "Thank you for finally coming over and reporting it."

"Where are you?" I asked as I held the phone to my ear.

"At the library. Why?" Clay asked.

"I'm in the car, headed to the Starbucks across from campus. Wanna meet me there?" I asked.

"Not really." he said simply.

"Good, I'm on my way. Meet me there."

"I said no!" he moaned.

"Okay!" I said bitterly. "Where would you like to sit?"

"No, Ethan!" he whispered roughly. "Leave me alone, man!"

"Okay, we'll sit by the bar." I pressed cynically.

"No!" he said bitterly, trying to keep his voice at a whisper.

"Please, Clay. We have a lot to talk about." I said sighing.

"I'm studying, man." he said sighing as well. "Don't bother me right now, I'm in my zone."

"Yeah? How much weed do you have with you?" I asked.

He started to giggle a little bit. "You're gona get me kicked out." he whispered.

"Then, meet me at the Starbucks, or I'll run in there yelling your name, until the librarian really kicks you out." I said sighing.


"Fuck you." he moaned. "I'll be there soon."

Fifteen minutes later, we were both sitting at a booth. Clay was looking irritated as he looked around him.

"See this?" he asked glaring. "Not one black person in sight."

"The lady up at the bar is black, now be quieter." I whispered angrily.

"But do you see how she doesn't even offer us a drink?" he asked.

"Clay," I said as my face burned hot. "You can't drink coffee, and I don't want any." I whispered.

"Man people are so racist. Even you!" he shot glaring at me.

"Man, will you please! Look at the lady up there, man! She's black!"

"Yeah? Even she has her own stereotypes." he blurted.

"Man, will you chill out for a bit, kid?" I asked bitterly. "Please? You didn't get any coffee that you can't drink, and I didn't get any coffee that I didn't want."

"What did you want me here, for anyway?" he asked. "To get killed?"

"No. I just wanted to ask you. You're not really leaving, are you?" I asked sadly.

"Yeah." he said softly. "I can't deal with this, man. I get too pissed off too easily. If I go back to my studying, I can become a doctor. Haiti needs doctors right now." he muttered.

"Look, Clay, I'm really sorry for what happened. I don't want us to not be friends because of it." I mumbled. "Please, Clay. I'm really sorry." I said sadly.

"Fine." he said coldly. "I know you are."

"Do you believe me?" I asked bitterly. "Do you believe that I'm really sorry?"

"Yeah." he said truthfully. "I can see it in your face."

"You haven't moved all your shit out, have you?" I asked.

"No." he said shortly. "I kind of need you to help me."

"Fine." I mumbled. "Let's go back to my place, and I'll help you out." I mumbled.

When we got to my place, I walked back inside. He didn't come in, and I wondered why. I looked outside, and saw him wiping off my windshield. He finally came back in.

"You did a good job." I said smiling. "Why?"

"I don't know. This is the part where you usually tip the cleaner." he said. "A ten, maybe."

I laughed. "Really?" I asked as he came in and closed the door.

"Yeah. Come on," he said as his voice got low and husky. "Top me." he moaned looking me straight in the eyes.

"Did you just say, _top you?" I asked as my cock grew a little bit.

"No, you perve. I said _tip me." he said staring me down. "Man you need to get your mind out of the gutter. Just because I'm gay, I'm not gonna go around shouting at every friend of mine to fuck me." he said.

"It sounded like you said that though. I'm sure you said, "Top me." just now."

"No. I cleaned your windshield. Tip me." he said.

I walked over to him, and began to kiss him. He and I fell on to the couch. He moaned but didn't pull away as I kissed him hard. He unzipped my fly, and I stood, and pulled my jeans down. I sat down on the couch and spread my legs. He kissed me one last time before he bent down and got on his knees. He took my cock in his mouth, and I moaned. My whole body felt the shock as he sucked me.

"Oh, my, God. This is the sweetest cock I've ever seen! You taste so good." he moaned pulling off a little.

"You like that fuckin' cock?" I asked as he slurped on it.

"Yeah!" he said sucking on it gently. "Can't wait for it to slip inside me."

"It's all yours, man. Do what you want with it." I said sighing.

"I will." he said as he sucked me.

"That's so fuckin' nice." I moaned as he sucked. "Make love to it, Clay." I said ruffling his head. "Suck that cock so I can fuck your sweet little ass." I said softly.

"Mmmmmm." he moaned as he sucked. "Yeah. That's fuckin' hot." he moaned. "God damn."

"Stand right there, man." I said as he stood bent over the back of the couch. "I'm gonna fuck you from behind. So I can see your tight little ass." I said.

I slid easily into him as he pushed back. I moaned and gasped as I stood there fucking him. I gently slapped his ass.

"Want it?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." he moaned. "Badly, man."

"Say please." I said slapping his ass again.

"Please, give it to me." he begged. "Please."

"Fuck yeah." I said as I slid in and out. "Oh, yeah. Fuck yeah."

Ten minutes later, I had enough. "Get down on the couch, man. Missionary. I wanna see your face." I said as I slid out of him.


I lifted his legs up a little as he lay beneath me, and I slid back in. "Let me in all the way, man!" I moaned. "Shoot my load up your Haitian little ass." I said as I began to kiss him. "Oh, this is nice."

Two minutes later, we both moaned and gasped as we came. I was trembling so much I didn't know if I could stand.

"Let's switch, Clay." I said softly. "Flip flop. Fuck me."

"I'll take your ass, man." he said as he and I switched spots. "Fuckin' take your hot ass."

I moaned as he slid into me and the feelings over took me. He kissed me as he fucked me, and I couldn't take it for very long.

"Oooo. You are tight, baby." he moaned. "Ride that cock, babe." he gasped. "God damn! Oh, yeah! You feel so good! Yeah!"

"Is that nice and tight?" I asked as he kissed me.

"Yeah!" he moaned. "Fuck!"

"Oh, Clay. Bang that ass, man." I moaned. "You like fuckin' me?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah!"

"Stuff that ass, man!" I moaned. "Yeah. Show me what a Haitian can do." I moaned.

"Oh, man!" he moaned as he fucked me. "Take it, man! Take this dick!" he grunted as he slammed into me. "You like that cock?" he asked.

"For real." I moaned. "That looks good." I gasped. "That looks real good."

"Oh, man, I'm gonna cum!" he moaned. "Fuck!"

"Take me." I gasped. "God damn! Fuck! That's nice. Take me."

"All night, man." he said sighing. "All fucking night."

"God damn." I moaned. "For real, man. This is nice."

"Yeah." he moaned as he slammed into me. "Damn! I'm gonna shoot!"

"All right! Ready?" I asked as he looked into my face.

"Yeah." he said as he sped up. "Hard?"

"Yeah! Hard! Faster! Fuck it hard, Clay! Fuck it hard!" I moaned as he went faster and faster. "Yeah! Yeah! That's it!" I moaned. "Oooo! Don't stop! Keep going, that's my prostate! Aaaaww!"

My cock head swelled, and I moaned, as I felt a ripple run through me. Oh, man! He was the perfect fucking hot stud! I moaned as he fucked me. God, he was good. I shot just as he did.

"Squeeze that cock!" he moaned. "Yeah! Squeeze!" he pleaded. "Ugh, man, you're so good!"

Suddenly, we both came down from the orgasm, and I stared at him. He stared back as he lay on me, trembling.

"I went to the police today, baby." I whispered. "I reported that blasted cracker." I whispered.

"Oh, Ethan!" he moaned as he kissed me really hard. "Really?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said between kisses. I couldn't get enough of his beautiful lips. "The boss is a lady. She understood. She was white, though. I was quick to notice." I gently caressed his tongue as I kissed him. "You know, it's really terrible, man. I feel so embarrassed. I deserve something in return from you. I totally fucking humiliated myself." I said bitterly.

"You're right. Here." he said. "I wanna taste your cock." he pleaded. "Wanna deep throat that bitch real good."

We both flipped over on the couch, and laid down on the floor. He took my cock into his mouth, and I took his. The smell of soap, and perfume surrounded me. I moaned as he sucked me, and I gently took him into my mouth as well. He was licking up, and down my shaft. Deep throating me, and swirling his tongue all over my balls. Sucking on them, slurping on me, and it felt so good. I did the same thing. Suddenly, I felt myself shoot, and I felt my own mouth fill with his juices. Oh, he tasted marvelous. Sweet. I moaned as I tasted him for the first time. Seed never tasted this great.

"Ugh, man." I moaned as I pulled off. "Love how your cock tastes." I confessed smiling.

"Me too." he said sighing.

"I love you, Clay." I said kissing his cock gently.

"Oh, don't." he pleaded scooting away from me. "Please, man, don't."

"What?" I asked as I sat up.

"Don't start this whole, "I love you" shit. Man, you know perfectly well, you ain't feelin' that way." he said sighing. "We're just horny. We just had boners, man. You know damn well you don't..." he said trailing off.

"But I do, Clay." I said softly. "I've had the biggest crush on you since middle school, man. Ugh, I've always wanted that hot Haitian ass of yours. I thought it was the sweetest ass I've ever seen. I had the same reaction to it that you had to my cock." I said sighing. "I always dreamed of what a good fuck you'd be. When you called me on the phone, and told me all about your family in that earthquake, I wished you were over with me so I could hug and hold you. Tell you everything was going to be okay. Man, I felt so bad." I said sighing. "You can't move out now, Clay." I said simply. "You and I just, _made love. We didn't just suck each other off, man. We didn't just fuck each other. I'd say we made love. And you can't leave now, bro. You'd really mess me up." I said softly. "Clay?" I asked gently.


"I love you, too." he said in a whisper.

We both reached out for each other, and hugged. I smiled as he gave me a deep kiss.

"So, did you really report that cop?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said as he kissed me. "You know, if you ask me questions, and you lip lock me when I'm trying to answer, it's just not gonna work." I said smiling back.

"Ethan." he said kissing me again. "I love you too." he said sighing. "Thanks, man."

"Hey, you deserve it, bro." I said smiling. "You really do. So, about that windshield?" I asked.

"Top me." he said still holding me.

"Tip you?" I asked.

"No, baby. Top me." he said simply.

"That's what I thought, man." I said as I stood up and laid him on the couch. "See my hard dick slide in and out of your tight little ass." I said as I lifted his legs up again. "I'll top you anytime you want."

"If we're going to be in this kind of relationship," he said as my cock slid into him. "I'm gonna tell you right off the bat, man. I'm a versatile bottom. I hate being a top, though. I love gettin' fucked, more than fucking someone." he said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because I just fucked you, and man, it was hard. I felt so, ugh." he made a face. "I'd rather be fucked."

"How about me?" I asked.

"Well, how about you?" he asked kissing me.

"If I have to be fucked, then, sure. But I'd rather fuck the bottom." I said smartly. "Yay!" I moaned as I slammed him hard. "It's hot beautiful bottoms like you that make tops like me feel like they're in heaven." I moaned.

"And it's hot strong tops like you that make bottoms like me feel like they're on cloud sixty-nine." he moaned as his dick started spasming and shooting.

"Oh, yeah." I moaned. "Shoot that load, baby. Yeah!"

Fifteen minutes later, we both cleaned up. Clay had the most amazing look on his face. It was something between content, and surprise.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing." he said smiling. "Why?"

"You've got this look on your face like, whoa." I said smiling.

"Nothin'." he said looking back at me. "It's just, strange how this all started."

"Right?" I asked smiling. "So, let's just clear things up here, you aren't leaving, right?" I asked again.

"Not leaving." he said smiling. "As long as you'll have me around."

"About this wind shield." I said grinning. We both started laughing really hard.

"I'll have to clean it more often." he said smiling.

"Cool, cool." I said smiling. "I'll be sure to tip you." I added grinning.

"Top me?" he asked.

"No, tip you." I said pushing him away.

"Lube's for sissies." he said taking the Vaseline from me. "You spit on your cock." he advised. "You don't lube it up. There'll be more fucking Vaseline up there than cum. Who wants that?"

"Not you." I boasted as I walked out of the room. "Hurry up, so we can go do something."

Clay was passionate. He was beautiful, had a nice face. Very nice pair of lips, loved to kiss. And I can't say I didn't love to kiss them back. Made to suck dick, that's what I'll say. He was made to be fucked, too. Usually they don't come that way. He was one of a kind, and I was glad to be the first and only guy to have tried out his tight Haitian ass. Clay Jean was very sweet.

As we went out for a basketball game at the Gym, I let my imagination carry me off. On how my situation with the cop was so terrible in so many ways. His racial slurs were nothing compared to what he did to my partner. I watched in my mind's eye as Clay was touched so inappropriately. As the cop squeezed his bulge through his jeans, as the cop turned him around and ran his hands roughly over his ass. As the cop slammed my poor Clay into the hood of my car. The officer had no right to do that. My imagination took me to a place surrounded by shrubs. I watched as Clay was forced to strip from the waist down. I watched as he was shoved on to the ground, and the officer, who had been naked beforehand, shoved his cock down my boy's throat. Clay screamed and yelled and tried to turn away. I watched as he finally gave in, and sucked. The cop finally turned him over, and rammed his cock into Clay's ass. Clay was crying with his face in the dirt. He pointed straight at me, yelling. Pleading. His vocals were magnified tenfold as he yelled.


"Do something, Ethan! Do something! He's hurting me! Do something! Do something, you bitch! I hate you! Do something, get me the fuck out of here!"

The officer kept on, and I stood watching, and my stomach felt so bad.

"Ethan!" shouted a voice. "What's wrong? Hey, I'm talking to you, man!"

My stomach squirmed, and I felt sick. Clay was sitting beside me driving down the lane looking over at me to make sure I was okay. "Hey, I'm talking to you! What's the matter?" he asked.

"Pull over, man." I begged. "I feel so sick! Pull over!"

He did as I asked, and I got out of the car. I ran to some bushes, and threw up. My ribs contracting and my body shaking. Clay's footsteps could be heard as he ran to me. He held me up as my knees shook. Tears started to stream down my face, and I couldn't control myself. I cried, and another wave of nausea came to me. He faced me towards the bush again, and I threw up another wave of sick. It took me the best part of five minutes to pull myself back together. Clay was there with me the whole time.

"Come on, Ethan. It's all right." he said softly. "You feel okay?" he asked as he wiped my mouth with a handkerchief. "You all right, bud?" he asked as he stood with me. "You okay? Wanna stand here and wait, in case you get sick again?" he asked.

I couldn't speak, so I just nodded. I took in deep breaths, and tried to calm down. He was safe, and that officer was going to pay for what he'd done. Hopefully, he already had.

"Ready to go?" he asked as we stood by the bush.

"Yeah, man." I said softly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't." he said sternly. "Don't apologize. Ca'mon. Let's go sit in the car for a bit, before we drive off. Kay?"

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and we both walked off. We leaned against the hood of the car for a bit.

"You're still shaking, man." he said sighing. "You okay?"

"You got any water?" I asked trying not to remember my vision.

"Here." he said reaching into the car and grabbing a bottle. "You got it?" he asked as I opened it.

"Yeah." I said as the seal broke. "Thanks, man."

"Sure." he said as I drank it. I swished a bit of it in my mouth, and spat it out. Trying to clear the vomit from my mouth.

"What happened?" he asked after we both got into the car.

"Nothin'." I lied.

"Don't tell me, nothin'." he said bitterly. "We were doing fine a while ago. Then, you went quiet, you began to breathe fast, and you went crazy. What happened, Ethan?" he asked.

"Look man, it's me. Okay? I'm trying to get some shit figured out. All right? Don't worry."

"Is it the cop?" he asked in a whisper.

"Yeah." I said looking away as tears fell from my eyes again. "It is."

"You said it yourself, Ethan. It's all taken care of." said Clay bitterly. "Everything's going to be--"

"But I shouldn't have let him touch you like that, man!" I yelled so loudly, he jumped. "Clay, you're my best friend! I should've taken better care of you." I sobbed. "Even if it meant going to jail."

"Hey, hey, hey! What about what I think? I think you were awesome." he said simply. "Things turned out fine."

"Easy for you to say!" I moaned as tears fell on to my shirt. "You already got all the yelling out of the way! You were the one in the first place, bitching at me, and even threatening to ruin our friendship over this cracker! Now, you're all about leaving things just how they were?" I asked looking at him.

"Look, Ethan, I'm not gonna lie, okay? I hated to feel that fucking bastard up in my space. But you did the right thing. Ethan, think about it. None of this would ever have happened, and me and you would still be just friends. I don't know about you, but I never would've gotten the courage to ask you to top me, even as a joke. Even as a slip of the tongue that I told you didn't happen, and you were sure you heard." he said smiling.

"You did say top me back there, then?" I asked as I wiped the last of the tears.

"Duh!" he shouted laughing. "Dumb ass! Just to see what you'd do." he said smiling. "I'm kind of, ... no. I'm _real glad it happened that way, baby." he said simply.


I leaned over and tried as best as I could to hug him. He turned to me, and hugged me as well as he could. The gearshift jamming into both of us as we tried to be as close as we could. I moaned as he gave me a deep kiss. His tongue sliding gently against mine.

"Damn." he said softly after pulling away. "And I wanted to try and avoid that. Fuck."

"Let's jog for a bit, man. Forget about basketball. Let's go for a jog, and head over to my place afterward."

"Sounds good." he said smiling. "I love you, man." he said seriously.

"I love you, too." I replied as he gave me one more kiss.

Brandon McClain "What can I do for you today, Brandon?" asked my boss as we both sat down across from each other.

"I'd like a new partner." I said softly. "Either that, or none at all."

"Why?" she asked.

"No reason. I just would." I said looking down.

Did I really wanna admit to her that my partner was a racist prick?

"You have to have a reason that justifies your request." she said sighing.

"Personal." I said sighing. "I don't get along with him."

"Because he's a racist dick?" she asked.

Yes. "No." I said sighing. "It's not that."

"No?" she asked. "Or is it really something else, officer?" she asked.

"It's just, I don't work well with people. I'd rather be on my own." I said sighing.

"Well, I'll see what I can do. But tell the truth, son. He's a racist son of a bitch, isn't he? He's been on the force seventeen years, man." she said sighing.

"It's nothing against him." I lied. "It's just, I like to be alone."

"Well then, can I submit the report, and say he's racist?" she asked.

"No." I whispered.

"Even though it's the truth?" she asked. "I get it. It's some kind of code. You wanna defend what he did, because inside, you have the same feelings towards black people as he does. But you just don't wanna be seen with him?" she asked.

"No!" I shouted standing up. "Okay, I hate him! He is a racist son of a bitch! He should be put to death, that's how much I hate him. Because I have black friends! And if he ever pulled any of them over, when I was around, I wouldn't be able to do anything!" I yelled. "Fuckin' dick thinks he knows it all! I hate him!" I yelled. I'd gone overboard, and I could tell. She looked like she was ready to kill me. But she suddenly smiled.

"Was that so hard, officer McClain?" she asked in a whisper. "Was that so hard? To admit to yourself, and me, that Will Jenkins is a racist bitch?" she asked. "I have to come to work every single day and face that intolerable fuck." she explained. "And I hate it as much as any other person who really knows him does. Now, I'll see if I can't get you a one man patrol car." she said reaching over and squeezing my hand. "Go. Get a break, and we'll see what happens."

I got up, and left the office. My heart was pounding, and I was sweating bullets, but I felt a lot better. I just wished that what I saw hadn't happened. Would the pair report us, or let it go? I'd report, but that was just me.

I did end up getting my one man car. I rode on by myself. It was okay patrolling on my own. I felt like I could chose who I pulled over, and how. My first big test came two days after the incident that I reported.

A scene had broken out in plain view of everyone. In the middle of the street, was a little mustang, being taken over by what looked like two black guys. It looked like they were subduing a third. I watched as the third fought for control of the wheel.

Ethan "What do you want?" I yelled as the guys tried to push me into the passenger seat.

"Give me the wheel, nigger!" one of them shouted. "Gimme the wheel!" he yelled.

"Get the hell out of my car!" I yelled pushing one of the guys aside. "Fuck off, bitch! Get out!" I shouted.

"It's my gun, and I say you get out!" he shouted pointing the gun in my face.

"It's my car." I said bitterly.

"It's my gun." he said jabbing me with it on the side of the head.

I grabbed it, and surprised, he let go. "It's my gun now, bitch. Get out!" I yelled.

The two guys gasped as a cop pulled up to us.

"Step out of the car, all of you!" he yelled. "Hands in plain sight, so I can see them!" he yelled. "Step out of the car!"


"You're so brave, nigga, you step out." the first guy said in a whisper to me.

"Fuck you!" I yelled grabbing him and slamming his head downward. "Call me nigger again, fool, and see how it goes!" I shouted.

The cop yelled and tried to get us all to get out, but I was the only one in the end. The other two grabbed their guns, and left. The cop was furious, but think about how I felt?

"Fine!" I yelled. "I'll fuckin' step out, bitch!" I shouted.

The second time in two days, and I was being pulled over for committing the crime! I just almost got high jacked! Damn racist cops! LAPAID was terrible with that kind of shit.

"Get down on the ground, sir!" he yelled. "Face down on the ground."

"You get face down on the ground!" I shouted. "Fuck you!"

"Get on your knees!" he yelled. "Just get on your knees!"

"You get on your knees!" I shouted as my eyes burned and my anger flashed. "While you're down there, you can suck my dick!" I shouted.

The cop came walking over to me as I stepped out of the car. He was pointing his gun at my face.

"What the hell is up your ass, you fucking bitch?" he asked. "I was trying to help you out!"

"No! No, you weren't. How come I have to get down for you?" I yelled. "Fucking bastard!" I shouted as my temper flared.

I saw a patrol car backing up to us. "You had to call for back up, too, you big fuck!" I yelled. "As if I could really do anything to you."

It didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. LAPAID was racist, and even if I do own a big wealthy company, it doesn't matter. I hated it. I didn't care if I went to jail. I watched a second cop get out of the patrol car and I gasped. It was the same cop that stood by, while my Clay got molested by the other one. It was him. He seemed to recognize me too, because he ran over to us. Two cops were already getting ready to hand cuff me.

"Get out of the way!" shouted the cop. "Get out of the way!" he yelled. "I know him! I know this guy, he's a friend of mine! Get away!" he yelled as he tried to push past the cops.

"Don't! You're only gonna make things worse, we don't know if he's been drinking." the first cop said sighing.

"I'm telling you, he's a friend of mine! If you just give me two god damned seconds with him, I can get him to fucking behave." he said as the cops all dispersed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asked simply as he walked up to me. "Do you wanna die, man?" he asked.

"Look, man, I've had enough of your shit!" I shouted as my blood boiled. "I have had it up to here with you racist fuck--"

"Look, man, be quiet for a bit. Okay, just listen. I know you."

"What the hell do you know?" I asked bitterly. "What the hell do you know, man? What do you _think you know?" I yelled.

"I know you have a partner waiting for you at the hospital." he said bitterly. "Your friend just got into a car crash. The ambulance radioed it in just a few minutes ago. Remember? I took both your ID'S from you and Clay, Ethan." he said. "And if you wanna make it through this, and not go to jail, you better fucking behave. Now, do me a favor, and let me speak to these cops, okay?" he asked.

"No! I have half a mind to rip your balls off with my bear hands!" I shouted.

"I'm trying to help you, man!" he yelled bitterly. "I have no mind to do anything, because I know you! You're just trying to do your thing, and I'm just trying to do mine. But him?" he pointed at the cop over by the first patrol car. "He has a gun! He _will blow your brains out! You wanna be explaining why you got your brains blown out to your partner, with a stump for a head?" he asked angrily. "Just go sit on the curb--"

"No!" I interrupted. "I'm not gonna sit on the curb, or lay face down, for any of you!" I shouted.

"Fine!" he sighed softly. "Then, just stay with your hands in plain sight, and stand where you are. Okay? You think you can do that, buddy?" he asked. "For me? For yourself? You think you can do that?"

At that moment, I looked him straight in the eyes, and I saw true understanding in them. He seemed to be saying sorry. Sorry for everything. For what happened that other night, for what's happening now. He seemed to be saying sorry.


Brandon "Answer me." I said softly. "You think you can do that one thing? For me?"

"I can do it." he said subdued. "Fine. I'll do it."

"Thank you. See? Now, no one gets their fuckin' brains blown out."

I walked over to the cops. They both started moving towards Ethan at once.

"Wait." I said bitterly. "I told him to stay where he is, with his hands where we can see them. Okay? Look--"

"First thing, check for fire weapons." the leader said simply. "No questions asked."

"No." I said bitterly. "No, you don't, Tom. Let him go."

"Let him go?" he asked. "You saw what--"

"Look, man. I know him, and I know what's going on way more than you. Sorry, pal. But I do. Just let him go."

"With what? Let it slide?" he asked.

"Let him go with a warning." I said sighing.

"A warning?" asked the guy looking horrified.

"A harsh warning." I said sighing. "Okay? Look, I need this one. Okay, man. I really do. Just let him go."

I walked over to the boy, and he looked curiously at me. We both watched the cops drive off. He looked at me questioningly, and I sighed.

"Go home." I said simply. "Hurry up, before I really book you for being black."

He and I walked over to each other, and hugged. He pulled back with tears in his eyes.

"Officer McClain." I said simply.

"I guess you already know me." he said sighing.

"Yeah, pretty much. Ethan Steele. A gay black owner of a big company." I said smiling. "Don't worry, no one else knows."

He smiled. "Where can I find Clay?" he asked.

"General hospital. He's in the emergency room."

Clay Ethan tried to warn me. He told me this car was a piece of shit. I should've listened to him. Now, I was lying sideways in the car, half of the door dented and squashed in. I could hear a dripping of gas somewhere and I smelled it. I knew this was the last car crash of my life. As a matter of fact, it was the last thing I'd witness in my life. There was no way I was making it out of this one. I couldn't even breathe. I felt the car being rocked, and suddenly it was right side up again. I looked out the window, and saw the cop trying to pry open the door. He couldn't do it. I still couldn't really breathe, because the belt was tangled around me in such a way that prevented my ribs from expanding. He finally broke my window. Glass shattered all around me as he tried to open the door. It was the same cop that had touched me so inappropriately the other day.

"Can you hear me?" he asked calmly. "Can you move?" he asked. "Hello?"

"I can't breathe, man." I whispered trying to expand.

He helped me get the belt to untangle, but it wouldn't work. He managed to get me into a position that worked a little bit, and I could finally take in a full breath of air.

"Get away from me!" I yelled. "Get away from me! Don't fucking touch me!" I shouted with tears in my eyes.

"No!" I shrieked. "Anyone else?" I yelled. "Anyone! Anybody else but you!" I shouted. "Not you! Not you!" I yelled. All this time, he was trying to reassure me. He finally lost it.

"For heaven's sake, I'm not gonna fucking hurt you!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. "Okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, I just need to help you! To get you out of here!" he yelled. "That's gas in there ready to explode! Okay?"

I began to cry quietly as he tried to get me out. "Please, don't touch me!" I sobbed.

"I'm not going to touch you, okay?" he asked softly as he tried to cut the belt. "I'm just gonna have to reach across your lap, is that okay?" he asked. "I have to cut the belt off, in order for us to get you out of here. Okay? Is that okay with you?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said as tears slid down my face.

I moaned a little as he cut the belt. He winced, and lifted it off of me. There was blood all over it, and a gash on my rib was still bleeding. I trembled, and cried as he and I tried to get out of the car, which had been totaled.

"Look, man, I'm really sorry." he whispered as tears started to stream down his own face. "Okay, man? I'm so sorry! I am so fucking sorry." he said simply. "Let's just try to get you out of here, alive, okay?" he asked. "I can't have your blood on my hands, it would kill me."


Soon, I was lying in the back of his cop car, driving off to the hospital. I let out a scream as I saw my car turn into a fire ball. He was standing over me, as he watched as well. He gasped.

"Fuck." he said as he stood there. "See? What'd I tell you?" he muttered as he closed the back door, and went to drive off.

It didn't take long to get to the hospital, and soon, he was loading me on to a stretcher. He and I gazed at each other as a doctor came over to us. The officer said some things to the doctor, and turned to me.

"You're in good hands." he mumbled. "Okay? You'll be fine. See you around."

I looked up at him, and we both gazed into each other's eyes. He and I both sighed. He gave me a look that said sorry, and I tried to thank him with my stare as well. He seemed to understand, because he nodded, and left.

Three hours later, I was waiting for my ride in the parking lot. I had been okay, except for the gash on my rib cage. Other than that, I was fine, and they let me go. Ethan came running up to me with red puffy eyes.

"Hi." I said softly.

"Hey." he said simply. He took my hand in his and led me off. "I love you." he said softly.

"I love you, too." I said as we got to the car. He gently hugged me, and gave me a deep kiss.

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Keywords: police cop / rammed his cock / fuck your ass / on your knees / officer / hot ass / doctor / he fucked me / deep throat / roommate / gay love / get fucked / best friend / relationship / prostate / bear / legs spread / bitch / dad and son / tight ass / your ass / buddy / fuck you / inside me / bulge / young fucker / fucked him / bottom / piss / lube / my dick / jeans
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.