Man for Man



It had been a long, long day that started with that emergency phone call at 5 AM and here it was now 10 PM and Uncle Bill and I had been going the whole time, Driving the long distance and then tending to the live stock and securing the small farm of My Uncle Jimmy's. Uncle Jimmy at just 32 years old had given up a lucrative career as a male model to Purchase this small organic farm. He'd been running it with great success for the past five years now. When he bought the land it was a deserted farm land, Jimmy invested his money and his time and had grown the farm into a $300,000.00 a year enterprise. His farm grew all the feed for the Cows, beef steers, chickens, pigs and Sheep. Taking the place from a one man operation to having no less then 20 full time working hands. One luxury Uncle Jimmy did allow himself was that he had the old 100 year old home stead taken down and replace it with three costly and lavish mobile homes. One his office, One strictly to entertain his mostly nearby Gay friends and the last and most luxurious of all, his own mobile home. these homes were situated in a circle at the center of which was a handsomely gardened park like sitting area with a small pool. It was indeed an oasis of green. Each mobile home was exactly 20 foot wide by 70 foot long. We arrived at the farm that day at 6 PM Uncle Bill and myself we were meet by the General Manager who's face as we drove up was showing the grief he was feeling. I'd meet him twice before and liked him a great deal, He was young for his position at just 22. It didn't take a second look to see why my Gay uncle Jimmy would have chosen this man Kirk Miller as his General Manager just on looks alone, Blonde, 6 foot 2, with a body to dream of, that alone would have been cause enough but I learned he was also very accomplished at farming having grown up on an Amish farm all his young life. Uncle Bill, Kirk and I did a quick inspection of the farm and talked to many of the hands then sat down as the cook prepared a meal for us in the Entertainment home. We learned of the accident that took Jimmy's life and that his body was already at the undertakers awaiting us the Family which was My dad the oldest Brother Uncle Bill and myself. I had been to the farm often with my Dad but the sleeping arrangements were always that I would sleep in the bunk house which was all the way across the farm on a pond and housed the 20 live in hands. my Dad would bunk in with Jimmy in his mobile home as it had just the one bed room. While eating and having our full of beers with Kirk it was decided that my sleeping in with the hands during this time of family grief would not be the best idea, so we decided I'd sleep in the bed room with my Uncle Bill. Uncle Bill was just 24 and I was just 21 at the time this all came about. My Dad the oldest Brother was 39 and collectively we owned and operated 32 gyms nation wide from our headquarters in Chicago. living in our luxury Condo there complete with cook and house keeper. The three of us together couldn't really tell the front of a cow from the rear. Yet now here we were to take charge of this operation. The instant we made the decision that I would be sharing a bed with my Uncle Bill I became very apprehensive. You see I was gay and very much into being gay. While I had not hidden this from the family I did kind of understand that it was a given fact for my Dad and uncle Bill? Yet we'd never had a formal coming out kind of thing. Now here I was faced with getting stripped down nearly naked with my hunk of an uncle and trying to sleep next to that hot body of his for what we intended to be a full three weeks on this business visit. I was in a panic and knew I'd never be able to pull this off. I quickly thought of Kirk the GM who I knew had his own separate room and bath at the bunk house. Kirk knew I was gay as did my deceased Uncle Jimmy. I floated this idea but uncle Bill would have none of it, saying that would be an imposition on our GM. Alone at last in mobile one as they called Jimmy's home uncle Bill poured us two beers and sitting at the bar suggested that we shower before going to bed.


"You know your uncle Jimmy's rule about the wasting of water"

Bill was saying and I recalled the rule very well and I loved that rule. The rule Jimmy had, that any and all who shared his bed had to also shower with him so as not to waste water on two separate showers. I was recalling the many showers Jimmy and I had shared and getting a hard cock as I did, I was pulled from these memories by Bill going on with his speech.

"So stud I think it only right we two conserve the water as Jimmy would want and shower together. That OK with you stud?

Given that statement I had no choice but I was not prepared for Bill starting to undress right there at the bar folding his clothes carefully and putting them on an empty bar stool. Bill motioned for me to follow suit and I was matching him in the undressing as he seemed to like that and was making sure we did the undress as one.

Peeling off his white sweat socks and revealing his muscular well formed masculine bare feet, a trait that seemed to run in the family.

"Dam boy" he said looking down at my exposed foot. " No question about you being a member of the Kelly Family, You have our strong Family feet, like Your dad and two uncles. Mind if I check you pups out Kevin?

To my surprise Billy was down on one knee and lifting my foot up and feeling it toe to heel and all around. he kid of reminded me of a foot doctor his examination was so complete and I admit felt so sexy.

"Stand up Kevin and let me help you like a good uncle should."

I obeyed and Bill was lifting up my T-Shirt and then he was feeling the hairs of my underarm no less. At this point as he was running his fingers through my armpit hairs any fool but a thick headed Irishmen like me would have caught on, but I remained intimidated and very shy as his fingers moved now to my nipples.

In a low and very sexy voice I had never heard from my Adonis uncle Bill whispered.

"You can take my shirt off too and if you want, kind of check me out some, but only if you want to Kevin"

Wordlessly I was lifting his T-shirt up, slowly to enjoy what was being revealed to me of his perfectly formed male body. His hot rippled six pack of ABS, then his so pronounced and muscular pec's. Then the greatest thrill, seeing and yes inhaling his own bare armpits. Bill had the hairiest and thickest armpits I'd ever seen on a blonde headed man. I lost who He was and where we were in that moment and I found myself leaning into his left armpit and extending my tongue to taste his salty, manly pit and then sunk my whole mouth into his hairy armpit.

"OH Good God yes Kevin, yes, I love it boy, I love it boy, Don't stop Kevin, Yea lick and eat that hairy pit for me boy. Lick me boy, I want you to taste it all Kevin."

My one hand on Bill's strong back pulling his hairy pit to my mouth and my other hand brazenly moving down his ABS and to that hairy trail leading under his pants I was in fag heaven. Only in my wildest dreams had I ever dared imagine this happening, As long as my hunk/Adonis uncle allowed I was determined to go all the way and as quickly as I could before I was stopped. I was brazen once more and thrust my one hand into his pants and down and down feeling his thick bush of pubic hairs and then engulfing at last the quest I was on, Bill's thick as a tree trunk cock root. His head moved back and he moaned in approval of my actions. Now his hands came down and were pulling down his pants and his thick ass bare cock sprang loose and out as my hand now explored all 8 and a half inches of his bare cock. I was totally astounded at the sheer thickness of his meat. My eyes feasting on his manhood in my hand I dropped like a sake of potatoes to my knees before this monster. At this vantage point I was moved to awe at the size also of his massively large and hair balls. Still so afraid it might all be called to a halt I wanted to act quickly and give the best head ever to my stud Uncle. I looked at the head of his cock my hand pulling back this foreskin to expose his mushroom like cock head and I inhaled is pre-cum and at once moved to put my mouth all around his massive cock head. My fears of Bill stopping me ended as he grabbed the back of my head and was pushing more and more of his thick long bare cock in my mouth, down into my experienced throat and pre-cum was gratefully dripping down my throat. I was determined to give the best of the best head jobs ever for my own Uncle Bill and my his moans and body pushing into me I was succeeding. I was alternately pulling his ass to me for more cock in my throat and feeling his cum filled balls and then, Yes and then pushing a finger up into Bill's tight ass hole and loving his moans of approval as my finger pushed into him and my trained mouth sucked his huge bare cock. Bill was oh so very close and I was oh so very ready to have him explode his cum load down my throat but that was not the plan Bill had. He lifted me as if I weighed nothing to my feet and had me on the floor and was pulling down my pants and exposing my own 8 and a half bare cock. We were in a 69 there on the floor and ravishing each others cocks and balls and yes finger fucking each other and moaning in pure delight at the taste and feel of each others huge cocks. Our bare feet sexily rubbing against each others and our hairy legs doing the same as we sucked and licked out cock and balls. I had always prided myself with friends that I loved to make it last. I wanted to enjoy the sucking for at least a half hour or even an hour but now here with this Adonis I knew I'd not have my normal control and afraid to be the first to cum in my own uncle's mouth I waned him I was oh so close.

"Come boy, he said panting, " Go ahead and let me eat you hot teen cum load but you better be ready cause I am right fucking behind you Kevin"

His lips no sooner encircled my cock head again then I was shooting my load. My whole body was into the release of that massive cum load. My feet against his bare feet in spasm, My legs jerking with the massive release, My ass moving towards him and seemingly to be pushing all my cum into his welcoming mouth. My shoulders shuttered in the release and the cum seemed never to stop coming as volley after thick ass volley was exploding into Bill's mouth and he taking it all. I had taken some huge loads from fellow teens who claimed to have not come in weeks but when my uncle Bill was letting go of his massive load into my mouth my inexperience was showing as I was hardly able to keep up with is massive cum load, volley after massive volley of Bill's sweet and thick cum load. I was expecting the normal guilt trip to engulf both Bill and myself but instead he hugged me and was pressing against me and kissing me and thanking me as a lover should. I rested so happy and secure in his strong arms our cum soaked cocks since we moved into each others arms now pressed together.

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Keywords: gay friends / thick cum / adonis / massive cock / hairy legs / doctor / uncle / coming-out / huge cock / cum in me / my dad / masculin / hunk / tight ass / tight hole / manhood / jerk off / precum / brother / dad and son / big cock / bear / muscular / large dick / feet / my ass / free gay sex / mens sweat / my cock / fucking / gay boy / licking
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.