Man for Man

Joe's Gym Posedown Orgy


"There's nothing to lose but your clothes," Joe winked, handing out the flyers.

I watched from my cross trainer--watched how he was very selective about who got one.


"Sorry, pal," he said to a tall, lanky guy, "--serious lifters only!"

None of the chicks got one either, one of them calling him a misogynist. Then the most built dude in the gym got stopped as he headed out the door.

"It's a promotional thing," Joe handed him the invite. "--biggest physique jocks in town will be there..."

"...yeah, Joe? What's in it for me, man? That's one of my workout days."

Even Joe--a burly, ex-wrestler--looked humbled by the tanned, ultra-pumped stud's 6'2" body. "--free food--free drinks--a chance to strut your stuff..."

"...keep talking, Joe," the guy worked his muscular, unshaven jaw as he read the handout.

"--and there'll be a photographer--the best there is..."


"So, you'll get prints of the shots he takes of you, Rick--that's gotta be worth at least..."

"...I know what it's worth--now what's the catch? With you there's always a catch."

Joe spread open his palms. "Hey, Rick-- c'mon, man! The only thing I'm asking is that you guys wear posing thongs..."

"Turning queer on us, Joe?" Rick smiled wryly.

"I TOLD you, it's a promotional thing! There'll be a posing stand, even. The photographer said..."

"...just ribbing you, man. Yeah--ok, Joe," he stretched his huge arms. "Count me in. I need the photos."

I have to admit I was flattered when Joe sought me out, beginning his spiel, which I cut off telling him I'd heard what he'd said to Rick.

"No oil or nothin' like that," Joe said, "--and forget about shavin' your legs and chest and all that shit. This isn't LA--I just want people to see some shots of goodlooking dudes who workout here." He pawed his beefy pecs through his tanktop. "And the thongs'll bring the ladies in here." He smiled at me. "Hell, we might even do a calendar..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was one of those West Vancouver architectual wonders--a penthouse condo on top of a multi-tiered building--each level jutting further out over a steep drop down to the blue Pacific.

Joe met me at the door, holding a scotch. "Don't look so shocked! This place ain't mine--but it's nice to have friends in high places, huh?" he winked at his pun.

Behind his huge body I glimpsed any number of near-nude, strolling studs, making me suddenly feel both nervous, and way over-dressed.

Joe himself wasn't following his own rule--wearing a Joe's Gym t-shirt and a kilt, of all things. "You can change in any of the bedrooms--" he nodded towards the hall, "or even right here, if you want, Todd. I can keep any valuables you got in the safe."

"There's even a safe in this place, huh?" I smiled, my eyes focused behind him. "Where is it?--behind your friend's portrait?" I handed him my wallet and watch, eyeing a tall, broad-shouldered, black dude walking past in a snow white T-barred thong that left nothing to the imagination. I recognized him from the gym, vaguely remembering someone calling him Jessie. "So what's th' deal, here, Joe? We just get naked and walk around??"

"ALMOST naked, dude--there aren't any babes to distract you--but this isn't a pornset, ok?"

"I was joking, Joe."

"Whatever--just so you know th' score. Think of it as a party with a photographger who's hoping to get some physique shots worth publishing."


"There's an open bar, or an assortment of juices in the fridge--the dining room has a buffet..."

" all we do is walk about looking pretty..."

"...and there's a posing stand--or whatever you call it--so you guys can show off and get some physique pics done--"

"...I'll haul 'em out when I'm old n' grey and see what a hunk I used to be, huh?"

"Nothing lasts forever," Joe patted his receding hairline, "--take it from me," he grinned.

There had to be at least four bedrooms to choose from. I opened a door and walked in on a bareassed, dark-skinned guy bending over to pull up his tiny thong.

"Oh, sorry...."

"For what?" he said over a big shoulder. "--you can help me figure out how to get into this thing!"

His voice was Latino-sounding--a matter-of-fact, friendly dude it seemed.

"I'm sure no expert," I tried not checking out his lightly-furred, stud butt and his very dark, very large balls swaying below. "I had to go out and actually buy one of these numbers..."


"....not our usual outfit, huh?" he finally managed to get his feet through the flimsy straps as I threw my shirt on the bed.

"...Joe should've had a male stripper here to help us out," I opened my pants and let them drop. I watched his broad-shouldered, wide, muscled back straighten as he slid the T-barring strap up betweeen his totally-round, undimpled, dark brown cheeks.

He laughed a bit, then turned--his full-sized pecs lightly haired--his nipples very large and very dark. "If this was a club or something, I could maybe get into this," he pulled the straps into the delving groove his intercostals made above his narrow hips. I had to glance down at his canary-yellow pouch. It was very, very full. "My name's Jose," he put out his hand.

My bikini briefs were halfway down my cock. "I'm Todd, Jose," I stood back up, my brown pubic bush on display. "--hell of a way to meet a guy, huh?"

He watched me strip--my soft, big-headed dong slapping my low-hangers. "Works for me," he grinned. "--no one says two words to me at the gym."

I quickly fished my black-strapped, blue-pouched poser out of my jacket on the bed, feeling observed and shy. "Now it's your turn to advise ME," I ripped open the package, my dick thudding my nuts. "You'd think Speedos would do for something like this..."

"...or a jockstrap," Jose watched me fumble the elastic strings up my hairy thighs and snap the pouch into place.

"Woah," I laughed. "--how about that T-bar!"

"It's carving me a new asshole," he pulled at his pouch as we walked to the door.

Watching Jose's globes rub together was getting me more aroused than I ever would have thought. Not gay--but then again, not seriously straight, either--I was in a kind of never-neverland-zone when I arrived at that party. Truth be told, I was feeling very fucked-up about what was going on in my confused head.

"You want a drink, Todd?--or are you a juice-only nut?" Jose asked over his shoulder.

"At something like THIS?" We entered the expansive living room. "I need all the liquid courage I can get!"

There were guys everywhere--all of them musclestuds--all of them as nearly-nude as we were. I only recognized a few. I hadn't a clue where Joe had gotten the others from. Some were short, yet perfectly proportioned--and others--like the statuesque black hunk, Jessie, were straight out of the latest 'Men's Health' mag.

"You don't need to be nervous, you know, Todd," Jose grabbed the Johnnie Walker off the table serving as a bar. "You look born to wear that thing." His big, wide-set brown eyes, ran over my hard-earned pecs and down my torso.

"Thanks, man," I said, genuinely grateful. "--you, too, buddy."

I didn't allow myself to again check out his own, big-nippled chest--I was having enough trouble willing my cock to stay soft as it was.

"Hey, dudes--I'm the photographer-- Ron."

I turned to see a fully-clothed, very handsome Asian, about twenty, smiling up at us. Around 5'6", he nicely filled-out his Joe's Gym T-shirt, having a good set of shoulders and biceps on him. His perfect nipples dented the cotton fabric.

"Hey, Ron! I'm Jose, and this is Todd..."

We shook hands, Ron's eyes running over our nude torsos, a non-digital Nikon around his neck. "Lookin' good, dudes! I won't have to work at making you two seem more ripped!" His exotic, very sexy eyes flitted over our full pouches.

"So, Ron--how'd you weasel out of wearing one of these?" Jose patted his thong.

Ron laughed, a sweet, merry sound. "Oh, I doubt you'd want to see ME in a thong! You're the ones who're built! I'm just a shrimp..."

Jose's hand suddenly reached out and tested Ron's bicep. "...some shrimp, pal. You're being way too modest!"

"And you're being way too flattering!" He flexed into Jose's grip a bit, then laughed again. "Anyway, I hope you'll step up on the podium and pose for some shots--I'll look forward to it!" He smiled and headed towards the sliding doors.

"Friendly guy," I watched him go, noting his gym-shorts-covered, sweet butt.

"So far everyone I've met's friendly," Jose handed me a scotch and water,"--meaning you, Todd."


"It's mutual." We clinked glasses, then headed back into the living room.

"Jesus--check out these giants, man!--holy smokes!" Jose's voice was hushed, his eyes surveying the thonged 'competition'.

"No wonder Ron says he feels like a shrimp," I murmured. "--so do I."

Already a certain, cliquey thing seemed to be going on--the Scandinavian, tall, built, blond studs hanging out together--comparing tans--the shorter guys left out, each trying to appear taller. The few men of color were gathered on the balcony--vying for attention from the huge Jessie in his white, sex-crammed poser.

He must have been 6'4", with a set of pecs I never dreamed possible. Had I seen such a chest in a muscle mag, I'd have dismissed it as being air-brushed. His saucer-sized nipples were so perky, they looked almost glued on the crests of those huge, shelf-like pecs.

"Fuck--maybe I should ditch you and find out where the Latinos are hanging," Jose scoffed. "--no favoritism going on here!"

I laughed, liking Jose more and more. Not only was he built and beautiful--he lacked attitude. "Yeah--and I'll join the white-bread, short club!"

"Short???--what are you...5'10"?-- 5'11"?"

"I'm 5'10 1/2" to be exact--same as you, I think."

The doorbell rang. We watched Joe usher in the hunky Rick.

"Wow! Who's THAT dude?"

"Haven't you seen him at Joe's? His name's Rick."

"...I guess he'll join the 'tall club'," Jose stared as Rick nodded at Joe's instructions and then headed for the hallway.

"....he's in a league of his own, I think," I watched his perfect bubble butt switch back-and-forth below his endlessly deep, V-shaped back.

We sipped our scotches--hearing occasional bursts of male laughter--and watched Ron crouching and shooting away while his muscled subjects flexed and preened. It didn't take long to discover that nearly all of the California types had devoted a lot of effort to shaving every square inch of their bodies, the effect making them look like burnished, tanned gods.

I myself like a little--or even alot--of well-placed hair on a guy's physique. It's masculine--which was one of the reasons I found Jose's lightly-haired pecs so hunky. The other reason--which I couldn't admit to then--were his darkly-seductive, pencil-eraser nipples, and permanently-tanned, satin-like skin.

"Judas Priest!" Jose was staring behind me.

I turned to watch Rick make his entrance, his black thong so sheer, the whole world was invited to check out his big fat dong, and even fatter balls.

"Looks like we're a bit over-dressed all of a sudden," I murmured. "Jesus Christ!"

"...and, turned into shrimps," Jose said. "--check out those biceps..."

"...and abs and delts..."

"...and lats and PECS! Holy shit!"

I maybe could've handled seeing Ripped Rick in that seethru black thong of his--could have even dealt with his soccerball bare butt bouncing out from his hips. But godalmighty-- that chest! Unlike Jessie's sloping, meaty slabs, Rick's mammoth tits were a mirror image of his butt! Muscular cheeks with rivet-sized nipples, coated with a swirling forest of fine, ultra-curly, black hair, his tits made my mouth juice up--made me have to tear my eyes away before my thong pouch jutted upward.

I felt Jose grab my arm. "He's heading our way, Todd..."

Hey--how's it goin'?"

Even his hand was hairy, wrapped around either a gin and soda, or just plain soda.

"My name's Todd--and this is Jose...."

He nodded, then genuinely smiled. "I'm Rick." He looked around. "Some party, huh?"

Wherever he looked, guys were looking back at him--sizing him up--their envy blatantly obvious. He seemed to care less, looking quickly back at us. "Where's the photographer guy? Joe says...."

"....he's out there on the balcony. Name's Ron..." Jose sounded like he was trying to work at being relaxed, while keeping his eyes from straying away from Rick's handsome face.

If it weren't for a nose that looked like it had been busted once, Rick's cheekboned, strong-jawed, unshaven face would have been on the cover of 'GQ'--along with his stud physique.

"You pose for him yet?" Rick looked at the painted, four-foot-square, plywood box in the octagonal, glassed-in atrium.


"Hell, nobody's posed yet--for him, or anyone else," Jose said. "I'll need a few more of these before I'LL climb up there!"

Rick looked him over, smiling--then turned his light-brown eyes on me. "You two look hot, man. Don't give me that false humility shit."

I didn't know what to do with the compliment. "You feel like kicking things off?" I nodded towards the atrium.

"Sure. No problem."

"S-seriously??" Jose's voice cracked.

"Do me a favor and get Joe to put on some dance tunes--you know--electronic."

Jose nearly tripped over his bare feet trying to make a beeline over to Joe.

"Hold this for me, Todd--will you?"

I took his drink, watching his rippling, broad back and cantalope cheeks make their way across the living room--watched every musclestud in the place stare along with me.

Taking a minute to alert Ron to what was going down, we went together toward the sunlit space.

"Finally someone's biting the bullet!" Ron grinned, his flawless skin radiantly cheerful. He adjusted his camera lens as he walked.

"Not just ANYone," I said. "Get aload of HIM!"

Ron stopped dead in his tracks, watching Rick climb up on the podium, his sheer, black thong even more revealing in all that natural light.

"Holy crow, Todd!" he whispered, his eyes running up Rick's giant, hairy legs to fix themselves on his pouch-bulging, on-display crotch.

"I know, buddy!" I laughed breathily. "You ever do a porn shoot?"

Suddenly the condo boomed with club music, the bass pumping out a throbbing, fast beat. Jose caught up with us as the room quickly filled with the near-nude throng of musclestuds.

Rick seemed oblivious to all the attention--his eyes closed--his huge-shouldered, big-biceped, V-shaped body swaying to its own, slow, sensual rhythm. He ran his hands over his furry tits, squeezing them, then pinching his nipples.

"Holy Fuck!" Ron began shooting in rapid-fire bursts, moving in front of the crowd.

Rick's hands slid down his lightly-furred abs, slowly reaching his basket, which he hid from sight while working his hips and butt as he dipped down, knees bent.

"Oh God," Jose said, "--I'm gonna throw a rod, here--Jesus..."

"Somone's beating you to it," I said above the music, nodding over at Jessie. The Mr. Black Adonis's skimpy white poser was being stretched to the point where it could no longer be called a pouch. Moving to the beat and clapping, his great big grin told the room that he could care less his black, tubular meat was becoming a pouch-distorting, monster hardon! The giant, flared head pushed at the cloth as the shaft lengthened and his balls fattened.

"Goddamn!" Jose looked around the room, watching posers fill up with swollen dick--watching our fellow musclestuds get turned-on by Rick's self-pleasuring striptease.

The hairy-pec'd stud's hands massaged his bulging basket, while grinding and working his bubble butt to the beat--then they came away, revealing a huge, half-hard, fleshy tubesteak-- getting harder by the second--trapped inside his see-thru black poser. And already, Rick's ultra-hairy cockbush was pouring out from the gaping top.

He bent his knees outward, while spreading his giant, hairy thighs and leaning so far backward, his hands landed on the back of the podium.

He laughed up at the glass ceiling, hip-tossing his dong and balls til his pouch couldn't hold them in any longer.

Ron gasped as he stood at crotch level, snapping away in machine-gun rapidity. Rick's mushroom-headed nine-incher suddenly flopped out the top of this thong--tossing wildly as it hardened--his fat, hairy balls suddenly thudding free along with it.

"Awwwh, fuck!" Ron moaned, setting aside his camera, pulling off his t-shirt and shoving down his gymshorts. His seven-inch, arrow-tipped hardon smacked his well-muscled belly--his two, perfect, hairless balls dancing to the music, below his black-bushy vee.

Like a lust-demented maniac, Ron lost it right there and then--his red shorts wrapped around his ankles--moving inbetween Rick's thrusting thighs, til his sweet Asian face got cockwhipped by Rick's billyclub meat and slogging balls.


"FUCK!" Jose pulled down his poser, letting loose his dark, meaty cock--the bulbous head pushing through the generous foreskin-- all wet and glistening.

That's all it took for me to do the same, feeling a heart-pounding rush as my eight-inch, big-knobbed, cut hardon sprang out from my brown bush.

Without so much as a word, Jose and I reached across to feel each other's ripe cocks, our free hands coming around to play with each other's naked butts. We watched as Ron pulled Rick's poser right down and off Rick's feet.

A lusty roar overwhelmed the music, the six-foot-two, Amazon-sized Jessie literally ripping his white poser to shreads. His purple, mushroom-headed black totem thudded his abs--a thunder of kinky cockhair wreathing his vee--his gigantic balls swinging wildly as he tore through the crowd.

Jose and I started fisting each other, staring at his out-of-control, massively-muscled physique as he stopped in front of Ron's upraised, inviting bubble butt. He smacked those ivory cheeks with his ten-inch monster, uttering curses and groans.

Ron was busy sucking Rick's lip-stretching cock--his cute face buried in his hairy crotch-- Rick still bent backwards, hip-feeding Ron's hot mouth. Instead of running in alarm, I watched Ron arch his back and raise his hard, smooth cheeks higher while trying to throat Rick's huge hardon.

Bellowing in heat, the ebony-muscled Jessie bent his giant cock down at Ron's offered-up, pink hole--bent his knees--and literally stuffed it in, plowing Ron's lily-white cheeks apart.

I couldn't take it--the sight so raunchy and hot, I reached behind Jose's thick neck and pulled him to my lips. He moaned, delving his muscular tongue down my throat. Letting go of our cocks, we let them tango together, dry-humping each other's hard bellies and grunting.

We heard another roar, and looked to see a smooth-muscled, tanned, Scandinavian musclegod move in behind the assfucking Jessie. His eight-inch, pink rod throbbed in heat from his crisp, blond bush, as the pec-blessed, big-biceped Swede then used his thumb to pry it down and split open that black, bowling-ball ass.

"HEY! What th' FUCK're you DOIN'???!" the Afro-American Hulk bellowed over his shoulder.

"Keep fucking and TAKE it!" the blond bomber bent Jessie over and rammed him full of Swedish dick.

Joe shoved his way to the podium, trying to Rick to stop what he'd started. Rick was still bent over backwards, anchored by his out-thrust arms--his hairy, nude torso flexing up at the ceiling--his head thrown back beyond the edge of the podium--Ron still sucking his huge cock.

After a bunch of useless pleading--his 'promotional' gig a bust--Joe himself roared out curses while ripping off his t-shirt. The guy was built like a WWF, burly-chested monster--his smooth pecs sporting cork-sized nipples, his beefy body flexing a true sixpack-- a throbbing vein pulsing in his bullneck and along the surface of his giant biceps.

Jose and I hip-fucked our naked cocks against our bellies as Joe swore a blue streak, lifted his kilt to show the room his naked, hairy crotch. His bratwurst-sized dong flopped around, half-hard--the peach-sized head covered in folds of soft foreskin--his bullballs so heavy, they barely swung at all.

Bending at the knee--his hands holding up the hem of his kilt--Joe lowered those hairy rocks to Rick's upraised face, cursing to feel Rick's flat tongue sandpaper them like a hungry tiger.

"Awwwwh, fuck!" Jose grabbed my bare ass--pushing our crotches together-- panting and humping.

We watched Joe's wrist-thick dong pulse upward--the foreskin retracting-- til the dome of his helmet head emerged in all its shiny glory. Then pulling free of his kilt, Joe tossed it aside--his naked, power-lifter physique proudly on display-- as he bent his kielbasa sausage down to Rick's cocksucking mouth.

I groaned and pushed Jose back to slobber up his hunky tits, when another howl hit the air, above the relentless beat of the music. One of Jessie's buddies--a very young, tattooed, street-thug Puerto Rican, with a killer body--used his lean, muscular arms to bendover the Swedish stud, while smacking his pink ass with his dark, nine-inch chorizo cock.


"I'll teach you to fuck a brotha'!" he spanked both cheeks with his hands--his hard-as-cast-iron, dark-meated cock dripping pre-cum as he wetly rode the vein-bulging shaft up that pink, split ass-- then plowed it inside, his low-hangers slapping. The blond stud groaned like a wounded lion, drove his hips into Jessie, who in turn deeply skewered the cocksucking Ron.

In every corner of the octagonal space, guys were pulling off their posers. The whole, cliquey, whites-with-whites, blacks-with-blacks thing caving in fast. Erected meat of all shapes and thicknesses swung out from bushy, ball-heavy crotches, as muscled hunks sought out their secret-fetish stud--feeling up biceps, sucking on tits, and playing with cocks-- then finally falling to the floor in hot, wet 69 action.

Jose wasn't caught up in the frenzied, mindless rutting--wanting a little tenderness, a little love--pulling me from my tit-slathering to firmly stare into my eyes while taking hold of our throbbing cocks. The music changed to something more sensual and slow, as Jose milked his meat to pull his foreskin up over my cut, mushroom cockead, docking our manly fuckpoles, while delivering me a wet, tongue-swabbing kiss. He masturbated us in rhythm to the grinding music, brushing his tits across mine.

My moans joined the others in that orgy-filled atrium--my building lust heading me quickly to the edge of the orgasm cliff.

Suddenly Ron's voice filled the room as he pulled free of Jessie's black invader. "Give it to me! Spew that hot, muscle-cream all over my face!" he yelled, sliding to the tiled floor.

We watched, wide-eyed, as Jessie's muscular ass evacuated its Swedish cock-- the huge stud quickly squatting over Ron's face, lowering his black balls into the sweet Asian's pink mouth--while fisting his giant, purple-headed cock.

Rick slurped-out Joe's sausage, then rose up to full height on the podium--his hairy tits sporting nipples the size of baby cocks--going into a full, double-bicep's pose, his tremendous arms topping 18", his abs standing out in all their cut, ripped glory. Polevaulting from his hairy crotch was his nine-inch third arm, which glistened from Ron's cocksucking. Relaxing his pose, Rick spread his stallion thighs, arched his broad back, and began jacking his muscular cock with both hands, his hairy balls flopping in counterpoint.

This seemed to trigger the whole room into gathering around Ron--those horny-as-hell musclehunks thrusting their cock-dripping hips over his spread-legged body--flogging their meaty dicks, each wanting to be the first to douse his naked, ivory flesh.

"Yeah!--oh-fuck-yeah!" Ron stared up at the carnal sight of a dozen arching cocks and heaving balls.

The Herculean Jessie rose up and turned to stare at Rick's two-fisted rod, opening his mouth to take his cum, while beating his black BigBoy to eruption.

Joe--still behind the podium-- whacked his beercan cock while planting his face inside Rick's furry ass, licking like a maniac.

Jose planted hickies on my neck, drawing me back into our own little world-- his large, insistent hands keeping my naked cockhead hooded with his sexy foreskin as he pumped me into that lusty dreamworld where everything is erect and hairy and male--where muscles flex and tits are solid and balls are slapping together in heat.

"UHHHHHhhhghhh!" Rick groaned, watching in wild-eyed lust as his giant rod exploded in Jessie's yawning, waiting, pink mouth.

That creamy load no sooner basted his tonsils than he himself shot jets of hot jizz all over Rick's naked, muscular foot.

"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!! Shoot it! Give it to me!!!" Ron groaned, his own cock erupting, sending fountains of cream straight up in the air, landing on his tits and face.

Enormous groans filled the room as the hunching studs watched their flogging cocks spurt and shoot--the jizzing ribbons striping Ron's writhing muscles--the sexy Laotian trying to catch some in his smiling mouth.

Jose increased his docking, jacking rhythm, our knees turning to jello--our down-turned faces staring at our overheated, frictioning rods--knowing these were our final few seconds of pre-orgasmic bliss.

"Unghhhh!" Jose grunted.

"Jose! OH! OH, Fuckkkkkk!"

My foreskin-sheathed cockhead ballooned in heat, rubbing across his-- our cockmouths expanding into contorted spouts.

Gushers of thundering cum blasted out at one another, spraying in all directions as we shouted each other's name and heaved, watching our Siamese cocks-- joined-at-the-head--fuck together and spew out splashes of jizzy man-cream.

Panting and close to blacking-out, we fell to our knees--locked in an embrace--kissing in panting, lust-relieving joy.

The pulsing beat of the music matched our pounding hearts as I finally came out of the closet for good, in the strong arms of my new Latino-stud lover.

"Let's blow this joint," Jose licked and kissed into my ear, helping us to our feet.

I looked around at all the panting, slumped-over, naked muscles--at the beauty of all those physiques with their half-hard, cum-dripping dongs.

"I think we just did," I said, shaking out the last dribbles of my best-ever load.

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Keywords: stripper / fistfuck / adonis / group sex / ass licking / coach / asian / hairy legs / soccer / ass fuck / beefy men / thrust his cock / bubble butt / masturbate / biceps / huge cock / workout / queer / buddy / masculin / big dick / hunk / hairless body / wrestling / adult porn / xxl-cock / precum / jock / big cock / massage / bear / muscular
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.