Man for Man

Highland Fling


Calumn snuggled into the grass as he stared into the stars. The evening was remarkably dark and clear yet harboured a sallow crisp wind. Calumn's eyes wandered from star to star, not lingering long at any particular point. He was enjoying the passing moments of time. He lay on a deep ledge halfway up the large hill that towered over his village. His house, or rather, his parents house, was one of the ten small cottages that lined the lonely road through their glen. He was accustomed to watching time flow by. It had been over a year since he finished at high school. There was no job around here and he had little ambition to sort out what he wanted to do with his life.


His father was retired, a proud and soured miner. In the days the mine was open, his father was well respected in this and the neighbouring villages. Now he said little. His mother meant well. She wanted him to have a good life. This translated to having a job, a wife, and giving her grandchildren. It was almost as important to respect this order as it was to achieve each one. This meant she was preoccupied with getting him a job. "Mary Campbell told me this morning that the Jacobs are looking for a Farm hand" she would say, looking hopefully at Calumn. He didn't do well at school although he stayed until he was 18, but he knew he didn't want to work on a farm. Animals up close made him feel sick.

A star flashed in the corner of his eye. A shooting star? He hadn't quite caught it in his vision, so denied himself a wish. What would he wish for anyway? A job? No, that was his mothers wish. That was his problem, he concluded. He didn't have a wish. He jumped to his feet. It was appropriate to end his star gazing on a depressing thought. It just felt right.

Halfway down "old pete" as the hill was affectionately named he noticed something wrong with the lights from the houses below. Something was different. He stopped and looked carefully. There was his house, then Mrs Campbell's, then the Stewart's, then... . The old McLeod house had lights on. No-one had lived at the McLeod house for as long as he could remember. He hadn't even thought it was habitable. He continued his downward jaunt looking intriguingly at this new addition to the evening light-scape. Crossing the stream at the jump point, he decided to follow it to the bridge and walk the road home rather than take the short-cut across the Jacob's fields. This would take him past this novel bemusement.

The drive was overgrown but recently brushed to each side. He decided to wander up in the safety of the night. It was his village after all, and he was just wanting to know what was going on. He could see the house. A small van was parked by the front door. Lights were coming from the lower window left of the door, and the upper window above it. He crept up to the van and peered around its rear through the old Georgian window panes into an empty and rundown room. There were some boxes on the floor in the centre. There was silence. He waited. He wanted to see life. He wanted to see who had interrupted his small world.

The longer he waited the more nervous he became. He would glance around him in the dark, wait for his eyes to adjust to the night and check the shadows about him before looking back into the window. Suddenly a shiver sprang down his spine. He didn't know why, but he immediately felt uncomfortable. He should leave, he thought. He backed around the van, and turned. At a quick pace he jogged down the drive and along the main road not stopping until reaching the familiarity of his front door. He was panting heavily as he pushed it open.

"Who's moved into the old McLeod house?" Calumn announced between puffs as he pushed into the lounge.

"What?" his mother looked confused.

"There are lights on there" he continued, still puffing.

"You must be mistaken, no-one can live there" his mother dismissed him, but retained her concerned frown.

"Its just what I saw" he grunted as he turned upstairs to his bedroom.

Calumn left the light off as he entered his room. Climbing on the dresser by the front window he could just see the McLeod house from the top corner. There was a dim light in the one window that he could view. He heaved a deep breath. What had given him such a fright? Why had he ran?

The late morning sunlight crossed the bed, splitting it in two. Calumn moaned. He was not a morning person. He hadn't gone to bed late, you just sleep more when you're board. Quickly, he opened his eyes remembering what he planned to do this morning. He slid out of bed, and pulled on his old jeans. Grabbing a shirt, he headed downstairs, and quietly stepped outside, unnoticed.

Calumn had no idea what time it was. The sun hung high in the sky, so it was probably late. He crossed the quiet road and entered one of the meadows keeping a weary eye on the distant highland cows. He knew they weren't interested in him, but he preferred not to go too close. Once in the field he headed parallel to the road at the rear of the houses. The McLeod house protruded into the field surrounded by old trees and overrun hedges.


He approached the house from under a large oak tree that encroached on the field. There was a fence, but it was twisted and coiled in the wild hedge it once tamed. He had been in the property a couple of times when he was young and had a vague memory that he was approaching the house from a corner with few windows. Relief broke across his brow as he emerged from the undergrowth. He had remembered correctly, and remained hidden from the gaze of the house. He was also on the cool shaded side, and could bend and peek into the windows gaining a decent view.

The first window yielded nothing interesting. It reviled a very derelict house. One of the internal walls looked like it had collapsed and the door of this room lay on the floor. He proceeded to the next window. It received a slither of sunlight that made the room glow. Calumn froze. In the far corner of the room was a mattress on the floor. On it lay a sleeping man. A white sheet loosely covered his lower half. Calumn was mesmerised. His chest was exposed and the light highlighted a perfect abdomen disappearing under the sheet. Rippling with gentle muscles like you only see in Hollywood. He couldn't take his eyes of him.

Something was happening. Something he feared. He reached into his toruses and shifted his growing member to let it expand. Was it the fear of a stranger that excited him. Or was it the beauty of . a man. Calumn quickly ducked. The man had begun to slowly roll. When he peaked over the window ledge again the he was gone. Calumn ducked again not knowing what to do. He should go. He knew he should go, but wanted to stay, he wanted to see more.

Listening for a few minuets he decided to go to the next window and peek in there. The window was mottled, probably the old bathroom. It was cracked, but he couldn't see through it. He went around the corner, into the full sunlight. This would make looking in the windows difficult and dangerous. There was noise. A ruffled noise of paper. It came from the next window which was open. It looked like the lower half of the old Georgian window was missing, probably for many years. Calumn didn't know what to do. He wanted to look. He was still excited. Slowly he edged his head upwards at the corner of the ledge.

He stopped breathing. He saw the man completely naked crouching before a cardboard box in the centre of the room. He was facing away from the window, but Calumn still couldn't breath. He could see the mans large balls hanging under his crouching backside. There was also sure he could see the tip of a flaccid penis. His backside was perfect. There was no tan lines and his muscles were all firm. The man stood, but Calumn didn't move. His eyes were caught in this beauty. He was now unwrapping what looked like an electric kettle. His back muscles rippled as he stretched the electric cord. He started to turn and Calumn ducked. He sat close under the window hoping he wasn't seen. He listened.

Calumn breathed. He heard water. Not a tap, it sounded like a bottle emptying its contents. He could imagine water sloshing into the kettle. He imagined the abdomen and the muscled arms grasping a bottle. He closed his eyes in the sun, listening.


Calumn jumped, tripped and rolled under the window. During his roll he caught a glimpse of the man now leaning out looking at him. He panicked, and slipped as he tried to regain his balance. Once standing he looked up again, and saw how beautiful the mans face was. He was smiling. It was a pleasant smile. He had folded his arms and rested them on the window ledge.

"Hi" he repeated.

Calumn was flustered, and knew he looked flustered. He had that white Scottish skin that turned crimson around the cheeks when he was embarrassed. He knew it was happening now.

"Hi" he finally uttered in reply.

"You live around here?" The mans voice was deep. It had a nice Scottish east coast ripple to it, not hard like his west coast accent.

"Aye, I live up the road." Calumn couldn't organise his brain to say anything more interesting.


"I'm Michael" he extended his arm so Calumn could see down his chest but no further.

He gulped and stuttered his reply.

"Calumn" he moved closer trying not to look down the arched and rippled abdomen as he grasped Michael's hand.

"I'm just moving in, plan to do it up." Michael smiled as he spoke.

"Needs a lot of work." Calumn added, beginning to regain his thoughts.

"No kidding."

"Are you going to do the work yourself?" Calumn asked, although he was not sure why.

"Aye, it won't be quick though, I'll be commuting from Edinburgh for odd weeks or maybe a month here and there" he paused, before changing track, "Do you want to join me for a tea, I've just got the kettle on?"

Calumn didn't know what to do. He wanted to say yes, and he wanted to say no. He flustered again.

"It'll be nice to get to know a local" Michel continued.

"OK" Calumn heard himself replay.

"Go around to the front and I'll let you in" Michel said as he pulled himself in from the ledge.

As Calumn headed around the house, he wondered if Michel would still be naked when he let him in. What would he do if he was? Calumn felt sure he would be too distracted and embarrassed to act normally. What if this man was to talk to others in the town. What if he told them Calumn had been looking in the windows. Calumn's thoughts sent ice down his spine. He still had a hard-on, but at least that was concealed under his baggy shirt.

He saw the van again as he turned into the front of the house. There was a loud click, and the front door was opening just as it came into view. Michel was standing there. Thank god, thought Calumn, as Michel was wearing boxer shorts, the sort of floppy baggy ones. These were black, and curved beautifully around his body.

"Welcome to my new abode" Michel waved him down the entrance. It was an absolute mess. There was plaster dust, bricks, and even blocks of old stone lying around.

"Is it safe?" Calumn asked.

"yes, but only just. I had it surveyed by a friend of mine before I brought it."

Calumn really didn't think it looked habitable.

"In here, this is the safe side of the house" Michael chuckled as he led Calumn into the room where the kettle rattled in the corner.

"Tea is all I have I'm afraid."

"Thats fine." Calumn felt awkward. What was he doing here. He headed across the room to the open window that led to his discovery.

"So do you visit this garden a lot?" Michael asked. Calumn looked at him. His light green eyes were sincere.

"no, I was just nosey to see who had moved in" Calumn thought honesty was probably best.

"shit, word spreads around fast, I've only been here since late yesterday evening."

"I saw the lights on last night" Calumn explained.

Michel crouched by the kettle, stretching the boxers over his bum. Calumn gulped, but couldn't take his eyes off them. He looked up making eye contact with Michel who was looking over his shoulder. Calumn quickly looked away and his cheeks flushed once more.

"No milk I'm afraid" Michel had stood up and was handing him a cup. Calumn took it and avoided Michel's eye. What was he doing here?

"So what do you do around here?" Michael asked after a brief silence.

"Not much" Calumn finally looked up, and was relieved to see the same pleasant smile as before. He couldn't help but glance over his muscled body. He noticed a slight bump in the boxers. Was Michael getting hard also? Calumn dared not look again. He was so excited, his own hard-on strained in his jeans, thankfully under the tea-shirt. He was in uncharted waters. A beautiful near-naked man was in front of him, and he was so excited his mind wasn't working.

"I guess there isn't much work around here?" Michael continued, before slowly sipping his hot tea.

"Some farm work, but that doesn't really appeal." Why did he give up such personal information? He turned and looked out the open window.

"You have a great view over the Jacob's fields" he continued, not wanting to look at Michel in case his gaze wanders again.

Suddenly Michael was beside him, Calumn instinctively made way allowing Michael to lean out next to him.


"Yep, one of the reasons I brought it" he said.

Calumn was breathing heavy, he could feel the warmth of Michael's flesh inches from his own. His mind was spinning. He couldn't think of anything to say. He pulled back away from the window. He didn't want the closeness to end, but he didn't know what to do. He took a few steps back and pretended to look at the state of the house.

Michael too turned. Calumn glanced back, and this time saw it. The boxes could no longer hide a hard-on that dented and strained the black cotton. He stared. Michel took another sip of his tea, before laying it on the window sill.

"I think," Michael paused, "I think I'm a little excited" he said very slowly and carefully.

Calumn didn't say anything. He just let his eyes jump between Michael's eyes and boxers.

"Do you mind if I ask if you are too?" Michael sounded hesitant.

Calumn glanced out the window, then back into Michaels eyes. "yes" he stuttered.

Michel moved across the room slowly. He reached out and took the tea from Calumn's hands. He turned and placed it on the window sill next to his.

When he turned back, he noticed Calumn hadn't moved. "Are you OK?" Michael asked in his slow voice.

"Aye, its" Calumn stammered "its just nothing has ever..." his voice trailed off.

"Nothing has to happen, we can just talk?" Michael smiled his relaxed smile.

"I want..." Calumn paused again.

"What would you like?" Michael replied.

Calumn couldn't bring himself to say anything. He wanted to see Michael naked again. But naked and aroused. He gulped before quickly shooting out his words: "I want to see you naked." He couldn't believe this was happening, nor that he had said that.

Michael's expression didn't change. He just slowly pushed open his boxers at the front and slid them down. He let them drop to the floor and stood, his hard-on fully exposed in front of him.

Calumn stared. It was beautiful. Michael was beautiful. His constrained penis was leaking large amounts of precum.

"May I see you naked too?" Michael asked directly after a few moments, waking Calumn out of his trance.

Calumn looked up, unsure what to do. It seemed less complected now. He knew what he wanted. He pulled off his shirt. He wasn't muscular or tanned like Michael, he was thin and white. His jeans clearly etched a shadow around his hard penis, and he was embarrassed by a small damp patch that could be seen at its tip. Fumbling, he undid the buttons and let the jeans and underwear slip to the floor. His penis slapped against his stomach as he let them go. He silently slipped his feet out of his trainers before looking up. He saw the same reassuring smile.

Michael walked slowly towards him. He left his hands by his side and stopped just in front of Calumn. He lent forward and let his penis touch Calumn's.

The shock of another man's manhood gently nudging his own was too much for Calumn. He breathed in and stood back. Slowly he lent forward again letting his penis rub down the side of Michael's. Hesitantly, he reached out his hand and gently touched the head of Michael's cock with his finger tips. It was amazing. Another glob of crystal precum dripped from the end of his own.

"You're beautiful" Calumn said as if in a trance.

"I think you are two" Michael replied. Calumn glanced back into his eyes looking for the truth. He blushed and turned his head as Michael ran his hand across his cheek.

Quickly Calumn breathed in. Michael's other hand had swept gently under his balls, only lightly touching them. Michael leaned forward, slowly pulling Calumn into a kiss. Subtly, their lips intertwined. Gradually Michael's tongue began to lick the inner edge of Calumn's lips. Calumn moaned. Calumn's arm's slid down Michael's back and glided over the beautiful behind he had seen earlier. His fingers gently prodded Michael's buttocks, feeling their firmness and shape.

Michael pulled away from the kiss. "Shell we go to the other room?" Calumn nodded. Lowering his hand, Michael gently encircled Calumn's penis, and led him into the room across the hall where he had slept.


In this room where a wedge of sunlight cut it in two, Michael let go of Calumn and sat on the mattress. He crossed his legs and looked up at the young man standing before him.

Calumn smiled. Sitting with his legs crossed, Michael's penis jutted upwards in front of his perfect stomach.

"You OK?" Michael asked.

"Aye" he paused for a good minute as Michael patiently waited. "its..., I have never...". He paused again.

"Its OK, we can do what ever you want." Micheal stopped, thinking. "Have you every fantasied about being with a man?" He asked.

"yes." Calumn replied, not sure he wanted to continue this exchange.

"Do you want to tell me?" Michael still had his reassuring smile.

"I imagine", Calumn halted. Was he really about to tell this man the thoughts he would often deny himself? He gulped and sat next to Michael, extending his white legs onto the floor. His penis stuck straight out in front of him. "I image myself..." "myself fucking you."

Had he really said that. His forbidden fantasies flooded his mind. Fucking his best friend at School.

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Would you like to fuck me?" he asked in his mellow deep voice. Calumn nodded. He didn't know how to do it, but it is what he desperately wanted to do. Michael pulled him close and they kissed.

After deeply probing Calumn's mouth, he broke the kiss and gently pushed Calumn flat on the mattress. His cock glistened with precum. Michael kissed his neck, his nipple, his navel, and finally he carefully wrapped his lips around the head of Calumn's penis. Calumn breathed deeply. His mind was wild and out of control. He wasn't far from cumming.

Michael could feel Calumn tense as he slid his lips up and down over the ridge of Calumn's cock head. He paused, leaving his lips static down the middle of the shaft. He didn't want it to finish just yet. He would make this young man's fantasy come true.

After a short minute, when he felt Calumn relax once more, he slipped his lips off Calumn's member. He lent over to his satchel sitting next to the pillow. From it he pulled a condom, unwrapped it and slid it over Calumn's cock.

Calumn looked on in bewilderment. He had no idea what was about to happen, but he knew whatever it was he wanted it.

Michael lifted himself up and crouched over Calumn. He lowered his arse crack so that Calumn's cock slide up and down between his butt cheeks. Calumn wriggled in pleasure, shifting his own penis, sliding it. Michael reached behind him and took hold of the ensheathed penis. Lifting himself up, he positioned it at the entrance of his arse hole. Slowly he lowered himself pushing on Calumn's cock. Suddenly it slipped in.

Calumn yelped. He was inside another man. The warmth of Michael encircled him. He almost came just then.

Michael leaned forward and kissed Calumn as he slid is arse, slowly pulling away from Calumn's cock, before sinking it back down again. He could hear Calumn moan during their kiss. It wouldn't be long. He clenched his arse and slid it up and down faster.

"Ahhh" Calumn didn't notice he had yelled. He was shooting loads of cum, again and again, as Michael rocked on his cock.

Michael slowed his movements and kissed Calumn again.

His eyes were closed. He hadn't ever cum like that before. He was in bliss feeling his cock still deep inside Michael. A gentle hand stroke his cheek, and he opened his eyes to look upon the most beautiful man sitting on top of him.

Michaels cock was hard and glistened a little about its hole. Calumn instinctively reached over and slid his white hand over the large cock. It was about 7 or 8 inches long, and beautiful. Straight and symmetrical. Calumn looked up as he heard Michael moan in response to his movements. He keep going, rubbing his hand over the loose skin. It wasn't circumcised like his own, but the head was fully exposed.

He heard Michael grunt, and looked up. Suddenly he felt Michael's arse clench his cock tight. A glob of cum hit his face, then his chest, then he saw more dribble on his stomach. Seeing Michael cum made him excited again. He stared at Michael in amazement at what had just happened. Never in his deepest dreams had he imagined this would happen to him today. He lay back and closed his eyes. He felt Michael leaned forward and lay on top of him, squelching the cum between them.

They lay together in silence.

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Keywords: farm hand / man balls / naked man / beautiful man / neighbor / coach / young beauty / stranger / best friend / manhood / father / buttocks / bum / deep inside / big cock / precum / high-school / young fucker / ass cheeks / penis / muscular / underwear / large dick / jeans / fuck me / muscles / feet / heterosexual / fucking / butt / licking
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.