Man for Man

Camp Cock


Adult reading for males, if offended, do not proceed.

Zak's my name, Zachary Leigh, and these are the stories of my sexual beginnings, the opening of a hunger that changed my life and drove me to dark worlds of lust and passion. Like to beginnings of most people's sexual awakening, it was intense, insane, yet immensely pleasurable. It became the single focus in my life, an obsession as pure and uncontrollable as breathing itself.


It had been almost a month since my last visit to the country, almost two months since my virginity became a thing of the past, when Tommy gave me a call to invite me on a camping trip with him and his dad. Tommy didn't see his dad much. Lloyd was a cruel man, one who had always scared the Hell out of me, as well as most of the people he came in contact with. He and my aunt had divorced after many years of beatings -- both her and the kids. I personally was glad to see him disappear from Tommy's life. I probably would have refused to go, if my hard dick hadn't insisted on another chance for a little cock action.

My parents at first refused to let me go for the weekend, but my pleading won out. They picked me up on Friday afternoon and as my mother waved good-bye, we sped up the road and out to the highway. Riding north in Uncle Lloyd's old red pickup, the three of us set side by side in the front of the dirty old truck. Tommy kept rubbing his knee against mine, and despite my efforts, my boycock sprang to attention. I hoped my Uncle didn't notice the bulge in my shorts. I tried to push his knee away but he just kept smirking and rubbing his knee up and down. I stared at his bulge, obviously hard too and glanced over at Uncle Lloyds basket wishing I could see what he had inside.

We proceeded north into the woods, deep down a densely covered dirt road. Lloyd parked under an overgrown oak tree and after grabbing our sleeping bags and gear, we headed deep into the brush. After a long walk through thick brambles and vines, we stepped out into a deserted lake area with beautiful smooth water and no sign of life anywhere around; a bright blue summer day with only a few puffy white clouds to interrupt the serenity.

Uncle Lloyd told us to start putting up the tent while he went back to the truck for the food cooler. When he returned, we were still trying to figure up which way was up with the confusing array of poles and canvas. "Jesus," he shouted, "you two are gonna be worthless on the trip."

That was the Uncle Lloyd I remembered. I started wondering exactly how good of a time I was going to have.

When we finished setting up the tent, we unrolled the sleeping bags and laid them on the floor, they just fit side by side. The thought about sleeping that close to both those cocks made mine twitch and start to grow -- again.

"Let's take a dip," Tommy shouted.

"Good idea," Uncle Lloyd added, "you two strip and dip. I'll finish getting everything set up."

"Last one naked is a monkey's dick," Tommy continued, laughing.

I couldn't believe he said that in front of his dad, but Lloyd didn't even seem to notice. Before I could even get started, Tommy had stripped all of his clothes off and stood totally naked in front of us. I just stared, stared at that beautiful cock and the great bush of dark hair that surrounded it. I wanted that cock so bad.

"Come on dick head," he shouted.

"Just a minute, I've gotta find my swimming suit," I replied.

"Swimming suit," Uncle Lloyd mocked. "No need for swimming suits out here. Everyone swims naked, now strip and get going."

I wasn't sure what to do, staring at Tommy's cock had started mine on a stiff and upward direction and they wanted me to get naked.

I concentrated on other things and slowly took off my tee shirt and shorts, and then pulled my boxers down and off. My cock wasn't totally hard, kinda `semi'. I looked at them staring at my naked hairless dick and tried to smile, hoped it wouldn't get any harder.

"No hair yet," Lloyd kidded, "but a nice boy-prick just the same."

Okay, I was really uncomfortable now.

Tommy turned and ran for the lake, "last one in does the dishes," he shouted as he dove head first into the deep blue water.

I followed right behind him and they probably would have heard me scream all the way into town, if I hadn't been completely submerged in the icy cold water. When I came up for air, I let out a howl and felt my balls shrink into my body. I looked around and didn't see Tommy anywhere; suddenly he popped up behind me and jumped on my back ramming his hard cock against my butt. I loved the way it felt. He kept pushing it at the crack in my ass. "You'd better stop," I said, "your dad will see."


"He's too busy getting things set up," Tommy responded, "open up for me."

I relaxed and using my hands, spread my asscheeks and soon he was pushing his hard boydick deep into my ass. Deeper and deeper it went till I felt his pubic hair pushing against my hole, he was all the way in and I loved every inch. I reached back and felt the sides of his hips as he fucked me under the water. Small ripples and waves crashed between us with his thrusts and spread out as far as I could see as he fucked me.

"I heard about your visit with Mike, while I was away," he whispered in my ear as he thrust. "Sorry I missed it. I sure love that hot black cock of Ted's. I heard you gave them all a hot fuck and suck."

"I sure did," I replied, "and loved every minute of it. I missed you too."

He fucked hard and thrust till he shot his hot load in my ass, it felt so hot it almost burned under the cold water. I moaned right along with him as he shot every drop of his cum. I looked up toward the camp and Uncle Lloyd was watching us as he smoked one of his camels. Tommy bit my neck as he slowly pulled out of my ass; I felt the cold water rush into my crack as he pulled away. He then sank under the water, following my legs down and turning me around, he swallowed my entire hard dick into his warm mouth. Uncle Lloyd was still watching. He sucked hard, stopping only to come up for air and pumped fast up and down my shaft, making love to my cock, squeezing my balls and feeling my legs and ass as he fucked his mouth on my throbbing cock. I wanted to stop him because his dad was watching, but I couldn't.

Within seconds, I shot my load, first in his mouth and then into the dark water, the long strings of cum floating to the surface. He hugged me tight.

"Let's get out," he said as he began swimming toward shore.

"I hope we get a chance to do that again," I responded, trying to keep pace with him. "Your dad was watching us."

"I'm sure he didn't see what we were doing," Tommy replied, "and I'm sure we will get a chance to do it again, you'll get all the cock you want this weekend."

As I crawled out of the water and waded through the muddy shoreline, Tommy came up behind me again and tackled me. I fell face first into the black mud, thick heavy sludge probably ankle deep all along the shore. It felt incredible, my cock wiggling in the wet goo. Tommy lay on top of me, pushing me down; his soft cock pressed into the crack of my butt. I finally got a firm hold on solid ground and pushed up, rolling him off my back. I crawled on top of him, my cock and balls on top of his, my muddy body s mearing mud all over him. He grabbed handfuls of the black mud and smeared it all over my chest and hair. We wrestled over and over in the mud getting completely covered. Lloyd stood watching, not laughing, not mad, just watching as we wrestled, totally black from head to toe. As Lloyd watched, our cocks got all hard again. I didn't want to stand up, partially because of the incredible sensuous feeling, and second because of the raging hardon. Tommy stood, his totally erect, completely mud-covered dick pointing toward the sky and he didn't seem to mind at all showing it off. I did the same. Lloyd gawked at us, smiling. My cock was so hard it barely moved as I walked up to shore, just pointed straight up.

"You two had better clean up," he said, "so we can get dinner ready."

We turned and dove back in the water to rinse off and as we trudged up on shore, Uncle Lloyd threw us a towel. I dried off and headed for my cast off clothing. I was just about to step into my boxers when Uncle Lloyd grabbed hold of my shoulder.

"No need to get dressed now," he smiled, "we always hang out naked here in the woods. No one will see."

I stared at him puzzled. And dropped my shorts back onto the pile of clothes. I kinda liked being naked outside. After all, it's how all the fun started a few months back. I wished I could see Uncle Lloyds cock too, but he stayed dressed as we finished getting dinner ready. For what seemed like hours we set around the campfire, eating burgers and beans and listening to Uncle Lloyd's stories about wild experiences and good times.


It started getting cold after the sun had set; I kept moving closer to the fire to stay warm. I wanted to put something on, but if Tommy was tough enough to stay naked, I was too. Uncle Lloyd kept looking at my cock and I guess I enjoyed showing it off, I kept spreading my legs and felt it go hard and back soft over and over during the course of the evening.

Finally, as the fire began to grow smaller, Lloyd announced that it was time for bed. Tommy crawled first into the tent and took the sleeping bag on the far-left side. I followed him in, watching his naked butt wiggle from side to side in front of me. How I wanted to lick and kiss it. I started to crawl into the center bag when Uncle Lloyd told me that was his. Reluctantly, I took the outside bag and quickly climbed inside it to get warm. It felt so nice to be naked inside the smooth silky material. My cock was raging hard as I rubbed it over the smooth cool cloth of the inside of the bag.

After Lloyd had completely doused the fire, he crawled in too and distinguished the lantern that lit the inside of the tent. I was disappointed not to be able to see him get undressed. I wanted to see his cock; I wanted to touch it and suck it like I had my dad's.

In the dark, I heard rustling and figured he was taking his clothes off. I wondered how big his cock was; I wondered how it would feel in my hand. If only I had the nerve to get a feel after he was sleeping like I did my dad. I'd never have the nerve to do that with Uncle Lloyd though. God only knows what he'd do with his temper. I just imagined what it would be like. I kept hearing the rustling, and couldn't figure out what was going on. I heard the zipper on one of the bags being zipped or unzipped, I couldn't tell. I strained to see something, but couldn't and finally drifted off to sleep after an exhausting day in the water and sun.

As I floated deeper and deeper into my dreams, I felt a fish under me swimming across the lake. The fish wrapped his smooth wet lips around my hard cock and sucked, sucked like I'd never felt. It drove me wild, I moaned and writhed back a forth as the fish sucked me harder and harder, bit lightly. It felt incredible and slowly as I drifted out of sleep I realized it wasn't a fish, it was Uncle Lloyd, sucking my cock. I moaned loud as he continued to gobble it, I felt his hair, his face, and his rough unshaved cheeks and told him how good it felt. He sucked harder.

All of a sudden, something banged against my cheek. I wasn't sure what it was at first and then I recognized it. It was Tommy's cock and I opened wide ready for a mouth fucking. He crawled over my chest as Uncle Lloyd threw my unzipped sleeping bag off my naked body and really went to town on my cock and balls. After Tommy had straddled my chest, he leaned forward and jammed his cock right to the pubs; they tickled my nose as his cock almost choked me. I sucked as hard as Uncle Lloyd was sucking on me. I would have screamed if I could as I shot a huge load into his mouth, he swallowed it all, and dragged his teeth up the shaft, sucking every drop, diving down to the base and sucking more. I wanted to remember his technique, wanted to try it on every cock that came into reach. Within seconds, Tommy emptied a second load for the day into my throat, I swallowed every drop too. And as he pulled his cock out, he wiped it all over my face.

Tommy rolled off and Uncle Lloyd crawled up my naked body, dragging his hard thick, huge cock over me, letting me get a good feel of his monster dick. He leaned down and kissed my mouth, pushing his tongue deep. I tasted my own cum in his mouth; he'd saved some for me. He sucked my tongue right out of my mouth and bit it and held it tight between his lips and teeth.

"Tommy told me you were one hell of a hot fucker," he started. "I guess you are. You've been driving me wild with that naked ass of yours all day. I can't wait to get a piece."

"I can't wait to give it to you," I replied and slowly began to roll over under him.


"Yah," he continued, "I want some of that boycunt of yours."

He pushed a pillow under my hips to get a better angle and drove it hard home. All the way to the base, the biggest and thickest cock I'd taken up the ass yet. I pushed my face into the pillow to keep from screaming and took it all. Without even waiting for me to loosen up, he started fucking like a wild man. He rammed like a jackhammer in and out of my throbbing ass. Slowly I loosened up and began pushing back against his thrusts. He moaned and called me his good little cock slut. He rammed faster and I pushed back harder wanting to give him every piece of pleasure I could. He fucked and fucked and moaned.

"Get over here Tommy," he snapped, " let me slap that ass of yours as I fuck this hot cockslut."

I heard Tommy roll over next to me, face down and heard Uncle Lloyd slapping his ass hard as he fucked me. In the dark of the tent, white flashes passed across the blackness of my eyes as I felt every thrust, felt every wave of pain and pleasure, loved every feeling. I rammed back against him and suddenly, he grabbed my hips and jerked me back against his hips as he exploded and screamed with pleasure. He leaned down and bit my neck, sucked hard as he shot over and over, as I felt the spasms of cum fill my ass. Like electric waves passing down the shaft of his cock, I felt it all. With his last shot, he collapsed on my back, the full wait of his naked body against mine. I could hardly breath; my cock was raging hard again and pressed tight into the silky sleeping bag under both of us.

"Good little cockslut," he whispered, "great fuck, incredible ass. My two cuntboys, for a beginner, you're unbelievable. Tommy's been sucking and fucking with me for years and you're almost as good as him."

I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not, but I liked it anyway. I liked being good at fucking or being fucked that is.

Slowly he pulled his huge softening cock out of my ass; it popped out with a gush of fresh cum that ran down the crack of my ass and onto my balls. I loved the feeling. He rolled me over and jammed his soft cock in and told me to suck it dry. I did with no hesitation.

Before he could get hard again, he rolled off me and on his back. I heard his breathing get slower and wondered if he was fading off to sleep and I wondered if Tommy had a little more cock action for me.

"Uncle Lloyd," I asked, "are you awake?"

He didn't answer. I decided to just take some more. I crawled onto my knees and down to Lloyd's cock again. I felt across his naked hips, into his thick curly cockhair and down the shaft of his huge soft cock. I lifted it and sucked it into my mouth. I pulled and lifted the huge soft cock with my lips and it quickly started to get hard again. It grew to the same incredible size that had filled my ass minutes earlier. I sucked as much as I could into my mouth and wrapped my fists around the remaining section of shaft and fucked my face with his magnificent cock. Tommy must have heard me, because he joined me licking the shaft while I sucked the head. We both worked that huge cock, worked it as Lloyd's breathing increased and he began raising his hips against our mutual work on his cock.

"Good fuckboys," he said, "take it all, Fucking slutboys, boycunts. Suck that mancock."

We did suck it, it seemed like an hour had passed and my mouth was getting raw with the sucking and jamming of his huge dick. And then he blew again, filled my throat, I swallowed it all. Sucked it all. Loved every drop, the salty acid taste of his cum, his manjuice.

"Sweet jesus," he cried, "this is fucking incredible."

I kept his cockhead in my mouth till it went completely soft and slowly laid the huge soft cock up on his stomach. I kissed the head, lick it, kissed it and kissed down the shaft. I sucked his balls into my mouth, rolled them around in my mouth and gently let them fall out and down on his thighs.

"Get up here you two," he ordered, " let me jack those boycocks for you. You did suck a good job on mine."


Tommy and I get on each side of him on our knees and he grabbed out cocks and jacked hard and fast till we shot our boyloads all over Uncle Lloyd's naked chest. I moaned, Tommy moaned and Uncle Lloyd laughed as we emptied all over him.

Tommy lay down and I lay across both naked bodies and rubbed our cum all over all of us. I fell asleep in Uncle Lloyd's arms in-between both their naked bodies. A rich erotic night of incredible sexual images kept my cock hard most of the night.

When I woke the next morning, Uncle Lloyd was gone and I felt Tommy's hard morning cock buried deep in my ass. I think he was still sleeping. I pushed back against his cock as he began fucking faster and faster. He quickly emptied his first morning load inside me and leaned up and kissed my neck.

"Hell of a night," he started, "fucking incredible fuck session."

"It sure was," I replied.

"Gotta pee," Tommy continued. "Back in a sec. Keep that ass loose for me."

I must have fallen back asleep, because when I woke, Tommy was nowhere in sight either. My cock throbbed, almost hurt from being so hard and what was worse, I had to pee like I'd never had to pee before. I heard voices outside and got to my knees and stuck my head out of the slit in the tent.

Uncle Lloyd was there with two strangers, hunters, talking.

"About time you woke lazy," he chided. "Thought you were going to sleep all day. Come on get out of there."

"Uh," I stuttered," I don't have any clothes in here."

"You don't need clothes," he shouted, "we're all guys here."

He reached down, grabbed my arm and pulled me naked, hardon and all, out of the tent to a standing position.

The three of them stared at my hard boycock. The two guys smiled.

"Looks like he's got a little problem there," the tall man laughed.

"Yah," Uncle Lloyd laughed, " he's one horny fucker. Thought he was gonna wear my cock out last night."

I was totally embarrassed as the guys stared at each other, at Uncle Lloyd and back at my cock. They didn't know what to make of his statement.

"I've gotta pee bad," I said, covering my hard cock with my hands.

"Go ahead, pee right here," Lloyd continued, "we'll watch."

I turned sideways and let it flow, arching up and off to the side of the tent. All three of them watched closely as the high-pressure stream of yellow piss arched up and out about five feet to the left, until I finished peeing.

"Yah," he continued, "and I'm sure he'd be willing to have a piece of you guy's cocks too. He is a natural born cock-sucker."

"Really?" they asked in unison.

"Really," replied Lloyd. "And my son Tommy will be right back so you can both have your knobs polished at the same time."

"Sounds like a great idea to me," the taller guy said.

Just then Tommy came walking back to the tent.

"Just in time," Lloyd said, "got some new action for you hot boys. Strip boy and the two you get to work."

Tommy quickly shed his clothes and he and I got on our knees in front of the strangers and reached for their zippers.

We undid their pants and pulled them and their underwear down to their ankles. The new cocks sprang to attention.

The one I had was no where near as big as Uncle Lloyd's but I dove on it anyway, kissing and licking and sucking. The guy almost lost his balance; I took him so quick. He gasped as his hard cock disappeared down my throat.

Uncle Lloyd watched as we sucked and sucked, and stroked their naked asses as we sucked more mancock.

"Why don't you guys shoot all over their faces," Uncle Lloyd suggested laughing.

The guys didn't answer, they were too lost in the pleasures of their cock, lost in the boy mouths making love to their dicks, lost in the incredible good luck to have stumbled on suck an afternoon treat, lost in the mounting pressure of the cum in their balls. They moaned and the short guy I was sucking grabbed my hair, pulled my head off his cock and shot his entire load all over my face. It dripped down my nose; I caught a couple drops with my tongue and tasted more manjuice. I loved it. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it all around my face, in his cum and wiped his cock off in my hair. He laughed and moaned with the pleasure of the feelings and sight.


"Man," he moaned, " that was the hottest blow-job I've ever had."

"You know it," Lloyd responded, "that hot little fucker about wore me out last night and I about wore out his ass."

"Yah?" The stranger continued, "think I could have a piece of his ass too?"

"I'm sure he'd be more than happy to take you on," Lloyd laughed.

Just then the other guy shot his load all over Tommy's face too, moaning, his head back. Tommy opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue trying to catch all the cum that didn't cover his face.

The first guy grabbed me and turned me around, bent me over and once his cock was hard again, he pushed it deep into my ass. I could tell my asshole was already getting stretched out, because it didn't hurt as all as he pushed his man-sized cock all the way in. With his arms around my waist, he lifted me off the ground and literally moved me up and down on his cock while I was off the ground. He put me back down and pushed my head toward the ground so he could fuck me with long powerful thrusts. He held my hips and fucked so hard he made loud slapping sounds the echoed across the lake.

His buddy was already hard again watching us and came over and rammed his shorter dick with red pubic hair into my mouth. Two cocks at once, I was in heaven. Tommy and Lloyd stood laughing and watching me get fucked in both ends and I liked being watched, I liked performing for them.

Soon the guy fucking me, pulled out, came around to my face and shot again, all over my eyes, forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. And again, wiped his cum in my hair. When the second guy shot, he did the same. After they had cum for the second time, they pulled up their pants and with sincere thanks for an unforgettable treat, disappeared back into the woods.

I stood looking at Tommy naked, cum still visible on his face and Lloyd dressed standing beside him, realized how much I loved cock, loved sex, being used, pleasing guys, how much I wanted more. I walked over to Uncle Lloyd and reached for his belt, I undid it, and he let me, and unfastened his pants and slowly pulled them down. His hard cock pushing out the front of his jockeys. "I want more," I pleaded. "It's all yours," Lloyd smiled. I took it.

Over and over again for the entire weekend, every chance I got, I sucked and was fucked by Uncle Lloyd and Tommy. I can't begin to remember how many loads of cum I took, how many times my ass was ridden. I remember having Tommy's cum on my hotdog instead of ketchup. I remember learning how to eat ass or give a rim job on Uncle Lloyd. For most of an afternoon, I had the word cumslut written on my naked chest and back in mud. I never once had a stick of clothing on for the entire weekend. I actually remember wishing another group of men would show up so Uncle Lloyd could give me to them too. I wanted cock more than anyone could possibly imagine.

I never went to sleep before I had at least two loads and never woke without a morning load of cum still wet on my body somewhere. I was theirs, they knew it, we all knew it; we all loved it. Whenever Uncle Lloyd was dressed, I'd crawl up to him and feel his cock under his clothes, I'd beg him to let me undress him and make love to his cock and balls. I'd suck him till he pushed me away and still beg for more. As Sunday afternoon arrived, Uncle Lloyd told us to get packed, it was time to go home. I didn't want the wild lust to end, I didn't want to go home, and I didn't want put clothes on my body. He told us not to wear underwear on the trip home.

We packed and headed back down the highway, back towards conventional civilization where you had to wear clothes and you couldn't just suck a cock a nytime you felt like it. As we drove down the highway, I pulled Uncle Lloyd and Tommy's cocks out of their pants and stroked and sucked from one to the other. They knew how badly I needed cock, how much I loved it, and they knew how much they enjoyed me loving their cocks. As I was sucking Lloyd's huge erect mandick, a trucker began to pass us. He slowed when he noticed what was going on in the front seat of the old pick-up. He watched me suck Uncle Lloyd and stroke Tommy at the same time. We knew he was watching and Uncle Lloyd didn't mind, so I didn't either.


After he passed us, Uncle Lloyd laughed as the trucker reached his arm out the window and motioned us by. He wanted a better view of the action from his side of the cab. We complied.

A few miles up the road, we pulled into a rest stop. The trucker followed us in.

"I think you're gonna get a little more cock," Uncle Lloyd laughed.

The trucker climbed down from his cab and walked over to our truck.

"Afternoon," he started, "nice action there back on the road. Got me horny as hell."

"You want a piece," Uncle Lloyd asked, "either boy will give you an unforgettable ride."

"Shit man," the trucker continued, "I'll take em both."

"All yours for an hour," Uncle Lloyd smiled. "You boys do me proud."

We laughed and climbed out of the old pick-up and followed the tall thin trucker back to his truck. "Climb aboard boys," he ordered, "and strip."

We moved up into the cab of the tall shiny black truck and over into the back private compartment. We laughed and quickly stripped naked before the guy had even shut and locked the front door. He smiled as he looked back at our naked boy bodies ready for his pleasure. He reached back and grabbed a handful of boycock from each of us and stroked our already hard dicks. He squeezed our asses and rubbed his dirty hands all over our naked skin.

"So you boys like cock huh," he asked. "I got a man-sized cock already for you. But first, I want you to '69' each other, but no cumming till I tell you to. You got it?"

"Yes sir," we both said in unison and quickly lay down on the rolled out sleeping bag and gobbled each other's cocks. I loved Tommy's cock, I knew it by smell and feel and length and by the beautiful silky smooth pubic hair that tickled my chin as he fucked my mouth as I fucked his.

"I got me a dildo here, two of them," he continued. "I want you to stick them in your asses while you suck me."

"Yes sir," I smiled as I took it from him. I put it in my mouth and pushed it in as far as I could. It wasn't as big as Uncle Lloyd, but it was good size and I couldn't seem to get the whole thing down my throat. Tommy laughed watching me give the plastic dildo a blowjob and the trucker's eyes got huge and glazed over with lust. "Stick it in your ass boy," he shouted.

I did, slowly pushed the flesh-colored plastic cock deep into my ass, till just the flat, cut-off end protruded from my pink butt. Tommy did the same and then we went back to sucking our cocks. "Now mine," ordered the trucker and pulled his belt loose. "Strip me now."

We quickly undid his pants and pulled his dirty jeans down and off, and along with his boots and socks. He was wearing red mesh bikini briefs and his short fat cock showed clearly throbbing hard underneath the transparent material.

"Now take off my undies with your teeth," he ordered. Tommy and I got on our hands and knees and grabbed hold of the hot underwear with our mouths and pulled them down, down, down and off. His thick short hard cock sprang straight out at us. I couldn't resist; I gobbled it all the way to the base. He let out a yowl and threw his head back with pleasure. Tommy went to work on his balls, sucking both of them into his mouth; I pumped his wide cock up and down, lost immediately in the feeling, the pleasure, and the scent of another man. It seemed the more I sucked cock, the more I loved it, the more everything else around me faded away as I sucked and made love to the essence of a man: his cock.

As we worked like wild animals on his cock and balls, he reached down and moved the greasy dildos in and out our asses. It felt, incredible, I wondered where I could hide one in my room where my mother would never find it. I had to have one.

It didn't take long till I felt him tensing, knew he was about to shoot. I squeezed my lips tight around the very base of the cock and pulled tight all the way up. I moved my clenched lips back and forth a few times over the rim of his mandick and then back down to the base, all the way up, all the way down.

Suddenly, he pushed us back onto the floor and holding his throbbing cock, shot all over us. Load after load fell on our chests, on your boy dicks. He moaned over and over with the pleasure, I loved the sight of a man cumming; he eyes wild, closed, his head back, his hair wild, his body convulsing with each spasm. He collapsed back onto the sleeping bad and ran his hands up and down his cock, over his balls, on his thighs.

"Now I want you both to jack each other off, shoot your cum all over each other, I want you covered with juice."

We did, it didn't take but a couple minutes before I came, my cum squirting all over Tommy's chest. And once I did, he followed suit, his cum hitting my face, my hair, all down my chest and even on the head of my cock.

The trucker reached up and rubbed the cum all over us, on our faces, our chests, our arms, under our arms, over our cocks and on our asses.

"Yah," he moaned, "cum-soaked fuckers." He pushed our bodies against each other and worked the hot dildos a while more and then with a pop, pulled them out.

"Good job boys," he continued, "you're pros. Could I ever make money with the two of you. And I bet you'd both love it more than me."

"We would," I replied. "I want more."

"Man," he smiled, "you're a little whore, aren't you.?"

"I think I am," I blushed. "I want more."

"Let me talk to your Uncle, and see what I can arrange."

He made me dress him, slowly and kiss his cock before I covered it with the red mesh pants. He then climbed out of the truck and went over to talk to Uncle Lloyd.

When he returned, he told us Uncle Lloyd said he could use us for about an hour, but we had to get home soon. He made some calls on the radio and then handed us two long t-shirts.

"I'll keep your clothes till your done, I want you both naked and in the johns waiting for business. Put these shirts on to get in there without attracting too much attention."

We put on the long undershirts and climbing down, ran across the hot parking lot in our bare feet and into the men's john. An old man was standing at the urinal peeing. He looked at us funny with our naked legs and bare feet hanging out of the long shirts. We smiled. And I leaned to the right trying to see his cock.

The trucker came in a second later and smiled at the old guy. "Wanna a quick blow-job old man?" he asked. "These hot young cocks are ready for action."

The old man stared for a minute.

"Raise your shirts boys," the trucker continued "show em what you got to offer. In fact take off those shirts, you won't need them in here."

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Keywords: fuckboy / fresh cum / cum in his mouth / my son / naked boy / huge dick / grabbed his cock / softening cock / cum in my ass / rammed his cock / camping / shot my load / eating out / spread his ass cheeks / black cock / fat cock / teen cock / cunt / get fucked / he fucked me / my cock / huge cock / cum in me / my dad / stranger / slut / fucker / big dick / blowjob / hairless body / in my ass / xxl-cock
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.