Man for Man

A Night at the Gym


Corey Peters took a deep breath as he walked into the gym, knowing that he would probably see some people that he knew here. Setting his gym bag on a shelf in the corner, Corey made his way to the bench and began stacking weights onto the machine, getting ready for a long workout regimen. 18-years-old and still in high school, this was Corey's first time at the gym alone, and he was a little nervous that people would laugh at him because he couldn't lift what most of the other people in the gym were lifting. With an angular face, full lips and a perfect nose, Corey had been told that he was very good looking. A track team all-star, Corey was in great shape already, with perfect muscle tone and washboard abs, Corey was only going to the gym to bulk up for wrestling tryouts.


What Corey didn't realize, however, was that as soon as he had walked into the gym, he was being watched. Corey's friend had told him about this gym, which was located downtown and close to his parents place. What Corey's friend didn't tell him was that the gym was primarily gay. Corey wasn't even out of the closet yet, but his friend had taken it into his own hands and sent him there, hoping that something interesting would happen.

As Corey started to bench, he began to feel like he was being watched. At first he thought he was just being paranoid, but he looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a huge bodybuilder staring at him while the guy curled a hundred pounds. Corey met the guy's eyes and felt an electric tingle as the guy stopped mid-curl, crooking an eyebrow. Corey snapped his gaze back to the barbells, sweat beginning to form on his sculpted chest. As he was struggling to put the barbell back on the bench, two strong hands came into his vision and grabbed the barbell, helping him set it back into its slot. Corey followed the hands to the blonde bodybuilder, who was smiling suggestively.

"I thought you might need some help," the guy said.

Corey's throat suddenly became very dry. "Yeah, thanks dude. That last set was brutal." His voice cracked as the guy put his hand over his own.

"Glad I could help, I'm Bjorn," he said with a very deep Swedish accent.

"I'm Corey...and likewise," Corey said as he tried to ignore the growing bulge in his tight gym shorts. Bjorn obviously wasn't ignoring it.

"You're all sweaty, why don't we go rinse all of that off?" Bjorn said.

Corey froze, the back of his neck tingling as he realized what the guy was offering. Something inside him was screaming to run, to get away from this. But another part knew that this was what he had wanted ever since he could jerk off. He looked up at Bjorn and smiled weakly, getting up from the bench and following him toward the back of the gym. Corey looked back once, to make sure no one was watching them. No one seemed to have even noticed as they went through two large double doors and entered a large tiled locker room. Bjorn grabbed his hand and brought him over to the showers, turning them all on.

As steam began to rise from the floor tiles Bjorn pulled Corey over to him and kissed him roughly on the lips. Corey froze at first, surprised by the sudden action. But as Bjorn's hands encircled him and began pressing into his back Corey began to kiss back. His hands, which had been held rigidly at his side now slowly reached around Bjorn's broad back and began kneading his muscled shoulders. Steam shrouded the room in a thick cloud and Corey began to breath harder. Their kissing became more intense as Bjorn in one single motion tore Corey's shirt off, throwing it to the wet floor and exposing his lean torso.

Corey's abs glistened in the dim bathroom light with sweat and beaded steam as Bjorn moved his hands down Corey's lithe back and into his tight gym shorts, feeling Corey's perfect round ass. Corey quivered with anticipation while Bjorn began kissing his neck and licking the beaded sweat off his chest. A low moan escaped Corey's pursed lips and he ran his hands through his now wet hair, Bjorn working his way over Corey's flexing pecs and down to his washboard abs. Corey grabbed the back of Bjorn's shaved head and moaned again, the bulge in his pants throbbing each time Bjorn kneaded his tight ass, working his way to Corey's virgin asshole.

Bjorn pulled his tight gym shorts over Corey's bubble-butt, but they got caught on his now hard 8 inch cock. Bjorn yanked them down, and Corey's cut cock sprang free so hard that it slapped his pubic bone. Glistening pre-cum mingled with the now-steamy air as Bjorn grabbed his cock and began jerking it.

"You are fuckin' hot," Bjorn grunted as he stood up and ripped his tight tank top off, exposing a slightly furred blonde chest and huge, 42 inch pecs. Without another word, Bjorn pulled Corey into one of the still-running showers, turning him around and pressing him against the tile wall. Bjorn's cock was sticking out of the side of his thigh-high running shorts. It wasn't as long as Corey's but it was thick and veined, with a huge bulbous head. Corey looked back uncertainly, a questioning look in his bright blue eyes.

"I've never done anything like this before," he said quietly over the running water.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," Bjorn's accent was thick with passion as he ran his hands over Corey's wet back and ass, finally coming to rest on his hips. Bjorn reached down and pulled his shorts off, dropping them with a wet plop to the floor. He then positioned himself behind Corey, who wiped sweat from his eyes and moaned as Bjorn began rubbing the head of his dick over Corey's round ass. Water sluiced down his back as Bjorn's huge mushroom head rubbed on his puckered asshole. Corey gasped as Bjorn thrust his hips forward slowly, popping the head into his virgin asshole.

Using the water from the shower as lubrication, Bjorn began moving in and out of Corey's tight asshole, stretching it as he did so. Corey threw his head back and let out a loud moan, arching his back and reaching behind him to grab the back of Bjorn's flexing ass. With each thrust, Corey backed up on Bjorn's thick cock, becoming more and more animated with each passing minute. A wet slapping noise punctuated each thrust, and Corey's ass muscles shook as Bjorn began to move faster. Bjorn began grunting rhythmically, reaching around Corey's body and grabbing his rock hard dick, jerking it off as he gyrated his hips, working over Corey's ass from behind. Bjorn felt Corey's cock throb as he moved his hand from cock to pubic area, pressing on Corey's mound hard. At this point Bjorn was slamming Corey's ass so hard that he could feel his cock through Corey's mound!

Without a word Bjorn pulled out, making Corey gasp. He then pushed Corey roughly to the hard ground and brought his legs up over his head, holding them with both arms and shoving his wet dick back up Corey's puckered asshole. Corey cried out as Bjorn braced himself by holding onto his legs and pounded him, completely dominating the 18-year-old virgin. Their sweat mingled in the steam as their breath came out faster. Corey jerked his dick in tune with each hard thrust from Bjorn, and they both began grunting even louder. Bjorn was fucking Corey so hard, his muscled body rippling, that he was pushing Corey along the hard tiled floor. Corey's eyes were closed in ecstasy, his moans coming faster as Bjorn gritted his teeth in effort.

Corey's voice sounded shook as he screamed, "I'm gonna cum! Oh GOD! I'm gonna cum!"

"Spray that cum all over my hairy chest!" Bjorn yelled.

Corey's whole body tensed as he grabbed his huge cock in both hands and sprayed his load so hard it went over Bjorn's shoulder and some hit Bjorn in the face. With each spurt of white fluid, Bjorn felt Corey's ass muscles grab harder onto his pumping dick, and almost at the same time, Bjorn shoved his dick deep into Corey's ass, shooting his load as he pushed Corey's legs back to let him go in all the way. His grunts as he came echoed throughout the bathroom as he collapsed over Corey, letting the boy's legs fall to the ground.

They both caught their breath for a couple minutes, and then Bjorn sighed and got up, turning off the showers and picking up his wet clothes.

"Hope you brought a change of clothes," Bjorn laughed as Corey slowly sat up from the floor. "These are a little wet."

Corey nodded his head yes and sat there for a couple seconds more, and then got up to throw some clothes on. A wall of steam followed him and Bjorn as they left the bathroom, and Corey smiled as he made his way back to his car. He would have to thank his friend for recommending this gym, and he was sure he would come back again.

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Keywords: pounded my ass / round ass / grabbed his cock / virgin ass / domination / wet cock / bubble butt / hairy chest / wrestling / jerk off / huge cock / workout / shaved / tight ass / locker room / lubricant / tight hole / precum / virgin / big cock / high-school / bulge / bear / large dick / licking / muscles / his dick / first time / free gay sex / mens sweat / fucking / butt
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.