Man for Man

A Guy Called Richard ...


"Is this okay, Alex?"

I murmured that is was heaven and not to stop. I'd watched Richard unzip my jeans as I spread out on the settee and almost instantly I felt the familiar surge beneath, like it wanted to burst out and that glorious feeling of sexual lust was there, in expectation of what was to come and enjoying every minute, knowing how Richard just adored to strip me like this; the way he used his finger tips to tease me up over my jeans as he tinkered with the zip fastener was so divine and lovely. I soon developed a full package for him to take his time and enjoy, it was something too to watch the expression in his eyes, hear the rapid breathing as his fingers delved beneath my opened zip, cupping and caressing me there over my boxers shorts.


"You are lovely, Alex and I adore you so much." Soon he was about stripping me as I assisted by lifting my butt so he could drag my jeans down over my knees, but leaving my boxers in place. Richard loved to play with me over my boxers, bunching and squeezing my everything which really did send me to heaven. I was immediately sized up and soon those delicate and sensual finger -tips were giving me so much joy again and it really did make it so very sexy to feel his face pressing into my crotch, moving his mouth against my full erection and cradling my balls, still through my boxers.

I chilled and felt like a prince just letting him enjoy me the way he liked and the way I liked too. Watching him gently ease out the head of my cock from under the seam of my boxers was thrilling enough but when I saw him take it in his mouth, feeling his tongue explore me and the strength of his deep sucking motion, the whole of my seven inch presentation was soon engulfed in his busy mouth and for the next few minutes I was to enjoy that to which I had been accustomed at this stage of our foreplay, the deep throat massage and his tantalising tease of my firm balls. It was all so perfect and when he tied my cock at the girth with red ribbon I knew he wanted to really extend the foreplay, and who was I to complain?, it was lovely and wonderful and to make it more exciting, Richard always has a surprise up his sleeve.

After a few minutes he came up for air, his face plum red, his eyes half open and looking very, very sexy. I loved him like this and could still feel the wonderful feelings he had given me down under.

"Feed me? Richard asked.

"If you would like." I replied and then he was releasing the ribbon clasping my hard stiffness and I knew he wanted me to go all the way. Spurting my all into his mouth as he sucked me off. I discovered from our first encounter just how he loved this, then he took me over the bonnet of his jaguar in the middle of nowhere and then filled me with the splendour of a very active and hungry cock, giving me the most wonderful male fuck I had ever encountered and it has been like that ever since.

Watching him suck me to Kingdom cum I lavished the so sensual feeling spreading over my body, this guy loved to suck, to sniff and tease our favourite twister vibrator up my ass, moving it inside me in rhythm to his deep probing sucks, so when I reached the Waterloo of Richard's riveting mouth fuck it was with a zest and explosion like a veritable volcano and watching his busy mouth attempting to swallow it all was something I shall always treasure - or us both it was an integral part of our foreplay, leading up to that so wonderful and special fuck he would always give me lock, stock and barrel.

But first the customary surprise and I could soon see that Richard had been visiting Ann Summers again and he came up with what was named; Rocks Off Raspberry Ass-Berry Butt Plug.

"You are gonna' love this, Alex, you really are, the girl in the shop says it is very popular just now so I would love to try it on you yeah?"

My cock was still numb with the result of his mouth fuck and now it was his turn to fuck, but of course I wanted to suck him up first and he knew this, the feel of Richard's sturdy and pungent cock tantalising my taste buds was always a great starter for his plundering fuck, for that is how it was, he would take me rough and deep and that is how I liked it, and with the taste his succulent cock in my mouth, and to make that even more fantastic, his soiled briefs plugged into my mouth, as he fucked me.

I took in the new toy he was showing me with that certain gusto and lusty look on his face. "I am sure I will love it just as much as you will" I replied bending over in the position he liked me to be when he gave it to me, deep and penetrating like the twister dildo he frequently used before but this was something more and had the bulge of the size of real cock but with lots of little teasing ridges on the head which, Richard enthused, would make it doubly sensual.

I was well stretched over the arm of the settee, legs opened wide presenting my ass high for him, waiting for those prelim slaps he liked to give me, but for once he must have been keen to get started with his new toy because next thing his face was between my cheeks again as always, and the feel of his mouth and tongue into my hole was so good, already I was well and truly ripe for his penetration longing to feel the throb of the new vibrator first, I was not disappointed, when it was first introduced into me it felt just like Richards knob head and it was really something and gave me such wonderful vibes.

"That is really divine" I whispered to Richard as he worked it into me, around and around and then deeper and deeper stretching me all the time, occasionally removing it from my hungry hole with a slurp and hearing the familiar sounds I knew he was sucking the thing before plunging it into me once again.

Kneeling between my legs as he enjoyed me this way, his hands starching my cheeks so wide apart, I wanted to feel the fullness of his cock and stretched r my hand around behind to find him, already and so very stiff and hard that I could easily feel the throb of pure unadulterated ready for the fuck cock and I wanted him there and now!

I cried out to him that I wanted it but like always he teased me eon for a bit as he took more pleasure thrusting the vibrator in and out of my well numbed ass until I was craving and craving more for his fuck.

All this led to the most wonderful ever deep throbbing and very hard rough fucking he had ever given me so the rocks off raspberry ass-berry butt plug certainly helped.

It was so good and special to try out and enjoy the absolute thrill and adventure of sex toys and I will always be all ass for Richard so that he can really let go and be himself, he told me when we first met that I had helped him lose his shyness and hesitation. That from the start he fancied me but never found the courage to approach me, so it was coincidence that we bumped into each other (literally) in a super market and I ended up with tomatoes and apples rolling all over the floor.

We both picked them up and he said sorry and offered me a coffee in the restaurant. So from the knee touching beneath the table we soon went from there and our wonderful relationship has never dimmed.

From the first time we spent privately with each other I know he was the guy for me, and all the gadgets he liked to try out with me were part and parcel of the guy I adoringly called Richard.

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Keywords: vibrator / butt plug / he fucked me / deep throat / gay love / relationship / bum / my butt / inside me / bulge / massage / lust / jeans / first time / swallowed / crotch / my ass / fucked / my cock / fucking / butt / adult sex / tongue / balls / cum / his cock / ass / fuck / cock / uncut cock
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.