Man for Man

A Cock Filled Initiation


As I watched them disappear out the window, I heaved a sigh of relief. "And the fun life starts now," I said to myself under my breath.

"That it does," said a voice behind me.


Startled, I turned around to see a shirtless guy standing in the doorway. His hair was a ruffled, dirty blond, leading down to a well-defined chest and bronzed skin. Just wearing a pair of board shorts--I had to admire his body. It was one of the best ones I'd seen.

"My name's Chris," he said. "I'm a sophomore here. I don't know if you know this, but you've been placed in a mainly upperclassmen dorm. We don't get too many freshmen here."

"Huh," I said, still a bit absorbed in gazing at his body. I shook my head and then extended my hand--a firm handshake ensued. "My name's Andrew, nice to meet you. Does everyone around here walk without clothes on?" As soon as I said it, I realized it sounded kind of rude and caught my breath, but Chris just laughed.

"It's pretty casual around here, cause it's an all-guy dorm, so we're pretty cool about that," he said.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Cool. Well, I better get going, I wanted to kinda walk around the campus and get used to the place before classes start."

Chris grinned and said, "Hey, I'll show you around. Just give me a moment--I need to check up on something." He disappeared into the next room and had a hushed conversation with the guy over there. He came out, a beautiful smile extending all across his face, and said, "Come on, Andrew, let's get going."

The campus was huge, and Chris seemed to want to show me everything, so it was getting pretty dark by the time we got back to the dorm. I was pretty hungry, too. "Where can you grab a bite to eat around here?"

Christ just smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, man, I know exactly where you can get lots of stuff. Just come with me back to the dorm for a minute."

Something was strange about the way he said this, but I thought it was just the fatigue that I was experiencing. As I walked into the open common room of the dorm, though, I saw at least twenty or thirty guys standing there, milling around, in various states of dress--most were just in shorts.

"Hey Chris," said a guy in the middle. "Good tour?" He was particularly tall, with short, wavy dark hair and a fine covering of fuzz growing down the middle of his well-chiseled chest. "No problems?"

"Nope, Rick," said Chris. "You guys ready?"

"Ready for what?..." I said, my words dying off.

"Welcome to the dorm, Andrew. How're you liking the school so far?"

"Not bad," I said, kind of nervously.

Rick laughed. "That's good." He looked around, grinning at his fellow dormmates, before he continued. "You probably don't know this, but here, we really welcome freshmen since we don't get that many. In fact, we have a special ceremony to welcome you to the dorm."

Before I knew it, Rick made a quick motion with his hand. All of a sudden, Chris slipped back to the dorm door and locked it and two of the guys ran over and closed all the blinds.

"What's going on?" I said. "Why are you guys...why are you guys doing that?"

Rick just smirked. "Like I said, freshie, we're welcoming you to the dorm. Guys?"

I couldn't believe what I saw. Each guy reached over to the one next to him and unbuttoned his pants. Not daring to say anything, I caught my breath as they slipped off each other's underwear, revealing thick, meaty cocks hanging between their legs. Half of them were already hard. "Welcome to Initiation."


"That's right, freshie. Tonight, as soon as the sun sets, you're ours until the morning. You ever sucked cock before?"

"What?!" I said. I'd never fooled around with a guy before, having dated only girls in high school. But the sense of revulsion that I'd thought I feel wasn't there--just a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Heh," said Rick. "Well, you're going to learn now. Oh look--the sun's down." Without notice, Chris had crept up behind me, and he pushed me to my knees. I was too stunned to resist.

Rick walked forward, his thick horsecock swinging back and forth. I was mesmerized by the sight as he said, "Tonight, you're going to suck and be fucked by every cock in this room. Without question. We have complete power over you tonight. If a guy wants to cum on your face, you fucking better let him. If he wants you to swallow, I want to see every drop of that cum go down your throat, freshie. If he wants to fuck you in the ass, I'd better hear you begging to let him use your hole. Got it?"


"And...and what if...what if I...I don't want to?" I said, shaking as I said it.

In answer, Rick just moved forward and shoved his cock into my mouth. I felt the hard dick enter between my lips and into my mouth, the dickhead moving around inside. He moved his hands behind my head as he slid his cock even more in, ignoring my gagging sounds, and then started to fuck my face.

I'd never felt so used in my life, as Rick moved his cock in and out, moaning as he did it. "Suck it, bitch!" said Chris. I was so surprised that Chris, so laid-back before, was suddenly ordering me around, that I did so. And the strange thing was--I kinda liked it, the feeling of a hot, throbbing, wet cock sliding in and out of my mouth. Before I knew it, Rick had pulled out and started jerking on what had to be at least nine or ten inches of meat. "Okay, slut, that face of yours could do with some college cum," he murmured as he jerked off faster and faster. Then, without warning, strings of cum shot out of his hard, wet dickhead and splattered all over my face and in my hair. I was about to wipe it off without thinking when Chris grabbed my hand.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Did you hear anyone telling you to clean that cum off your face, you manslut?" Chris nearly shouted at me.

", sir," I said.

"That's right," said a third guy, walking up to me as Rick flicked the last drops of cum into my mouth. "I like my freshies nice and jizzed up."

He grabbed my mouth, pried it open and then said, "Beg, cocksucker."

"What?" In response, he took his hardening dick and slapped it against my cheeks a few times. I got the idea quickly enough.

"Sir...uh, can I please suck your...suck your dick?" I said.

"If you insist," he said, and was just about to push his cock into my mouth when Rick said, "Hold on a minute, Tony, I got a better idea."

He ordered me to get on all fours--I was so shocked by everything that was going on that I couldn't think and just did it. Rick said, "All right, go ahead."

Tony put his cock into my mouth and said, "Suck." I felt the cockhead with my tongue, the slit and then the shaft. I couldn't believe what I was thinking, but I was liking this more and more--the feeling of sucking cock, of having lots of guys use me. It was amazing. Before I could think any more on this, while swallowing Tony's dick in my mouth as he pulled on my head, I felt spit dropping on my ass and something hard poke at it.

Shit, I thought, as Chris said, "Your hole is tight as a baby's ass, you've never been fucked before, huh?" I could only nod yes as Tony suddenly cummed in my mouth--and his cumshot was huge. I could barely swallow the warm jizz as Tony kept shooting it into my mouth. It flew out of my mouth and dripped on the floor--but I wanted to swallow it. I tried to get some more of the salty, good tasting cum--I couldn't believe I liked the taste--but then I felt Chris's cock force its way into my ass.

The initial pain was shocking, and I shouted against my will. "Shut up," said a shorter Hispanic guy as he moved forward and stuffed my mouth with yet another cock. But I kept shouting. Then I saw another guy sigh, walk over, pull his cock a few times. And then he stuffed his long dick into my mouth along with the other guy's, as Chris pushed into my ass slowly but without stop.

"Fuck yeah," he said as he slid it in and out slowly, then faster and faster. "Touring your ass sure as hell beats touring the goddamn campus," he said. It felt better and better, the entire situation--being penetrated by three cocks at once, the guys just using me. By the time that Chris was ready to cum, another guy had started on my mouth and Tony was jacking off onto my face, the strings of jizz dribbling down all over my eyes and nose. I sucked away as another cock entered my worn ass, pushing in and out.

I don't know how many cocks I'd sucked and taken in the back when I heard a key open in the door and the door swing slowly open. I froze, cum dripping out of my mouth, dick pushed way up my throat, crotch hair up against my lips and cock lodged firmly up my ass, and saw one of the professors of the college--recognized him from Internet pictures--walk in, locking the door behind him.


"Well, well, well," he said, "what do we have here, gentlemen?" He couldn't have been more than thirty. I thought he was new. I couldn't imagine what he could be thinking--a group of guys having group sex with a freshman, using him? I could see all of our lives going down the drain.

"Hey, Professor Samuels," said one of the other guys, whose cock I'd already taken in both the ass and the mouth. His cum was all over my body, on my tongue and dripping out of my ass. "New freshie tonight, just one."

"That's too bad. Care to let me give him a spin?" Shocked, I watched as Samuels zipped open his slacks and pulled out the hugest cock I'd seen yet, and to wit, a shining cockring at the base of his balls. "What's your name?" he said to me as he walked closer.

"Andrew, sir," I said, painfully aware of the guy still thrusting away in my ass.

"You enjoying yourself so far?" he said, smiling as he slid one of his hands slowly up and down his dickshaft, the veins bulging, evident to the eye and tousled my hair with the other, playing with the hairs stuck together with cum.

"Yes, sir," I said. I suddenly felt an urge to suck him and burst out, "Professor, can I suck your cock? Please, sir?"

He laughed along with most of the guys in the room. "Why, you're so eager!" he said, grinning as he maneuvered the whole dick slowly to my waiting mouth. Just before he slid it in, he murmured, "Not that I needed you to ask."

His dick was so wide that it brushed against all parts of my lips as he slid it in. I felt it slide further and further in until it reached all the way to my throat. I tried to suck on it, but I was choking too hard until Samuels said, "Easy does it...just breath slowly and you'll take it all. And my balls too." I breathed through my nose, calmly, and soon I was pleasuring the cock, licking all over the shaft, feeling the bumps and the head. Then he slipped in his balls, a musky sac that tasted heavenly, and soon I was sucking away at my professor while another one of those college freshmen fucked away at the back and rivers of cum were being splattered onto my back.

The professor was sure appreciative--he moaned and groaned almost theatrically as he shifted in and out, urging me to give his cock "the treatment it deserved." Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Chris jacking off slowly as he watched me suck the professor's cock. All of a sudden, when one guy had just finished with my ass and another one was slowly pushing in, the professor pulled out, his dick bulging red and glistening with my mouth's work. "You will swallow every drop of my cum," he said. It wasn't a question.

"There's nothing hotter than seeing a freshman eat cum," he whispered to himself as he jerked himself off. I braced myself as the professor pushed his cock back in just as drips of thick, sticky cum came in. It was thicker than most, and the saltiness was ever so delicious as I swallowed gobs and gobs of the jizz. I'd gotten better as the evening went on, and I didn't have as much trouble as I had had with Tony's stuff earlier that evening. The professor seemingly kept shooting as I swallowed more and more, feeling the cum slip down my throat as more came shooting into the back of my mouth. Finally, even with my best efforts, I couldn't take it all and some of the cum came dribbling down my throat as the professor gave his cocks a few last jerks and pulled it out.

"I'm sorry, Professor Samuels, I couldn't take it all," I said as some remaining drops of cum dripped onto the floor and onto his shoes.

He just laughed. "No problem, Andrew. You're the best freshman cocksucker I've seen in a while, anyway." He zipped up and walked over to Rick. "Thanks for telling me about it," he said as he felt Rick's chest and cock quickly.

"No problem, professor," said Rick. "As long as Initiation can continue...right?" He grinned as the professor smiled. "And to miss the opportunity to get my cock sucked every year? Ha,"

"See you later, Andrew," he said as he brushed himself off and exited the door. I heard the door lock behind him as the guy who'd been fucking my ass for the past few minutes pulled out. I was ready for another one, but nothing came.

Rick and Chris came in front of me. "Hey, Andrew. So how has it been going?"

I stood up, slowly, smelling the cum that was all over my body. "It's been the fucking best night of my life," I said. And it was true. I'd never thought that I could love cock so much. But I did.

"It's about to get better," said Chris. He sank slowly to his knees, and in a moment I saw his sexy blond head moving back and forth on my cock. The sensation was incredible--after serving guys the entire night, to have someone tongue my dickhead and lick all the way up and down the shaft, even licking my ballsac, was incredible.

Rick just smiled as he watched my mouth move silently in ecstasy, Chris' cocksucking skills evident. "We couldn't let you just service us all night, could we?" He then knelt next to Chris and gently pried him off my cock and then took my dick into his mouth. Chris had been a gentle cocksucker, feeling all around, but Rick was aggressive. He took it all, including the ballsac, and sucked it, his tongue moving wildly all over. I couldn't believe the feeling of a warm mouth engulfing my hard dick. It was great.

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Keywords: group sex / cock ring / wet cock / sucking cock / swallow cum / sex with a man / freshman / firm ass / cocksucker / fuck my ass / cum in me / slut / in my ass / jerk off / xxl-cock / bitch / bum / your ass / fuck you / big cock / jack off / high-school / underwear / swallowed / large dick / my dick / licking / his dick / crotch / my ass / fucked / my cock
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.