Man for Man

Why Does the Willow Weep


James Collier found himself wondering around Marketsville dazed and confused as if his life had been drained from him. He felt tired and listless but knew that he must find help. He tried to recall what had happened the night before but it thus far was nothing more than a blur. The brick had been thrown through his window with a note attached. James read the note and then wadded it up, then went to the phone and dialed the police. A week had passed since he moved to Marketsville and already the hate mongers had found him here. Not because of his political views but because of his lifestyle not one that he choose but one that he was born into. He, a young gay man, nothing more or less with nothing to hide or to cover up but some would say that he needed to cover up his lifestyle. Not a radical in his views of life just about life itself.


Firm believers in live and let live, harming none and none harming him. At least he has been able to live up to his part of the bargain. He had hurt no one but throughout his life he had been constantly hurt. James had thought that Marketsville would be different from the rest of the towns that he had been in. But even here they had found him, his mind had been focused on a new beginning of hope and rest and not of distance and pain.

James had thought that Marketsville would be different form the rest of the towns that he had been in. But even here they had found him. His mind had been focused on a new beginning of hope and rest and not of distance of pain for he and Kenneth. Yet with every passing hour he found that the hope was diminishing. But his work allowed him some refuge. Allowing him to travel to various exotic points of the globe. These doors that he found open because of his photography was vastly becoming closed. If would have stayed in Finland had it not been for his desire and for Kenneth's to see the States.

During his teenage James had discovered two things about himself a love of photography and a love of men also later he discovered he loved sailing also. He had been introduced to all three by his teacher Kenneth. Kenneth had been fresh from college burning with a desire to teach. As all do when entering their chosen profession for the first time. He spoke passionately about various points in history and various cities where the events had taken place. If he had been to these places he would show them slides where he had stayed and visited. Kenneth was twenty-six at the time and had short brown hair and dark eyes. He stood five-nine and weighed one hundred fifty five pounds. James stood six feet two had long blonde hair and weighed 185lbs. Like the rest of the students was fascinated by Kenneth.

Kenneth started a photography club after school and James joined. James had volunteered to stay after school and help Kenneth with the storage of the equipment and to develop the film that they recent took. Then Kenneth wanting to show how much he appreciated the help leaned over and gently kissed James on the forehead. Then slowly James turned and kissed Kenneth on the lips.

From that point on James and Kenneth grew closer together. They managed to keep their love a secret from every one using the club as a cover so that they could meet. Then when James was preparing to graduate his father gave him the money for a down payment for an apartment near the college. He was overjoyed at last he would be able to take control of his life. To be able to love whom he chose to love clinging and answering to no one but himself and to Kenneth.

He learned at an early age that words like stones can hurt when spoken or flung in harsh overtones. Yet when said in kindness they can beautify. And make solid foundation for trust and love to take hold. He and Kenneth's relationship had sprung and grew like roses planted in a well-tended garden. Flowering and growing together in love and happiness and companionship. The years for them went as easily as turning the pages of a favorite book. Kenneth had finished his master's and took a professorship at the college and James finished with a degree in photography and had become an excellent sailor.

Then James got a job with a large news firm and found himself traveling all over the world for the perfect picture. When Kenneth could he would go with James. Showing and sharing with him the places that he had visited earlier while obtaining his teaching degree. They loved in Rome, Venice and then finally in Greece, Germany and Madrid Spain. Then Kenneth had to return to the University to continue teaching his classes. James stayed on in Madrid to finish his assignment.

Upon returning to the apartment Kenneth found the windows broken out and most of their things was stolen. Kenneth phoned the police thinking that it was nothing more than a typical burgarly. Then he picked up the brick and removed the note that was attached. Slowly unfolding it and then began to read what was written, "We know what you are and what you are doing. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reasons and practices that you now live by and we pray that he will destroy you for it also."


Kenneth handed the note to the policeman who read it and then slipped it in his pocket and then informed Kenneth that he would file a report and if anything turned up he would be notified. As the police left Kenneth knew nothing would be done. Lucky for them they had insurance and their things can be replaced. Now he would have to break this to James when he returned he would not tell him until then. Hopefully, by then their things will be replaced by then so that James wouldn't come home to an empty apartment. If Kenneth were lucky maybe James wouldn't notice the new things.

Kenneth looked at the calendar on the wall James had circled his departure date in green and his arrival date in red. It was still a month away. With classes and repairing the apartment the time went by swiftly. He found himself standing in the airport trained waiting for James. Soon James came walking down the corridor with his camera bag around his shoulder with a big grin on his beautiful face.

Reaching Kenneth he immediately grabbed him and hugged him. Then they walked together hand in hand over to the baggage carousel. Kenneth grabbed James's bag and carried it out to the car.

"God, how I have missed you Kenneth." James wrapped his arms around him and hugged him and then they sped off to the apartment. Once there James and Kenneth left the car and each one taking a bag walked toward their apartment. The insurance had come through so Kenneth could break the news of what happened to James later instead of immediately entering their apartment.

James set his bag down and went into the bedroom while Kenneth started to play the CD player. The music was soft and low drifting through the four-room apartment.

"The CD player sounds better Kenneth." Observed James.

"I had it cleaned while you were away on assignment." Said Kenneth.

"Cool!" exclaimed James.

Kenneth wouldn't tell him yet, maybe after he has some rest Kenneth would tell James. Now he only wants to hold James and to love him who would have thought that Kenneth would have fallen for a student like this but he knew there would never be another James in the whole world. Kenneth had vowed that he would never mix business and pleasure but he had never met any one like James either and for the last five years Kenneth could always find James's hand in his or only a few inches away.

Kenneth found himself wondering how it would be when he reached out for James's hand and he would not be there. Yet, when he found himself thinking about these things he would of James's smiling face and all the darkness was driven away. It was as if he were looking through the lens of a camera everything in a perfect frame and all in perfect focus. Kenneth had often told his students that is why he had taken up photography because the scene seen in a lens is always perfect to the one who takes the picture. Thus there are no bad pictures just bad photographers.

James walked back into the living room and sat down on the sofa. He picked up the remote for the stereo and turned up the volume then lying back on the sofa stretched out relaxing his muscles. Kenneth walked over to the sofa and lifted James and then slid under him and laid his head in his lap. Kenneth then began to massage James's head and shoulders.

"A long flight Hon?" asked Kenneth.

"Yeah, and I couldn't rest on the plane. All I thought about was getting back to you." Said James.

Listening to the music and feeling Kenneth's touch once again James soon drifted off to sleep. Eventually Kenneth did tell James about the break in and the brick but James didn't even bat an eye in surprise.

"We will have to be careful Kenneth. But the only thing that would worry me is if I came home and you were hurt." James pulled Kenneth closer to him and kissed him and then they went to bed forgetting about the incident.

There had been other instances when they received more stone laden notes and threats but they were all treated the same. With the old children's mantra ringing in their heads, "Sticks and stones my break my bones but words will never hurt me." So life went on with Kenneth teaching and James leaving on various assignments. Eventually the money started rolling in from the shoots and Kenneth had taken up writing historical fiction.


In time royalties from Kenneth's books started coming. They moved from the apartment and bought a condo paying cash for it. The man was very surprised when they handed him the money. Of course with the money and the move came the need for new and bigger things to fill the place with. James and Kenneth enjoyed decorating their new place. Once everything was to their liking they breathed a little easier as they settled in to their new life style and their new home.

A place where love could flourish freely as it should be unfettered. Between two loving and caring people that shared the same goal, the happiness of the other to bring harmony to the two. A duality reached between the commonality of the interests of the individuals involved.

Then when they thought all was peaceful and all had been forgotten they began to receive the threats again and all the notes where signed, your concerned Christian Friends. When James saw the closing signature of the note it disturbed him greatly. Trying to reason within his mind why any one would hate them so much and making threats on their lives would have the audacity to sign anything in such form your Christian friends.

For if they were truly of God and the light then they would not be attacking them in this manner. There would be public persecution as always-fiery sermons delivered from behind a pulpit but not burgarly and vandalism. However with each note and threatening calls on the phone all aimed to break James and Kenneth up only sufficed to drive them closer together tightening the bonds of love.

"James lets leave here we have enough to go where these hypocrites can't ever touch us. I couldn't go on living if something ever happened to you." Said Kenneth

"Nor I you my sweet prince, but if we leave we openly admit that we are wrong for doing nothing more than loving each other. I don't know about you but your love means more to me than their dam opinions of us." Said James.

"I know James, I feel the same way about you but if we can not bend then I'm afraid they will break us." Said Kenneth.

"No, for if we do not bend to them Kenneth then the love that we have is like a brick wall that no one can tear down. That is as long as we stand together as we always have done and I know that this to will pass." Said James reassuringly.

James grabbed Kenneth with tears in his eyes and pulled him down to the sofa holding him.

"But I think that your right love, about one thing. You have been the one here to deal with all of this and I think it will do us good to get away for awhile."

"Thanks James I need the rest and I know that you can use it to work on that tan." Said Kenneth.

"Oh, you noticed huh, rest now love and in the morning I'll make the plans for our departure. Maybe the mountains are nice this time of year?"

Kenneth drifted off to sleep James's arms and while he slept James wiped away the tears from Kenneth's eyes. If he knew what Kenneth had been going through these past months he would never have left him. Possessions can be replaced but not Kenneth. He turned the CD player down again and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. However, if Kenneth didn't wake up when it was done he would allow him to sleep.

The entire time that James was cooking he found himself wondering if love would be enough to get them though this. Every now and then he would go back into the living room and check on Kenneth. Then returning back to the kitchen to keep an eye on the food. But seeing Kenneth resting peacefully at last with a smile on his face he knew that it would be enough to stand for the armor of love and the shield of compassion would keep them safe. It has too there is no other way.

With the constant moving that Kenneth proposes there would be no true place to call home. A place where they could put down roots. However at this stage in their lives money is no longer a concern. Looking back into the living room where Kenneth is sleeping laying on his side.

"Sleep well my love." Then he bent over and kissed him on the forehead.


James walked over to a chair and set down driving all the memories from the past couple of days out of his mind with the music. Yes, he needed to rest also. Even though James loved his job yet it would do him good to get away from it all. No question about it as far as Kenneth is concerned he definitely must get away. In the morning Kenneth will have to call the university and tell them that he is going away sabbatical. Arrangements will have to be made for another professor to teach his classes.

James passed the rest of the evening watching Kenneth sleep. The music lulling him in and out of sleep himself. Why can't life be like dreams for in life very little can be controlled but in dreams there is control as long as the dreamer remembers he is dreaming. James entered his favorite dreamscape, a river scene with a small log cabin, green grass and weeping willows for shade trees. Leaning against the tree looking out across the river is Kenneth.

"Hi James, I was wondering why they call these weeping willows and if they weep why do they?"

"Well professor, I was hoping that you would know that answer." Said James as he walked over and set down beside of Kenneth and then pulled him closer.

"This is a beautiful place James."

"Yeah it is Kenneth now that you are here." Said James pulling Kenneth closer to him. They sat like that for hours holding one another and watching the fish leap in and out of the water. Passing away the time holding one another and loving the touch of each other. For it was all that Kenneth and James wanted out of life to be left alone to love one another in peace. For they both knew that only in the real can the flow of life be changed and change is made by focusing on a goal and working towards it. Maybe that is why the willows weep.

James wakes up and looks at his watch, four-fifteen in the morning. He saw that Kenneth was still lying on the sofa. He walked over and picked him up as if he were a father carrying his son to bed. Laying him down on the bed he begins to undress him. Many times Kenneth had done this for him. Stopping with his undergarments he too then undressed and lay down beside his lover.

Then drawing him closer James pulled the blankets over them and snuggled close and went back to sleep. Sleep they did until one o'clock that evening. James would have slept longer if Kenneth had not rolled over and kissed him on the lips. As he had done every morning for the last of couple years. James still could think of no better way to be awakened in the morning.

"I see that someone feels better this morning." Said James wiping the sleep from his eyes. Then looking at his watch saw that it was evening. Getting up from bed he saw that Kenneth was already dressed. So he decided to take a shower. By the time that James was finished with his shower and dressed Kenneth had already prepared their brunch.

Kenneth already had James's plate fixed and was waiting for him so that they could eat together. Something they had not done in months.

"I'm glad that you are happy again. It truly does become you Kenneth."

"Thank you love now eat before it gets cold James."

"My favorite, hamburgers and fries." Said James jokingly.

"What's so funny James?"

"Nothing, it has been months since I have had one of your hamburgers. "

"Where do you want to go for vacation Kenneth?"

"I don't know actually I haven't given it much thought. I just know that I could use a break. A vacation with the one that I love and wish to spend the rest of my life with."

"It sounds like a good plan my love. But where shall we pursue this dream of yours?" Asked James.

"I don't know James maybe the mountains to fish, to swim and to love. That would be nice wouldn't it?" Asked Kenneth.

"Do you still have that cabin where we used to go when I was in school? I truly loved that place and the times that we had there. Do you remember them Kenneth?"

Kenneth begins to blush as those memories flooded into his mind. What times that they were how could he not remember them?

"Yes I remember them James. Also I believe that I still have the key to that cabin if not the care taker has it." Said Kenneth.


"Old Car! we haven't seen him in years. I wonder what he had been up to?" asked James beaming at the idea of returning to the cabin with Kenneth. If there were enough time even listening to Carl's fish stories appealed to him.

"Good then it is settled, we will go back to the cabin and maybe Carl will let us use his boat to go fishing again." Said James.

"When do you want to go James? It has been a while since any one has used the cabin, I wonder, we could call Carl and see if he couldn't get the cabin in ship shape again." Said Kenneth. Kenneth and James continued to eat both with lighter hearts. With the knowledge that they would be returning to the cabin.

"Last night I had the strangest dream James. I dreamt that we were sitting under a willow tree watching the fish jump out of the lake. I asked you if you knew why the call the tree the weeping willow." Said Kenneth as he bit into a hamburger.

"Is that so?" said James smiling as he continued to eat.

"Yes it is." Said Kenneth biting into French fry. "Did I tell you the reason that they are called Weeping willows?" Asked James. "I don't recall that you did, I only remember you sitting down and holding me." Said Kenneth. "Well after I get done with this hamburger we can get back to the holding." Said James as he bit a larger bite of his hamburger. Kenneth watched James eating and then he began to eat a little faster. Then James picked up the newspaper and began to read. He handed the comics to Kenneth. They moved into the living room to finish reading the paper. James sat down on the couch and Kenneth came and set down beside of him. Both were continuing to read the paper, thinking about the trip to the cabin also. It will be good to get away from all of this hell and craziness.

Fishing will be nice again it is something that Kenneth hasn't done in awhile. Sitting on the riverbank up against a tree relaxing while the breeze blows across the water. He was feeling relaxed all ready. Hoping that James was feeling the same way, it will be a long trip back to Marketsville. But it will be a beautiful drive back to Kentucky. Florida will have to do without them for awhile.

"James do you think that Florida can do with out us for awhile?" asked Kenneth.

Walking over to Kenneth and wrapping his arms around him, "I think that Florida will have to try because we are leaving."

"Good I can't wait," said Kenneth snuggling closer to James.

The next morning the two got up dressed and then had breakfast. Never speaking much just looking at one another's smiling faces and knowing that they had made the right decision. They had packed their bags earlier that night. Talking about what they planned to do while in the mountains of Appalachia. Fishing and other things came up regularly. Also James recalled the fun they had one night while skinny-dipping in the lake. Time passed on the plane with Kenneth recalling old memories as he listened to James retelling his photography adventures to a passenger on the plane. The car ride went quietly with James sleeping passenger seat as Kenneth drives them to the cabin.

It seems for James now standing in the living room of the cabin holding the brick and the note that it would all disappear in smoke. Kenneth had taken the car down to the store to get groceries for them. James had been in the kitchen preparing a sandwich for himself and for Kenneth when he returns. Now James knew what Kenneth had to deal with in his absence. He phoned the police, the came, they saw, they shrugged and now were gone.

James sat down in the chair and laid his sandwich on the plate on the table. He no longer had the stomach to eat. He found his mind racing wondering what was taking Kenneth so long with the groceries and how wonderful Helsinki was this time of the year. He lay back in the chair and waited for Kenneth to return. Maybe Carl was telling him about the latest fish tale. Dam he wished that he was with them right now.

A couple of hours later James heard Kenneth pull into the driveway. James got up and walked to the door to let Kenneth in. Then decided to go out and help carry the bags in. Opening the door James was greeted with a smiling face and an armload of groceries. He took the bags from Kenneth and started back into the cabin. Once upon entering Kenneth noticed that the windows had been broken out. Then he went into the kitchen to check on James.


"Are you alright James? Asked Kenneth with concern on his face.

"No, I was in the kitchen fixing a sandwich and heard the window break. Then came running back in the living room and by that time whomever threw the brick was gone." Stated James.

"What did the police say?" asked Kenneth.

"They were useless, they came and looked around and then took the brick and note and said they would be in touch then they left."

"Well dammit, why can't they just leave us alone! We left Florida to get away from them James, my god what do they want from us?" screamed Kenneth.

James pulled Kenneth closer to him and held him trying to calm him down. The last thing they needed to be right now was to be irrational.

"You now very well what they want with us Kenneth. All you have to do is read the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible." Said James.

"Dammit, James, I know that but you don't think that they actually mean to kill us?" asked Kenneth.

"I think that is actually what they mean to do Kenneth after all this note had that reference and you said yourself that the other notes had the same references. We will just have to be careful Kenneth, sorry it isn't going to be much of a vacation I'm afraid." Sighed James.

"You know something was odd down at the store, Carl wasn't there but Mary was said he had some chores to do and would be back later." Said Kenneth.

"Maybe he was delivering groceries Kenneth." Said James.

"Don't worry about it James hopefully it will not happen again. Besides we have plans to enjoy myself with you and to relax and maybe watch you do some sailing. " Kenneth pulled James closer and they fell down on the large bearskin rug and began to rediscover the fire that burned for each other. It had been a long time since they physically loved one another and nothing was going to keep them from it now. Slowly the embers became sparks and then the sparks leapt into flames as they explored one another.

Slowly they undressed one another then James began to kiss every part of Kenneth's body. Exploring and loving every part of him. How he wished Kenneth could have stayed with him in Spain. But now he held him once again and nothing else matters. James loved the feeling of the bearskin under him as Kenneth kisses his body all over. He cradled him as Kenneth fines his prize and a hot fire of lust washes through James's body as his member is buried deep within his lover's throat.

Standing it no longer he swallows Kenneth's phallus whole. They stay coupled like this for hours. Enjoying and savoring the very taste of one another. This is what each craved from one another; this intimate embraces that only a lover would be allowed to do. For it is this intimacy that brings the very attractive power of love. Also it is what can make a troubled mind forget its troubles, being in itself nothing more than perfect bliss.

For it is in this perfect haven of trust and compassion that one strengthens the bonds of romantic love. This is the desire of all God's creatures to be loved and to give love. It is this that wipes the slate clean of all the evil that has been done to them. It is true that time heals all things but it is love that makes sure that they remain buried and forgotten. They are safe now, there will be no more bricks thrown through windows or any more disturbances of any kind. The only thing that matters is that they are in the present with one another.

Time stands still for them as they rekindle flames of passion. No chaos seeps into this world as they are in Eros' sacred grotto. For time does heal all things and for them the healing has already begun. James and Kenneth moved their love making to the bedroom. James on the other hand didn't want to leave the bearskin. It had been so long since he had Kenneth alone on the rug.

It was here that Kenneth first loved James. It had been a long day at school and then after Kenneth arranged with James's parents that he be allowed to spend the weekend with him to work on the clubs photos. They agreed and James found himself in two days and nights bliss and love. During those two nights they never ventured from the bearskin rug. James and Kenneth held each other and loved the two days and nights away. When it was over James had truly become a man.


Thus far the magic between the two was still there. Despite all the hell and aggravation that they have been through is now forgotten. No longer living for tomorrow nor for the minute but for the very second of each passionate caress.

"Do you know how much I love you Kenneth? Asked James.

"Yes I do, I hope that it is still like the river that can not hold another raindrop less it overflows its banks." Said Kenneth.

"Always the poet Kenneth but yes you are right that is exactly how much that I love you." Said James. Snuggling closer to Kenneth James lay his head on the back of Kenneth's neck.

"I talked to Mary James, she said that we could use Carl's boat to fish in tomorrow. What do you think about that love?"

"I think that will be great love but do you think that we will get much fishing done. I also want to take a camera. " Said James.

"Why a camera James, wanna take a picture of the big one?" asked Kenneth.

"Now why do I want to do that Kenneth, we all know who has the big one." Said James.

"True, James we all know who does but I was talking about the fish. Last time we were here I caught the biggest fish you have to try to beat my record." Said James.

"We can do that tomorrow Kenneth. Right now I am too tired to fish any more tonight. Let's just go to sleep."

"Sounds like a good plan to me bright eyes." Said Kenneth.

"Bright eyes, you haven't called me that in a long time. By the way where did you come up with that?" asked James.

"I got it from a story that I read but I can't recall the story though. Besides it suits you James." Said Kenneth happily.

"And you too Kenneth, now turn out that light so that we can go to sleep."

"Dam, where's one of those bricks when you need it?" laughed Kenneth. He got up and turned out the lights and cuddled up with James again.

"Forget about those bricks bright eyes and lets get some rest." Said James moving closer to Kenneth.

The next morning the sun was up and the air smelled like fresh rain. Both of them breathed the air deeply. Loving the smell of the mountains. Glad that they agreed to come here. "It is truly beautiful here isn't it James?"

"Yeah, a little piece of heaven. I feel so relaxed here. But its time to go catch some fish Kenneth."

"Okie Dokie, breakfast first though" said Kenneth running into the kitchen.

"Kenneth I don't want any breakfast, I just want to get out on the water." Pleaded James.

"After breakfast James now get your but in here and sit down."

"Yes and daddy." Said James stomping his feet like a child.

"Now be a good boy and eat everything on your plate." Laughed Kenneth.

"Yes, Daddy I will." Mocked James as he began to eat the pancakes and sausages that had been prepared for him.

"I see that you actually like them. This is a first." Said Kenneth.

"Yeah Kenneth, I love breakfast just never had the time to truly enjoy it before. You did a great job in warming these up." Said James.

"Warm hell, there is no microwave here and you know that." Said Kenneth with a frown.

"Don't make the puppy face, I know you worked that cute ass off slaving over the old range. Thank you for doing it." Said James smiling broadly.

Getting up James walks over to the stove with a plate and fixes one for Kenneth and brings it over to the table and sets it down before him and then sets down in front of his own plate again. Kenneth began to eat also, he would have to admit that it did actually taste pretty good for someone that only warmed up take out food. Kenneth enjoyed watching James eat as he always did.

"So do you think that old catfish is still alive James?"

"I hope so, it put up one hell of a fight the last time that were here."

"I remember it flopping off your hook as you were about to bring it into the boat; you were so pissed." Laughed Kenneth.

"Yeah, but I'll be ready for him this time. That's why I'm taking the camera along with us this time. If I hook him you take the picture; if you hook him I'll take the picture."

"Cool, I get it, that way we'll have the proof that one of us did actually hook the bastard. Whether or not we have him for dinner later." Laughed Kenneth.


"You got it baby." Said James.

"Well then let's get going love, I don't want to miss the expression on your face when I hook him." Said Kenneth.

The two set out from the cabin with Kenneth locking the door behind them. Carl had come and replaced the windows so they could go and enjoy themselves with no worries about the cabin. They walked down the path to the lake reveling in the memories that flooded them when passing familiar points where they loved one another.

James was the first to get to the boat and then shoved them off into the water. Climbing into the boat James started the outboard motor and took them to the middle of the lake. Then each grabbed their fishing poles and then baiting their hooks cast their lines into the water in opposite directions so that the lines could not get crossed. Then as always they waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

An half-hour went by before Kenneth got the first bite. He reached for his pole then setting the hook jerked it up. Then began reeling in his catch as it got up to the boat it wasn't even a mouthful so he let it go. James insisted on taking a picture of Kenneth and his fish before releasing it.

"Don't laugh James, that maybe the only fish we catch all day." Said Kenneth jokingly.

"Naw, the big one is still out there I can feel it." Said James.

Kenneth stretched out in the bow of the boat and James continued to watch his line. Nothing. An hour passed and still no bite James noticed that Kenneth had went to sleep. Good, then he would be the only one to catch the fish. James took his eye off the line and watched Kenneth sleeping. James's heart felt light at the realization that in thirty years he would still think that Kenneth was the most beautiful person on earth.

As he settled down with his thoughts, his line began to go out rapidly and the pole jerked down hard. He grabbed his pole and jerked up hard. At this moment Kenneth woke up. "You got him James, you got Ole Jake!" grabbing the net and the camera at the same time.

James fought with the fish allowing Ole Jake to take the line and then reel it back in. He knew Jake would tire before he would. Kenneth sat down ready to net Jake once James brought him up to the boat. This time he wouldn't get away without evidence of his capture. James continued to fight with the fish and then after twenty minutes of fighting he managed to bring Ole Jake to the boat. Kenneth netted him and it took both of them to bring him in.

James sat down exhausted. Then picking up Ole Jake up by the mouth and stood up, the fish was half his length. Kenneth immediately took the picture.

"Well, what do you want to do with him now James?"

"Would you be upset with me if I let him go?"


"Good, that way if we come back next year we can catch him again." Said James lowering Ole Jake back into the water. The fish flipped his tail and then was gone.

"After all we have evidence that you caught him James, Carl is gonna flip when he sees this." Said Kenneth.

"Yeah, I know but we are taking the picture with us remember that when he asks for it Kenneth." Scolded James.

"Don't worry I won't let him touch it." Said Kenneth

Kenneth looked at his watch and saw that it was twelve - thirty.

"Let's go back to shore, its lunch time." Said Kenneth

James started the motor and guided it back across the lake. He and Kenneth laughed all the way there thinking about how James had to fight the fish. They tied the boat back to the small dock and then went over to the willow tree and sat down together. It had been awhile since they had time for a picnic. James spread out the tablecloth and then set out the plates, forks, spoons and knives. Then he set out the two glasses. Kenneth had fixed fried chicken, cornbread and corn on the cob. All of their favorites.

"Looks delicious babe" said James as he held out his glass to Kenneth. Kenneth picked up the small jug and poured James a glass full of apple cider.

James fixed Kenneth a plate and then himself one. Then he picked up the cider jug and poured Kenneth a glass.


"I would like to propose a toast to love, good times, and Ole Jake." Said James as he clicked Kenneth's glass.

"Here, here!" said Kenneth sipping from his glass. Good times had finally come at last. The pair set under the tree and listened to the tales of one another reliving past adventures. Each one knowing where the other had made some embellishments.

Laughing out loud at each embellishment. Trying to out do one another as southern boys do. The ability to spin a good yarn is in their blood. So did the stores with every new glass of cider. They sat and laughed at each other jokes and stories until the very sunset. Then they got up and began to walk back to the cabin.

Just as they approached the porch a shot was heard coming from the trees behind them. Kenneth grabbed at his chest and then immediately pitched forward onto the porch. James bent down to see what had happened to Kenneth. As he did a brick broke out the window near his head. When he felt that it was safe he picked up Kenneth and ran to the car.

"Your gonna be alright Kenneth hang in there. I'm going to get you to the hospital." James started the car and drove out of the driveway. The drive tot he hospital took a little over thirty-minutes to an hour. Kenneth continued to bleed and when the nurse helped him out of the car his shirt was covered in blood.

James walked beside his gurney holding his hand while the doctors and nurses attended to his wounds. Then they asked him to wait as they rolled Kenneth into surgery. Then the time that every one dreads washed over him. The time where you wait on the very verge of life and death with your loved one praying that they pull through. Every one dreads waiting but waiting in line to have your licenses renewed or at the grocery store, though troublesome and tiring pales to waiting in a hospitals emergency waiting room.

James found that his adrenaline and his emotions were on over drive. With every breath that he takes he utters a prayer for Kenneth. Pouring out his heart and soul to a God that he found himself slowly losing faith in. Yet, now here in this place he found that there is no one who can or would truly listen to him. So, holding nothing back James once again poured his heart out like he did when he was a child before he lost his faith.

James had prayed for many things in his life, the safety of his mother and father while they traveled and for friends that had become ill. But nothing like this, nothing on the magnitude of losing your spouse and your soul mate. James sat down in a chair and closed his ideas praying to God that Kenneth would be all right. Shortly, the doctor came out and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Andrell your friend is in recovery but will be ok, when he goes home he needs rest and to watch out for that shoulder." Said the Doctor.

"His shoulder, I thought he had been shot in the chest near the heart." Sighed James.

"If it had been lower your friend would have been dead."

"Can I see him doctor? Asked James

"I would rather he rest but he has already told me that if he didn't get to see you then he would come find you himself." Stated the Doctor.

"Thanks doctor." Said James.

James walked back to the recovery room and found Kenneth laying in bed with his right shoulder in a cast. He appeared to be sleeping however James knew it was the pain medication at work. He walked into the room and sat down beside of him. Then he reached over and took his hand.

"Hi baby." Said Kenneth

"Hi yourself big guy, you've had one hell of a night haven't you?"

"Defiantly can't say that it has been boring James."

"Never a dull moment huh, Kenneth?"

"Never James, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I would, I would have taken the bullet for you Kenneth."

"No James, stop it, this was not your fault."

"I know but it changes nothing."

"Hey man, get up and lean closer to me."

"But Kenneth I may hurt your arm if I do." Said James

"No you won't, now come on."


James stood up and leaned in closer to Kenneth. Kenneth leaned up and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.


"I love you James."

"I love you to Kenneth, now get some rest so that I can spring you out of this joint in a couple days."

"Where are you going to stay while I'm temporary incapacitated?"

"I'm going to stay in the lobby."

"No James, go back tot he cabin and rest." Pleaded Kenneth.

"You know I can't stay there not after what happened tonight. James."

"So where then?"

"In that hotel across the road, I'll see if Carl can't bring our staff if not, then we will leave without it."

"Don't worry James he'll bring it."

"Ok, now you rest and I'll see you in the morning." Said James

"Not a problem now, hey James I forget to tell you..." said Kenneth trailing off

James turned around with a concerned look on his face, "What is it?"

"I love you." Said Kenneth smiling

"And I you." Replied James

Then he started to leave again but as he got to the door James turned once gain, "Kenneth I have the answer to your question."

"What was the question?"

"You asked me, why does the willow weep?" said James

"And?" replied Kenneth

"The earth is in so much pain that the human race has caused her and we have turned a deaf ear to her pleading. The willow trees are a constant part of her and since we won't weep for her they do instead."

"Maybe James."

"Well it's just a thought babe, now go to sleep."

"Sure hon, see you in the morning."

"Bright and early I promise Kenneth." Said James as he walked out of the room.

James did go to the hotel and once in the room he called Carl and the police. He told Carl's wife that Kenneth had been hospitalized for influenza. She said that she would send Carl over tonight with their things. The police came and James told him the whole story and about how it went on in Florida also. James offered the officer a cup of coffee, which he took.

Detective Atkins stayed with James to make sure that he had all the information correct.

"Would it be alright Mr. Andrell if I used the bathroom?" Asked Detective Akins.

"Sure go ahead." Said James sitting down in a chair.

Just as he got comfy he heard a knock at the door. James sighed and walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" asked James

"It's me Carl, James."

James opened the door noting that he hadn't called Mary any more than twenty minutes ago. Carl wouldn't have had time to go home and then go back tot he cabin and drive into town.

"Wait a sec." Said James

He unbolted the door and let Carl in who was pushing a baggage cart with their things on it.

"Sorry to hear that Kenneth was shot." Said Carl.

Carl came into the room and set the luggage down.

"How did you know that Carl?" asked James

"Mary told me," said Carl. Then turning once again, "Said you told her." Grinned Carl.

As Carl got ready to leave James grabbed his shoulder before he passed in front of the bathroom door.

"I did call Mary but I told her that Kenneth had the flu." Said James

Detective Atkins stepped out of the bathroom and placed his hand on Carl's shoulder.

"You are under arrest for attempted murder." Said the detective as he cuffed Carl and read him his rights.

"You fucking faggots, I'll kill every one of you!" screamed Carl.

"No Carl you won't be bothering Kenneth and I any more, right detective?"

"Correct Mr. Andrell, I'll take good care of him." Then detective Atkins pushed Carl out of the door and was gone.

James locked the door behind the detective and went and lay down on the bed. At least here he could rest. As he slept James dreamed of Kenneth and thought about the fun that they had earlier today. The telephone and immediately panic set in thinking that something happened to Kenneth awakened James. Answering the phone.


"Mr. Andrell, this is detective Atkins, I thought you should know that Carl Dalton gave us a full confession tonight. He also said that his brother-in-law was helping him in Florida. The police in Florida already have him in the lock up. So everything will be back to normal for you and Kenneth to return home."

"Thank you detective." Then the line went dead.

James rolled back over and went to sleep. He would tell Kenneth about it all in the morning. At least tonight they could finally rest. James didn't set the alarm clock so that he could sleep in. Besides Kenneth still needed his rest after being shot by Carl. Even though that Carl and his brother-in-law had been locked away it still will be hard to go back to Florida. Though he demanded that they make a home for themselves.

However, as sleep overtook him, he knows that he and Kenneth will have their home together. A place to rest and to hang their hats. Also he knew deep within himself that it would not and could not be in the United States any longer. Lucky for them they bought the villa in Finland.

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In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.