Man for Man

Tourist Trap


I was tired when British Airways flight 293 finally landed in Miami. The trip was fine and I even arrived twenty minutes early; a bit after 5:00 PM local time. But I had left Helsinki, Finland at 9:05 after getting up at 4:00 AM to make the trip to the airport from my town, 60 kilometers outside the capital. Add in a three hour layover in Heathrow and the seven hour time difference and I had been en route twenty hours. It would take an hour to clear immigration and pick up my rental car. Then I faced a four hour drive to Key West.


Not that I really minded. It was 30 C when I stepped from the terminal; quite a change from the Finnish winter. I had won the trip in a contest and never doubted my luck at having two weeks of warmth and sun. Key West's reputation as a gay Mecca was well known at home and to say I was eager to see if it was deserved was an understatement.

A shuttle van deposited me at the car rental office about five minutes from the airport. The trip included an intermediate size car that nevertheless was larger than 90% of the vehicles on the road in Finland. As I completed the formalities, I asked the woman behind the counter for directions. She gave me a map that covered the city in detail and the whole area in smaller scale. I was told to follow the sun shaped symbols to reach the limited access highway that was the best route through the city. Finally, she warned me about driving in unfamiliar areas because there have been several incidents of tourists being assaulted and even killed. That was why the sun symbols were placed on the road signs around the airport to guide newcomers.

It was dark when I finally drove my car from the rental office. I spotted a traffic sign with the sun on it almost immediately and soon found myself on the entrance ramp to a highway numbered 836 headed east that was to lead me to another numbered 95 that would take me south to route 1 that leads to my destination. The roadway was jammed with cars. The traffic was going at about 100 kph. This must be the rush hour that is mentioned in American television shows.

I waited for an opening and merged into the rightmost lane where the flow was a bit slower. I figured I would stay in the slower lane until I got used to the car and the driving habits of American motorists. I had gone several kilometers when I saw a sign by the side of the highway. It took me a few seconds to recognize that it said, "RIGHT LANE MUST EXIT." Ahead a few hundred meters I saw cars in front leaving the highway. I looked left but there was no break in traffic to allow me to change lanes. I slowed, but the off-ramp came closer and I had no choice but to follow it. I'll get right back on I thought.

The street I arrived at was divided by a concrete barrier separating the directions of traffic. I could see the entrance to the highway at the other side of the street, but there was no way to reach it. I had to turn right to follow the rest of the traffic.

After several blocks with no way to turn left to get to the other side of the road, I decided to turn right. Three rights should allow me to come perpendicular to the road I was on and I might cross over and regain the highway. But, after the second right, the street turned somewhat left and the next street was one way in the wrong direction. I couldn't continue straight as the street was a dead end, blocked by the elevated roadway of the very highway I was trying to regain. After a left, another left and another, I was thoroughly lost. The buildings and houses told me this wasn't a prosperous area and I suddenly recalled the warning at the car rental place.

At the end of the block was a splash of bright light. As I pulled up I could see that it was illumination for a basketball court. Four young black men were playing a game, two versus two. One side had removed their shirts. They looked very well developed. Even the guys with the shirts on looked pretty good, certainly not like criminals. The many lamps that bathed the area made me feel a bit safer. I decided to stop and ask for directions.

I pulled to the side of the street, parking in the pool of light that spilled from the playing area. I lowered the right side window and shouted in my best English, "Excuse me. Could you give me directions back to route 836?"

The men stopped their game and all four walked toward my car. One of the shirtless team walked around to the driver's side window while the others waited on the sidewalk. He was tall, at least 15cm taller than my 175. I saw muscled abdominals glistening with sweat on chocolate skin before he bent over to talk through the window.


"You a tourist? German?"

"Yes, I am a tourist, but from Finland, not Germany. I'm trying to get back on the highway. Can you give me directions?"

"Where is Finland? Near Germany?" asked one of the men on the other side of the car.

"Which way do you want to go when you reach the highway?" continued the man at my window.

"I am headed to Key West," I replied. With that my helper straightened up and looked over the vehicle toward his friends, but I heard no conversation. I caught a glimpse of a fleshy tube outlined in the sweat soaked fabric of his athletic shorts. It looked as big soft as the 18.5cm of my own hard dick.

He bent down and said to me, "You're pretty lost. The route back is a bit complicated. Why don't you let us drive you?" Without waiting for my answer, he opened the door, unfastened my seat belt and pushed in beside me. His teammate jumped in the other side and the other two climbed in the back seat, one of them carrying the basketball.

I was sandwiched between two huge black men. The guy on my right was the tallest of the group, easily 200cm. He placed his arm behind my back and pulled me to him. The sweat from his body soaked my shirt as I was pressed into the stone-like muscles of his chest. He had to scoot forward on the seat to fit his tall frame into the car. Sitting there between these two huge men was beginning to affect me. I hope they didn't notice the start of a bulge in my pants.

"Hey, this guy has got a bone in his pants," announced the one in the driver's seat. "You know you don't have to go to Key West. We can show you a good time right here." With that he put the car in gear and sped into the night.

His buddy grabbed my hand and forced it to his crotch. He had a tremendous member. I couldn't get my hand around it. As I held it through the nylon shorts, I felt it start to get hard and grow. He pushed my hand along its length as it began to extend down the left leg of his garment. In seconds the head appeared still half encased in the enfolding foreskin, looking lighter and redder than the darker brown covering. As I watched mesmerized, centimeter after centimeter pushed beyond the fabric. At full erection it nearly reached his knee, a good 35cm of throbbing flesh.

Just then the car stopped in front of a vehicle door built into the side of a brick building. One of the men in back jumped out and raised the door. The car spurted into the darkened interior. As I heard the door slam shut, lights snapped on. We were in a warehouse. It looked empty and abandoned.

The others piled out of the car. The big one beside me pulled me out with him. I sprawled on the concrete floor at his feet. As I looked up at him towering above me, I stared right into the tip of his mighty sex organ that was trying to rip out the leg of his basketball shorts.

My captors gathered in front of me and removed their few remaining clothes. I was frightened, but excited at the same time. How could I avoid it? As they stripped I saw four of the hottest guys I'd ever hoped to meet.

The guy who was driving was about 190cm tall and at least 100 kilos of solid muscle. His arms were at least 50cm, his chest over 130cm with big slabs of pectoral muscles. His tits were darker brown than his chocolate skin and pointed downward because of the mass of muscle above them. His body tapered dramatically to a small waist that accentuated the abdominal muscles that I noticed when I first saw him. Thick, powerful thighs flared below . He had kinky black hair on his head and pubic area as did they all. However, the rest of his body was smooth. His dick stood up along his abdominals covered in flesh darker than the rest of him and crisscrossed by a network of veins. At least 25cm.

His teammate made him seem small in every dimension. At least 200cm tall was my guess, arms nearly 60 and chest about 150. He must have packed a good 140 kilos of muscle. Five of those must have been dick. Now free it stood horizontal from his body easily 35cm and as thick as my wrist. His skin was covered in kinky black body hair that was particularly thick on his chest. The skin was a very dark brown with the dick about the same except for the head and last few centimeters of shaft that pushed beyond its sheath.


The other two were not as heavily muscled; more like swimmer's builds. One was a few centimeters shorter than the driver, the other a bit taller. The shorter one had very light brown skin. Despite being the shortest he had a good 30cm tool. It was not as thick as the driver but had a flaring head on the end. The other had chocolate skin just a shade darker than the driver. His dick was a tad shorter than the driver and not as thick as his teammate's, but still thicker than mine. The head tapered so that the entire piece grew steadily wider as it approached his body.

The driver's voice ordering me to get out of my clothes broke my reverie. I stripped. I am not ashamed of my body even though my youth had long past. I am 175cm and 66 kilos with a sporty build. My hair is brown and I am well covered with hair on my body. My 18.5cm dick was nothing to be ashamed of either, but it was not worth much in this company. It was at its fullest size anticipating the sexual action that was about to begin. I tried to put the thoughts of what might happen afterwards out of my mind.

The two smaller men, who each still outweighed me by 15 to 20 kilos, half carried me to where three bales of rags were stacked in a triangular pile. My torso was placed over the top bale, chest down, and ankles and wrists tied together with other rags that led under the top bale and through the space between the two bales that formed the base of the stack. My ass stuck over the back. With my legs drawn forward by my bonds, it was spread and open to their pleasure. My stiff dick was pointed straight down, plastered against the back of the bale supporting me.

"We better let Jimmy and Earl go first," announced the driver to his teammate. "You know that after you finish with him he won't be much good for anything for a while. OK, Jimmy you're up. Earl you're on deck."

The big stud produced a condom from a sack on the floor. He handed it to the guy with the "smallest" dick, who must be Jimmy. Rolling it on Jimmy disappeared behind me. I felt his hands on my butt cheeks, spreading them and massaging my crack. His dick rubbed along the furrow. Then he backed off and pushed it into my dangling balls and along my shaft. Without warning a finger stabbed into my ass ring, burying itself deep. I tried to relax. I told myself he wasn't that much bigger than my buddy from home who had given me a going away fuck last night. He had 20cm and was thicker than Jimmy.

A second finger was added and then a third as my pucker was roughly prepared to accept the upcoming invasion. "You ready for ten inches of prime black beef?" said the voice from behind as I felt the blunt pressure of his head add itself to the spot that his three digits still pierced.

"Stop boasting Jimmy," said the biggest. "You know you only have nine and a half."

"Yeah, but I'll bury each one of them in his tight white ass. I'll bet you a twenty that you can't get all your fourteen in."

With that I felt the fingers withdraw and, as the tips eased out, the pointed spear of his sex slid in followed by what seemed like several centimeters of shaft. He pushed in a few more centimeters. I moaned from the pleasure of penetration and tightened my ass muscles about the firm intrusion. I really am a natural bottom, though I have topped on occasion. I have fantasized about black studs in the past, looking at pictures in the newsgroups and reading stories on the nifty archive. Now I was going to get all the black cock I could handle even though it might kill me.

I felt him move deeper and deeper inside me. It was pure pleasure until he started to plow fresh ground. My gut wasn't used to anything that deep, though I had one or two men in my time that could have almost matched him, they stopped when the going got tough and my pain increased. Jimmy was clearly not going to ease off for my comfort. He withdrew a bit and plunged back in powerfully, forcing himself a bit deeper each time. I yelped each time he bottomed out.

"Scream all you want," said the driver, who seemed to be the de facto leader of the group. "No one can hear you. There'll be plenty of opportunity for screaming when you take care of us big boys."


Jimmy pounded away at me for minutes. I tried to relax, but each flash of pain caused me to tense involuntarily. Finally, I felt his wiry pubes press against my flesh. The next stroke pushed his bush tightly into the cleft of my ass. He held it there, moving side to side and up and down a bit which caused his hidden pole to shift its pressure points along the walls of my gut. I gasped to catch my breath.

He slowly withdrew from my ass until just the head remained clutched in the ring of muscle that served as the door to my inner depths. He filled me again, smoothly and easily now, with no pain. He pulled himself from me once more as I clutched my gut to enhance the friction. In and out and in and out, I reveled in the delightful feeling of being stuffed to the limit. Moans of pleasure replaced my screams.

"You're really turning him on, Jimmy," said the biggest stud. "Finish yourself off so we can get our turns."

"Use your trusty right hand or fuck his mouth. It's my turn and I'm going to enjoy it. You're big enough to fuck yourself if you're in a hurry, Bill."

Despite his answer Jimmy started to pick up the pace. I supposed you didn't cross a big buck like Bill no matter what you said to put on a brave face. He pounded me harder and harder with full length stokes. An open hand slap on my butt caught me by surprise. I convulsed in pain and reflexively gripped his pistoning shaft. Every few strokes he'd do it again with the same result. It must have worked for him because a minute later he stayed in deep and hard and I heard him groan. He pulsed inside me as he unloaded. Exhausted he lay on top of me, our mutual sweat lubricating the points of contact.

"You can rest anywhere. Pull out. It's my turn now," demanded Earl, taking a few last hand strokes to bring his straining member to full size. He rolled fresh protection on his 30cm piece that looked a bit thicker than Jimmy's.

I felt Jimmy rear back and slip his softening flesh from my body. To tell the truth I was sorry to feel it leave, but I knew new experiences would be upcoming. I felt empty when his head pulled clear and I felt the cool night air in the warehouse blow into my distended anal opening. My sphincter didn't have time to adjust before Earl pressed against it, popping half the head in while he was just getting in position.

"So much for boys. From now on you have to handle real men," said the voice behind me. The pressure on my ass increased and he shoved the whole 30 centimeters in me in one powerful thrust. I let out a scream that I think they'll hear in Finland. Mercifully he stayed still for a minute to let me get used to his size. While he only looked a bit bigger than his buddy by eye, it felt like a log when plugged up my gut. I remembered that the other two guys were much thicker yet. The biggest, Bill was his name, was over twice as thick and a good 5cm longer to boot.

As he started on a slow outward motion, I recognized another fact. His dick head flared thicker than the rest of his fuck pole. Unlike Jimmy's more streamlined equipment, Earl's flange would scrape along my intestines in a most stimulating manner, particularly as it flicked past my prostate. As he began a steady motion, I was soon in the most exquisite agony.

Jimmy had rejoined his friends. I could see there was a big bulge in the latex from all his semen. The outside was pretty clean. I was thankful I took the opportunity to empty my bowels before my plane started its landing descent. As I watched, not really paying much attention because of the overwhelming sensations flowing from my ass, he carefully inverted the material as he stripped it off, finally smearing his captured load over the glistening head.

Tossing the expended thing aside, he stepped in front of me and, steadying my head with his hands, pushed his cum covered piece to my lips. I knew it was futile and pointless to resist. Besides, I didn't want to resist. I opened my mouth wide to welcome him back inside my body. I cleaned the slick head with my tongue, tasting his seed. It was bitter with a salty taste, possible because it mixed with sweat from his earlier exertions at basketball. I felt him grow hard and lengthen as my mouth stimulated his glans. He pushed in deeper and started to fuck my face as he previously raped my ass.


Getting plugged in both ends was almost more than I could stand. I thrashed about, writhing my body as much as possible considering my bonds. My own dick was thumping with excitement against the side of the rag bale. Jimmy kept knocking at the entrance to my throat until he eventually forced his way down. Soon I had my nose buried in his pubic bush inhaling his musty smell as my eyes stared into a wall a black muscle that formed his lower abdomen. All the while Earl maintained a frantic pace in my burning guts, but my moans were muffled by Jimmy's sex muscle filling my throat.

A final thrust to the hilt announced Earl's climax. As he bucked wildly deep down inside me, my own untouched tool shot off in sympathy. My muscles spasmed as my body wracked with orgasm, including my gullet. This triggered Jimmy to unleash a fresh load. The first jet felt like it shot straight to my stomach, but then he backed out a bit and flooded my mouth with burst after burst of hot sperm. As I swallowed the viscous material, it soothed the areas that he had rubbed almost raw.

As the two studs pulled from my exhausted body, I went completely limp as if without their dicks to stiffen my frame it had no support. I was totally soaked in my own perspiration.

I snapped back to reality when I sensed a new intrusion at my anal opening. It was much thicker than any that had gone before. Since I could still see the big stud, Bill, it must be the driver, whose name I had not yet heard.

My ass was wide open by this time, but still not enough to take his thick pole. A quick thrust of his hips was enough to overcome any resistance and force the flaring mushroom head inside, almost tearing me open. He continued with short stabs. Each one widened the trail blazed by his two friends. I felt my gut rearrange itself to accommodate his presence. It was like someone was shoving a fence post up me. Slowly, but irresistibly, he moved deeper. I was beyond pain. I was determined to show them that I was one man that could take whatever they had and ask for more.

At last I felt his trunk push against my ass. I had him fully enveloped within me. He began an undulating fuck motion. I thought my body would turn inside out when he withdrew from me. Then, as he powerfully plunged back in, he forced the air from my lungs. Again and again he filled and emptied me. My whole being was concentrated at the base of my butt. The room seemed to fade and I lost track of time.

Eventually, I sensed a change. A throbbing began deep within me. It felt like my heart beat only louder and more powerful. I could hear it in my ears drowning out the exterior sounds. Somewhere, lost in this overwhelming sensation, I realized that my own prick was squirting again in orgasm. The sound faded and I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Someone was slapping my face. A voice asked, "Are you OK mister?"

"Voin hyvin," I mumbled. "Haluan vain nukkua jonkin verran"

"What you say?" The voice asked.

I realized I'd spoken in Finnish. "I'm fine," I repeated in English. In fact, I felt like I'd just skied a 30 kilometer race and I'm certainly not in the shape of a Mika Myllyl. Sex had never affected me like this before.

The driver was still within me. "Are you ready for the finale," he asked. I nodded weakly.

Bill had just finished rolling on a condom. It was stretched to the maximum to fit his impressive dimensions. It didn't reach all the way to the base, but left several centimeters uncovered. He moved out of my sight to get in position.

The thick shaft that impaled me was slowly removed. I shivered uncontrollably as a faint echo of the earlier sensations poured through me. As it pulled free it was instantly replaced by Bill's even larger member. Mere human flesh could not resist this epitome of male sexual strength. My ass was forced to surrender as it was ripped wide to make room for him.

With the tip of his sex snake firmly driven home, he bent over. I felt his massive muscles press against my back as he lay on top of me. He was so tall that he was able to place his head next to mine even though he must still have 25 centimeters of hard flesh separating my ass from his groin.


"If you help me win my bet, we'll let you go," he whispered in my ear. "You took Johnny like a real champ. I'm sure you'll love what I can do to you once you get used to me." With that remark he flicked the muscles controlling his tool, using it to press strongly against the back of my gut.

While the driver, Johnny now that Bill had given me his name, had been irresistible, Bill was like some force of nature; a violent winter storm that could only be endured, not controlled. He worked his will on me, oblivious to my pleadings, whimpers or screams. My resolve to take him bravely was lost in the reality of trying to handle such a huge mass.

After an eternity, he stopped. "You're doing great," he said. "Only five inches to go. I'll give you a little break before we enter the home stretch. Only a few studs have been able to take me even this far. Do you want anything before I start again?"

"Could I have something to drink? I must have lost a couple liters of sweat," I responded weakly.

"We didn't bring any water, but here, drink this," offered Johnny , putting the head of his semi-hard shaft to my lips. I sucked it in knowing what was coming, but not seeing any alternative. The warm flow started and I drank gratefully. I was so dehydrated that it was surprisingly refreshing. I licked off the last drops as he pulled out of my mouth.

"Do you want any more?" Jimmy and Earl offered in unison. I shook my head to decline.

Bill flexed his deeply buried tool and I snapped back to the main matter; surviving the dozen or so remaining centimeters of this huge man. He pulled out a bit and then plunged in forcefully. It was the same technique the first guy had used, but the effect was immensely magnified when a dick head the size of a normal man's fist pounded into your gut. But, it worked. He forced in further and further, passing the point where no man has gone before.

"Only a bit over an inch to go," he announced. "Get ready. This time we'll do it."

I felt him place his hands on my hips. As he made a final push, he pulled me toward him. It lifted me and the bale I was tied to into the air. Then we fell; the bale of rags, me and him on top of me. I felt my body yield as he pressed me into the rags.

I felt liquid splashing on my face. I had passed out again. I opened my eyes. Jimmy was pissing on my face. I flicked out my tongue to lap up the fluids. Jimmy saw I was awake and offered me his hose. I drank the remainder greedily and then took my fill from Earl. I felt better if I ignored the overstuffed sensation that dominated my belly.

"You took it all guy. Thanks," said Bill into my ear. He lay on top of me again and used a spare rag to wipe the remaining piss and sweat from my face. "You're a good sport. What's your name?"

"You can call me Sam," I responded.

"Well, Sam, the hardest part is over. Are you ready for the fuck of your life? Well, ready or not you're going to get it."

He started to pull out. After a few centimeters, he pushed back in. That's how it started, with short strokes. He was so thick that I felt stimulation along the entire length of my intestines, from the head that seemed like it would poke through my abs like the baby monster in 'Alien' to the friction through an ass ring that I thought might snap any second like an overstretched rubber band. As waves of pleasure washed over me, warmth spread from my belly through every inch of my body. I drifted overcome with the feelings. Slowly he built up the length of his strokes. The sensation ratcheted up and up.

I screamed, this time from joy. I urged him on, harder, faster. I think it was in Finnish, so he couldn't have understood, but my pleas were answered as his own needs drove him on. I reached a peak and then surpassed it. The room spun dizzily as I felt him plunder my ass with nearly the full length of his immense rod. He increased the tempo, driving me to higher realms of ecstasy.

The world exploded as he at last unloaded his juice in my deepest recesses. It felt like a jet of fire spearing through my body. I thought I could feel the next jet every centimeter of the way as it raced down his prick to spurt forth into the heart of my soul. For the third time my own seed spit out, but the sensations were a mere footnote to the main event. Again and again the flames seared my gut, while I convulsed in pleasure.


I awoke. Light poured in from windows set along the tops of the warehouse walls. I noticed I was untied. I rested on the broad chest of Bill, the huge stud that fucked me last. The wiry body hair that matted his muscled pecs tickled my face. His bulging arms surrounded my torso, holding me to him. I softly rubbed my hands over the biceps of his 60cm arms. My ass rested on his groin, my legs splayed widely over the massive tree trunks that were his own thighs. I couldn't help but notice that his massive and still mostly hard member was plugged solidly inside me.

We were on some old mattresses that had been spread on the floor. Johnny lay on his side next to us. He was awake and stared deeply into my eyes.

"I see you're back with the living, Sam. It looked like you had more fun than we did last night. Jimmy and Earl had to leave early, but you can help me with my morning stiffness if you want."

"Sure, I'd love too. You know I'd fantasized about making it with a big black stud, but I had never expected anything like last night. First I thought you would rob and kill me. Then I thought you might fuck me to death. When you and Bill were plowing me I didn't care whether I died because I would have died happy."

Johnny got up and stood above my face, his muscled legs spread wide to straddle the broad chest of his sleeping friend. He lowered his half hard penis toward my lips that opened wide to allow it to enter. I went to work on the head with my tongue as my mouth maintained a steady suction. I flicked across the slit tasting a mixture of piss and precum. The stimulation caused him to fill out rapidly. He pushed a few centimeter more inside and I shifted the attention of my tongue to the flange of the head and the spot on the bottom were the now retracted foreskin attaches. He pushed in some more until he hit the back of my throat. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get anything so thick down further. We had to settle for about half of him in my mouth and I brought up my hands to work the remainder.

A tightening of the mighty arms surrounding my body announced Bill's return to wakefulness. He instantly realized the situation because I felt him slide his hands down to my hips and begin a slow fuck motion. The feelings from last night flooded back. I sucked desperately at the dick in my mouth while gripping the base of the stout shaft with both hands, using it to anchor my consciousness from the competing sensations in my gut that threatened to overwhelm me once more.

They were both shouting encouragement as we climbed to another crescendo. I couldn't understand the words. My mind was to numb to translate . All I know is some time passed. I felt the pulsing in my ass and the fire burst forth once more. My mouth flooded with cum. I collapsed limply back against Bill's firm chest as Johnny's still spurting shaft pulled through my lips. Four or five more ejaculations coated my face and chest with lines of white. The frenzied pulsing in my ass died away. I struggled to regain my breath.

Bill lifted his body up on his elbows. I looked down across my cum soaked frame to where his dark pole plunged inside my white ass. I never imagined I could take anything near that size within me and actually enjoy it.

"Here, let's help you up," offered Johnny, reaching down to hold me under my arm pits and pull me to my feet.

I'm glad he held me because as he lifted me up Bill's hefty piece was pulled from my depths. The sensation drained the remaining strength from my legs and, if Johnny hadn't held me, I would have crumbled back in a heap. As the bulbous head broke free with an audible pop, the remains of Bill's two massive loads flowed out my distended hole and coated the insides of my thighs.

The reason for the leaking cum and the explanation for my feeling his hot spray became clear. The latex wasn't up to the force of his fucking. The tattered remnants of the condom hung limply around the base of his softening tube.

"I wouldn't worry," reassured Johnny. "That's the first time that happened. It's also the first time he was ever able to get someone to take the whole thing. We'll show you the way to Key West now," he continued, wiping off the cum from my body with one of the rags that bound me last night. "If you want, we can come with you to Key West. I'm sure we could have fun and the hotel won't mind if you have guests in your room."

"I don't know if I can survive two weeks like last night," I replied cautiously. "But, I'm willing to try. They'll never believe me when I get home."

Johnny drove the car over to the small apartment he shared with Bill. While he went in to grab some things, Bill stayed with me and the car. I never felt safer. A few minutes later we were headed south. Johnny drove as usual with me wedged between my two new friends.

I found a place in Key West that would develop some photos discretely so I had no trouble getting my friends to believe me after all. The only downside was that sitting on an airline seat for the long flight home was pure torture.

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Keywords: xxl / untouched / black man / stiff dick / male sex / rape sex / impaled his ass / trunks / domination / legs spread / black cock / butt plug / biceps / gay anal sex / semen / sphincter / lubricant / prostate / in my ass / athlet / my butt / mate / tight ass / buddy / sperm / fuck you / inside me / precum / bulge / young fucker / ass cheeks / penis
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.