Man for Man

Testing Boundaries


I could feel the soft steady breath of my best friend on my cheek as I moved my lips closer and closer to the soft red rubs lips of his. I had been waiting for this moment since the moment I had met him nearly three years ago.


"What the fuck are you doing?"

I must have jumped a full six feet off of the ground; I had all but forgotten that Jason was even there. I had been certain that he had been asleep, and I know from previous experience that he can sleep through a lightning storm. Or so I thought.

The sound of Jason's voice must have stirred Luke from his slumber, because he rolled around a bit then settled down, and while his eyes were still closed I could tell that he was waking up. I looked back up at Jason and I could see a mixture of confusion and anger in his eyes. I tried to calm him down. "It's nothing Jas, what are you yelling about." I spoke quietly.

"Bullshit Chris I saw what you were doing."

"What are you two yelling about?" Luke looked over at us from his sleeping bag. His blonde hair was messed up so that it fell over his brown eyes. His facial features were boyish so the fourteen year old looked more like he was eleven.

I tried to speak but Jason managed to beat me to it. "Luke you're not going to believe this, I just woke up and Chris was trying to fucking kiss you."

Luke looked at Jason. "Dude keep your noise down would you, my parents will hear you."

Jason and I kind of looked at each other, it was the reaction that neither of us had been expecting. I wondered whether there was hope for me yet, or if Luke had missed what Jason had said.

Jason wasn't willing to take that chance as he said in a slightly quieter voice. "Dude did you hear me, he was going to kiss you... While you were asleep."

Luke was silent for several of the longest moments of my life. He slid into a sitting position resting his back against the couch. He looked at me and asked. "Is it true Chris?" His tone was soft, not angry or anything similar.

But I was still not sure about telling him the truth. I knew that it was seriously risking our friendship. But there was a part of me that was tired of wondering. That wanted to know for sure whether my feelings were reciprocated. In the end it was this part of me that won out over the fear side. I stared deep into Luke's eyes. "Yes."

I saw Luke's face change at least half a dozen changes over the next few moments. I saw confusion, surprise, hurt, and fear. But I didn't see any anger. "I think we should just go to sleep."

Again Jason and I looked at each other in shock at Luke's reaction. I felt pure elation that he wasn't going to hate me.

But Jason was adamant, I was more then slightly surprised how quickly someone that I had considered one of my best friends turned against me. "You're kidding right Luke. I mean you really wanna sleep next to that faggot. I mean he just admitted to wanting to kiss you."

Before I could react Luke was up out of his sleeping bag and grabbing a hold of Jason's night shirt. "Shut the fuck up Jason; don't speak about him like that. He's my best friend and Ill kick your arse."

I felt like jumping for joy, the fact that Luke considered me to still be his best friend meant the world to me. I stood up out of my bag and watched as Luke was right up in the taller boy's face.

Jason while only being a month and a half older then Luke stood a full two inches taller; he was in fact the tallest boy in our class. While Luke was the second shortest. But you wouldn't have known that from the way they were standing at this moment. Jason looked frightened at the aggressiveness. "Whoa Luke calm down."

Luke released the hold he had on the older boy but he didn't back away. "Apologise to Chris Jason." When Jason didn't make any move to obey the order Luke said a little more sternly. "Apologise Jason or get the fuck out of my house."

I think Jason thought that Luke was joking because he giggled. "Come on Luke, if anyone should have to leave its that fag over there."

Luke hit him, I couldn't believe it Luke actually punched the bigger boy. It wasn't enough to knock him unconscious but it was enough to cause Jason to fall to the ground. "You're out. Get your stuff and go home."

Then Luke turned around and picked up Jason's sleeping bag and overnight bag and started to carry it towards the front hallway of his house.


Jason picked himself up off of the floor and after shooting a death glare in my direction Jason stalked after Luke. "Come on Luke you can't be serious. It's three o'clock in the morning. I can't go home now."

Luke opened the door and placed Jason's stuff on the stoop. "You will just have to explain to your Mum why I kicked you out."

"Yeah I'll tell her it's because I caught you and your boyfriend kissing."

I could hear the desperation in Jason's voice. Luke didn't reply, but after a few more moments of silence I heard the front door close. Then moments later a angry looking Luke walked back into the lounge room.

Luke didn't say anything as he walked to his sleeping bag and layer back down in it. Once he was comfortable he looked up at me and said quietly. "Night Chris."

I wasn't sure of how I was supposed to react, so I just got back into my own sleeping bag and tried to put the last half an hour out of my mind and go to sleep. "Good night Luke."

We had been lying there for about five minutes and judging from his slow breathing that he was asleep again. After a few more minutes of not being able to sleep I pulled myself up into a sitting position. I wasn't game enough to try and kiss him again, but I just sat there looking down at him in the darkness, watching him sleep.

Suddenly Luke rolled over in his sleeping bag and our eyes met. He looked at me thoughtfully but didn't say anything for a few moments. Then when he did speak it was in a voice so soft I could barely hear it. "Chris why did you try to kiss me?"

I thought about how to answer that question. This was probably my last opportunity to back out, and make up some weird excuse. But I knew I needed to know the truth, which subsequently meant I had to tell him the truth. I took a deep breath. "Because I love you."

I heard Luke gasp in surprise. Then he sat up on the floor and just stared at me dumb founded for several moments. "Really? You mean like love as more," He paused as if uncertain about what he was asking. "More then just friends?"

I nodded my head, I suddenly felt as though I had a frog in my throat. I think it was the realisation that there was no turning back from this point.

Luke again seemed to think about this for a long time. "Okay how long have you felt like this?"

"Pretty much since the first day we met."

Luke again seemed surprised by this answer. He raised his eyebrows at me and I saw an inkling of a bit of a grin as he said. "That long eh! Why am I only finding out now?"

I didn't know what to make of that answer. But I t5hink more then anything else I was relived because it seemed to not going to be too big a problem. "Yeah right Luke like I could have just come out and told you." I gave a slight giggle as I finished.

After a second Luke giggled as well. "You could have you know, I wouldn't have reacted badly." He paused for a few seconds before. "Well I definitely wouldn't have reacted like that jerk."

I looked at him deep in thought. I decided I had to know one hundred percent for sure. "Luke I've got to ask um...Do you like me by any chance." I held my breath as I waited to see what his reaction might be.

Luke frowned and was quiet as he thought about what to say. "Chris yes I like you." I was about to say something but Luke put a finger up to stop me. "Chris I like you, but I'm just not sure how much. You're my best friend, and that will never change, or at least I hope it never does. I hope that this is enough."

I didn't have to think about it at all as I said. "Luke being best friends with you will always be more then enough for me."

Luke turned to me and leant forward, I was confused about what it was he was doing for a moment, before I saw him move his arms out. I leant forward as well and we hugged slightly awkwardly. It was a warm embrace and while over the years we had hugged millions of times I think this was the best one ever.

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Keywords: boyish face / bulls / boy ass / best friend / feet / fucking / gay boy / fuck
In fictional stories it is fine to have sex without condoms, but in reality you should always use a rubber, regardless if you use Prep or not. Prep only protects for HIV, thats why other diaseases spread among Prep users that practice bareback sex.